View Full Version : CBT

Go To Sleep
02-09-2008, 10:14 AM
So um, im feeling pretty down.

I basically got this moped for christmas so i took the cbt test, and failed it because i couldent do a figure of 8, which is pretty damm tricky, literally the night afterwards i could pull it off perfectly in a parkinglot with my dad so i put it down to nerves and stuff.

Took it again, did everything perfectly. When i got on the road i felt quite bad but then i saw the fun in driving it and i was fine. Up until i had to go in front and i kept forgetting to do some minor stuff which lowered my confidence (had the radio link so the guy could remind me).

As you can imagine it was just downhill from there, i kept forgetting more stuff, such as make sure your hard on the left when going left around a round about .etc and a lapse in concentration made me make one very bad mistake, i was expecting the guy to just take me off the road but he seemed understanding.

Just like before i lost all my confidence and at the end (at least i got that far eh?) he just said i should come back again and repeat it (godknows if it will be free this time).

So as you might guess my dad was majorly pissed, but mainly upset. My older brothers have all had trouble learning (have yet to pass) to drive too so he was on the phone telling his mom that he dosent think any of us will ever be able to drive, never seen him that upset before. I just dont think he understands.

I feel so ashamed at how much ive failed but i realise ive got to try and stay positive and stand my ground if i have any hope of ever passing. This like the worst thing ive ever done.

I was wondering is the feeling of feeling disconnected from reality a syntom of anxiety?, because ive used this to overcome anxiety in the past and if its just another form of it, then i just havent made much progress.

Looking at what ive just written i sound like abit a pussy : /
But yeh id love to hear what you have to say.etc

Im 16 and in my first yr of 6th form if that helps.

02-09-2008, 04:00 PM
My sister is the most outgoing person in the world but when she took her driving test she was all over the place - it took her 12 tests to finally pass!

It's not uncommon to feel nervous during a driving test and MANY people will tell you that they completely ballsed up a move they never got wrong whilst learning.

It doesn't sound as though you have an anxiety disorder, it just sounds as though you've perhaps took your test too soon and/or are under too much pressure from your brothers and dad.

If I were you I'd put off any further tests for a few weeks and concentrate on learning and perfecting moves. Then go for your tests but DON'T tell anyone you're taking it, so it takes the pressure off you and try and relax as much as you can before taking the test.

If nerves still get the better of you perhaps you should see your doctor who should be able to prescribe you something to help with the nerves.


Go To Sleep
02-16-2008, 06:44 AM
My dad is actually punishing me for not passing, he's not gonna give me a lift to work which means ive gotta spend at least an hour communting when ive got school work to do. He was absolutly furious that i dident pass, saying i wasent paying enough attension .etc.

But can anyone awnser my question?, is feeling disconnected from reality a symptom of anxiety? coz i was feeling seriously spaced when i was at work last and it was interupting how efficient i worked.

Go To Sleep
02-22-2008, 09:15 AM
Damn finally passed


Said it was a bottom rung pass and i needed more practice.

I kept forgetting instructions and of course all the highway code id revised went straight over my head :|

I need a hug :P

02-23-2008, 04:04 PM
Being nervous is a killer for ability. When i was learning to drive the instructor had me do all the skills - 3 point turns, hill starts, etc. I always had problems with hill starts when driving. Reverse parallel park, piece of cake.

Guess what failed me when I went for my licence? Bitchy instructor, got my nerves up by barking instructions less than 50m from where I had to turn, and I stuffed the park. The only skill I had not gotten wrong ONCE during practice!

Family was more surprised than anything when I said I failed, as they expected me to do fine. I practiced a little more, went for a second test and cleen-sheeted it. Confidence much higher the second time.

Now that you've passed, write down all the things he tested you on and practice them on your own time in an empty parking lot until you're happy it's second nature.

Also, feeling spaced out is a symptom of anxiety for sure. Your mind's churning over something so the things that are going on around you take a back seat. I find it's good to take a walk or find something low-pressure to talk about - small talk. It'll distract you from your problems and you'll feel better.

Congrats on passing btw :D

Go To Sleep
02-23-2008, 06:23 PM
Thanks alot random that means alot to me.

Gonna take it out on the road tommorow with my friend, hes got a radio link 8)

My Dads putting mad pressure on me to ride it to work/school asap now now now, which is gay but he can go shuve it :roll: