View Full Version : 2 questions please!

01-02-2014, 05:56 PM
Question 1. I had an echocardiogram would it have showen if I had any blocked artieries???

Question 2.. Like I said I've been having Chet back pain left side also I have a cough and today I brought up clear mucus.. Does this mean I'm sick but I don't feel sick and why does only one side of Chest hurt

01-02-2014, 06:08 PM
Question 1. I had an echocardiogram would it have showen if I had any blocked artieries???

Question 2.. Like I said I've been having Chet back pain left side also I have a cough and today I brought up clear mucus.. Does this mean I'm sick but I don't feel sick and why does only one side of Chest hurt

Echo Cardiogram or Stress/Echo?

Does the pain get worse walking, or walking up steps?

What kind of pain, a dull ache, sharp, does it hurt when you cough?

Does it change when you swallow food or water.

Do you have heartburn?

Have you seen a doctor and expressed your concerns?

01-02-2014, 06:20 PM
Echo Cardiogram or Stress/Echo?

Does the pain get worse walking, or walking up steps?

What kind of pain, a dull ache, sharp, does it hurt when you cough?

Does it change when you swallow food or water.

Do you have heartburn?

Have you seen a doctor and expressed your concerns?

regular echo
no it doesnt get worse walking or walking up steps
its not sharp it hurts my back when i move and chest when i move but otherwise just whenever i can be sitting and it hurts my throat and i just had a coughing attack and it burned

i have seen a doc about 8 months ago who ran a chest xray ct of chest 6 ekgs hoilter monitor and the echo

01-02-2014, 06:48 PM
regular echo..it doesnt get worse walking or walking up steps
its not sharp it hurts my back when i move and chest when i move but otherwise just whenever i can be sitting and it hurts my throat and i just had a coughing attack and it burned...i have seen a doc about 8 months ago who ran a chest xray ct of chest 6 ekgs hoilter monitor and the echo

If it doesn't get worse walking up steps, i.e. under exertion, and you were OK in all those tests, it's assuredly not the heart.

If you had it about the same 8 months ago, it's not progressive.

Do you have asthma? Ever had a pulmonary function test? Do you smoke?

Do you have heartburn or reflux?

01-02-2014, 06:51 PM
I have reflex I had the pulmanary function test 8 months ago .... It wa normal ..... Just quit smoking I smoked for 5 months.... I'm terrified I have lung cancer

01-02-2014, 07:07 PM
I have GERD which is acid reflux and it can cause chain pains that's my main symptom of reflux and I also get that burning sensation in my throat that's the acid backing up in your throat sometimes you can feel it coming up

01-02-2014, 07:24 PM
I have reflex I had the pulmanary function test 8 months ago .... It wa normal ..... Just quit smoking I smoked for 5 months.... I'm terrified I have lung cancer

You've been seeing a doctor, received the proper tests 8 months ago, and he/she knows your concerns. You're not massively short of breath or coughing up dark thick mucus or blood. There's a lot of things that can cause pain where you describe, such as:

".....Musculoskeletal chest pain. The main cause of this kind of pain is the overuse of a muscle or a muscle strain.

....Pulmonary chest pain. Usually this is caused by the lungs in cases of Asthma (difficulty and pain in breathing),.... and Chronic Cough, which worsens the pain because of the strain on the muscles and the irritation in the airways.

Another type of chest pain is the psychological chest pain. In this case, there are no organic causes for the pain but it is rather due to any kind of stress...

Gastrointestinal pain is also another type of pain...."

If you have reflux, have you given up (as appropriate) caffeine, alcohol, and smoking? Do you get plenty of sleep? Do you stop eating 2 hours or more before going to bed?