View Full Version : Medication

01-02-2014, 12:29 AM
Is there any medication to help relieve muscle tension related pains? Going to be several weeks before the SSRI's bulid up effective levels. Dr upped my beta blocker to 40mg once a day but up to x3 of them in a day if i'm having a bad day.

Hasn't stopped the aches and pains every minute of every day; not that I really expcted it to. It's very early days (5 days inot taking the meds). Virtually all of the aches and pains can be attributed to muscle tension and I know they're all caused by anxiety and stress.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever had a medication to combat this as pain killers don't do anything. The past couple of weeks the pains have been utterly debilitating and i've had all of this week off from work due to lack of sleep and intense physical pains.


01-02-2014, 03:52 AM
Yes,..get a tube of some muscle rub cream (I mention this alot) and rub it in, massage the muscle, it will help. Is it your calves, back muscles?
Also, potassium, magnesium, zinc,..they do not work unless taken together or eat a banana with a magnesium/zinc tablet. about 200mg Mag 50mg Zinc....
Also, if none of the above seem to help..try some valerian/ginger/and or turmeric as they can be gotten individually here. (valerian smells like that of a horse, nasty)....

Looks like you're on the road to stabile success too!!!...YAY!!! :)

01-02-2014, 07:23 AM
Yes there are - The benzodiazepines. They not only possess anxiolytic but muscle relaxing properties as well. Try to get diazepam or clonazepam. Other meds include muscle relaxers-
Carisoprodol (Soma)
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)


Unfortunately all above are prescription only.

01-02-2014, 12:11 PM
Dr told me he's unwilling to prescribe me anything stronger than Naproxen (anti inflammatory). I have Naproxen left from my epididiymitis (which is now chronic and incurable). I've been taking it today as the Epididy has been flaring up bad the past 72 hours. Dr said they'd help with the pain of anxiety related muscle spasms.

Guess what? Hasn't worked at all. Still been getting severe arm pain on and off all day as well as shoulder pain and some rib/chest pain. I've had severe left arm pain a couple of times and just had to cope with it. But the medication he said would work hasn't. This whole week i've had sketchy sleep and 2.5 days off work.

He even said to me that after 4-6 weeks on citalopram and the anxiety pains might not even resolve themselves. Not exactly a way to make me feel confident. I'm at a loss with what to do now. I've hinted 3 times towards wanting benzos with 3 different GP's and every single one has avoided it entirely.

I'm wondering if they're doubtful because of my past cannabis abuse. But with pains this severe i've got no idea what to do now. I know they'll pass eventually but I don't want to just have to cope. There's nothing worse than severe pains such as these and taking days off work.

My Dr said it'd be best to have some time off work. he understood my plight that my manager's aren't understanding towards my anxiety. I look fine so surely I can't be in pain every day. he said he'd write me a letter if the manager's were difficult about my recent absence.

What muscle rub do you recommend? We have deep heat here but that has an anti inflammatory in it so I couldn't use it in conjunction with the Naproxen. I don't have access to money to buy any supplements at the moment.


01-02-2014, 12:44 PM
I truly understand the physical pain that goes with the anxiety. I hated waiting for my Zoloft to be at prime effectiveness when I began taking it. I was given Xanax to take during that time frame, but I had difficulty taking it because everytime I took it, I would get way too mellow and just start crying. I couldn't wait to stop taking it.

Here in the USA, I have found a natural product called Hyland's Calm. It does not contain any prescription drugs, and is all natural. It will certainly mellow you out and make you relax. I've taken it at bedtime before (because it does cause drowsiness) and just remember feeling very calm and content. If you can't find that, perhaps going to an indoor heated pool and just free floating will help calm your body and relax it. Perhaps just a nice hot bath with some aromatherapy added to the water?

Just some suggestions. I hope you find something that will relax your body. Good Luck.

01-02-2014, 01:34 PM
I got benzos on the floors around here gurrllll....LOL!! They're erwhere!!! :)

01-03-2014, 02:43 AM
Yes it seems UK Dr's are less willing to give out benzos. I had them once when i had a panic attack at the Dr's. Was trembling, barely able to speak and even then he gave me 5mg and they did bugger all. Today the pain has gone in my arms and shoulder. General feeling of tiredness and muscle fatigue in that area. Seems it's now back to the epididy running riot.


01-03-2014, 02:47 AM
How are you doing today bruh, abit hard for me to tell (brain is in 4am mode here) after trying new medication to help with neuropathic (nerve) pains....

Feeling abit better I hope?


01-03-2014, 04:26 AM
Not really. The fact the Epididymitis is now chronic means i've got to live with it for the rest of my life or until it "burns out". It's still an enigma to Urologists and surgery has less than 50% success rate. So i'm stuck with munching on pills that don't realyl work. Dont' really want to keep using NSAID's so i've ordered ginger and also turmeric capsules. Apparently it takes about 4 weeks to build up to effective levels. But i'd rather natural anti inflammatories as opposed to drugs which are harsh on the stomach.


01-03-2014, 05:34 AM
Natural muscle relaxers..Did you look into valerian yet? It may also be another effective alternative too bruh....:)
Some other ones are oregano (works well) and also believe it or not, turnip greens too (works pretty quickly)....and yummy if flavored right.


01-03-2014, 07:55 AM
I'll have to give it a go. Thanks for the advice. It's strange now the anxiety aches have come on and the epididy has gone. Ach my body is confusing. I mean I know there's inflammation there so it's actually a real condition i'm being affected by. Yet at the same time it's often acting like an anxiety symptom does where it'll be intense and then something else comes along and other symptoms are less severe or fade away entirely.


01-03-2014, 09:36 AM
Hi raggamuffing, it is awful with the docs in England, I had read the article about their opinion of benzos. So you rather die of anxiety or do something to your body, as long as you do not get addicted to benzos'

That's total BS. I have many friends living in England and your health care is worse than Canadian. Canadian is bad too.
My doc the psychiatrist is not keen on Ativan, I am not keen on it too. I take clonazepam and gabapentin , which helps for my chronic pain too.
Naproxen is the worst medication, it is effective but your stomach will suffer.. I can not take even one pill without elevating my blood pressure and constant stomach pain.
Ask for Arthrotec , it is easier on stomach and works as well as naproxen.
If you looking for natural antiinflamatory use creams with calendula and arnica, Nettle tea works well too , but do not use if you have BP problems and are on meds, also with the blood thinners is not allowed.