View Full Version : Please help me. I can't stand this.

01-01-2014, 06:27 PM
My friend. my best friend. The girl I love, is planing on running away. She told me about it, and now I cant stop worrying. For three days I've been worrying and trying to convince her. there have been multiple Times where I was trembling or could physically hear my heartbeat. I also spilled my heart out to her.
Here is the conversation:
Me:Alright <name>. If you are going to leave, now is as a good a time to say it. I've got a lot of fucking feelings for you. Its hard. I don't care if I have you, but I do care about if I'm around you. You can have whoever you want, but I want to at least be your friend. I want to be around you. I want to know you're safe. And this is the most stupid thing I've ever said, but its true. I'm sorry. If there is anything that can make you stay, let me know. Again, I'm sorry. And if you're going to leave, keep in touch with us, please.

Her: Wow

Me: Yeah, I know I'm pathetic. But I want you to stay.

Her:You are not pathetic, that was very sweet. But I am in love, it hurts me to have to tell you this, but u have liked you before. But now, I'm happy with who I am with but I'm not happy with where I am. That is why I want to leave. And I care about you a lot too, and our friends as well, but I need a break from everything here. And soon. Not a year from now.. Soon.

Me:Alright. Well, thanks for telling me that. And I'm glad you're happy with who you are with, I understand it. It's just that I don't want you to throw your life away and then someing goes wrong. And I don't want to never see you again. I don't want something to happen to you and wonder all my life if you are okay. Because I'm that kind of person. If I don't get closure, it will haunt me. So at least keep in touch. And plan this out. Find out where your going to stay. Don't hitchhike, get someone you trust. Hitchhiking is dangerous. Then leave. But I pray to god you don't.

Her: You're too sweet for your own good. Save that for your true love. don't waste it on me

That's an excerpt. Knew about her boyfriend, but its a long distance relationship. she's not even running away to be with him. She won't tel me why, though. its eating me away. On top of all that, I have another friend who is suicidal. Some girl is tweetong me, asking for help, because she says she self harms. I just want to help them. I don't want to loose my friends. they are all I have. please help

01-01-2014, 07:14 PM
The best thing you can do is talk to them and convince them to get help with whatever is going on. For the friends you think will harm themselves you need to tell their closet family member so they also can help! They may be mad at you initially but eventually they will thank you