View Full Version : Do you think this is making my anxiety worse.

01-02-2014, 11:09 AM
My sleep has been so messed up for a long while now. I can't seem to get a regular schedule going with it. Anyway, New Year's eve, I had to get up really early that day, so when I got home, I didn't get to sleep as soon as I should have. So new year's day, I slept the WHOLE day, woke up at night, ate dinner, then went back to sleep for like 3 hours.. I've been up since then. and I just feel so numb, I'm not happy, not sad, not hungry, I only feel like I can't really relax..not even tired enough to sleep.

Could the weird sleep schedule be playing a role in my mood?

01-02-2014, 11:53 AM
Yeah for sure. When you're fragile, all sorts of things can mess you up. Inconsistent sleep being one of them