View Full Version : can I get some honest opinions on this?

01-01-2014, 10:03 PM
How often do you find yourself debilitated by your anxiety. Where you can't get out of bed for fear of any sudden movement will be a heart attack, (as an example) as I stated before, I have had panic disorder for more than 5 years. No fear of people or crowd's...no ocd just panic disorder. What I just described as debilitating...this only just recently started happening..I think as a result to a tramatic event,,,involving my heart..go.figure. anyways, do you think.I will snap out of this? I would usually only panic randomly and I got so used to it I could kick an attack in a matter of minutes. Now I feel like I'm spiraling out of control. I haven't worked in 7 days. All excused by my Dr thank God. I'm afraid of going back tomorrow because that's actually where the heart incident happend. Anyone been in a similar situation. ..how did you cope.,,,and how long did it take?

01-01-2014, 11:41 PM
Ah, returning to the scene of the crime. It's hard to do at first, going back to a place where you had a bad experience. I think the more you do it and confront your fears, the easier it gets. Not to say it's easy the first few times. You just have to keep telling yourself that everything is fine, you're going to be fine, you are still in familiar surroundings with people you know. Is there someone at work that you're close to that you could confide in? Like a support system to help talk you down if you start feeling anxious? If so, that's where I'd start. I think it provides a lot of mental ease just knowing someone else knows what's going on and can be there to help you out if you need it. As for how long to readjust? I think that depends on how quickly you can get your thought patterns back to normal, where you're not constantly fearful or thinking about "what if this happens again?!" I feel what you're going through. I've been there myself. In fact, I still find myself in these situations sometimes. Don't try to handle it alone if you don't have to. Seriously. Much easier with people who care about you that you trust to help out. And you have to get out of that bed. Easier said than done, but the longer you lay there imagining the "what ifs", the harder it's going to be to overcome your fears. You're going to be just fine. Now take those first steps. You don't have to push yourself to the brink, but if you can get through the worst parts, you'll know you can conquer this.

01-01-2014, 11:42 PM
May I ask what you experienced that was heart related? And have you been assessed by a physician?

01-02-2014, 12:00 AM
Hiya i work in a hospital on a ward and the management are horrible,u couldnt go to them for nothing,they tell everybody your business,anyway i havnt had anxiety for yrs but i had the fear of feeling my heart beating with the first anxiety so that fear has never gone,but lately i woke up weeks ago and my heart was racing and i didnt know what to do so i went downstairs and opened the door it went after about 10 mins,but then in work i was fine ran down to the shop came back to the ward and had to go down to xray to get something came back to ward and in my head i was thinking my heart so it went fast i had to try and act normal i couldnt just walk off the ward so i went into a room and opened a window it did eventually go down,then i could feel palps all the time and went into work and mentioned it to one of the nurses and then my heart started going faster so they said to get an ecg done and got my bloods done aswell but they was fine,my doctor only gave me a sick note for a week but am going back today to see doc but i dont think i can go back there,i am thinking about looking for another job,its the embarrassment of seeing the other girls in work because i stayed off over christmas:((

01-02-2014, 12:12 AM
That sucks when you can't trust anyone you work with. Yeah, I'd say it's time to consider another job, fisher. I can't imagine sticking it out with a job where I felt like I didn't have a few allies or friends.

01-02-2014, 12:40 AM
Oh its horrible,i can walk in the dayroom were everyone is before we go on the ward and knowbody says hiya when u walk in,i feel like some of them only speak to me once were on the ward because they have to,there is so much pressure in the job now,they expect more and more from u and not enough staff:((

01-02-2014, 01:10 AM
May I ask what you experienced that was heart related? And have you been assessed by a physician?

I had what I believe to be a sinus arrest
Due to low potassium. That's how it felt anyways. Doctor hasn't confirmed..won't find out until the 10th. I know that a lot of my heart feelings are just anxiety because if it gets really bad I'll take a benzo and it will go away, and that wouldn't make sense as far as a heart problem goes, I'm hoping this was an isolated incident and a reminder to be healthier and Live healthier. On the plus side I haven't smoked for 7 days.

01-02-2014, 01:14 AM
May I ask what you experienced that was heart related? And have you been assessed by a physician?

To clarify, I have seen a Dr. Actually several..I thought it was a. Ha I won't say the word but you know what I mean. I went by ambulance. They did tests,.saw low potassium gave me a supplement said I was fine and to go home, follow up visit next day they put a holter monitor on me and I know.that caught some big. Palpitations which Will be good to find out why. Did an echo also. So the appt in the 10th is to go over all of the results. I hope it's an isolated incident with the potassium. ..but anxiety brain tells me.differently.