View Full Version : This time i know its lung cancer!!

01-01-2014, 05:47 PM
Been havin pain in my left chest and back also breathless... I'm 21 smoked for a year in highschool 18 years old smoked for about 5 months now just quit yesterday .... 8 months ago I had a pulmanary function test x ray and ct scan... I'm terrified I have lung cancer !!!!!! Please help!!!

01-01-2014, 05:51 PM
I also have a cough and phlegm in my throat

01-01-2014, 05:55 PM
Do you know how flexible your body is when you're young?

When I was your age, I abused my body, got drunk every night, smoked, took drugs, ate things I was allergic to. I bounced back the next week. I wouldn't worry about one year and a bit of smoking. It's good you've quit though, as when you get older, that flexibility decreases.

Pain in chest and breathlessness are both signs of anxiety. I had a sickness bug a couple of weeks ago. My chest muscle was so sore, I felt a very similar worry. I could pinpoint mine to trauma, whereas you maybe can't. But the trauma is still there, this time from stress. Your muscles are so tight right now they're probably like elastic bands pulled all the way back, ready to snap. That's gonna feel like some very serious things, but it isn't.

You may have a bit of a viral thing too. It's that season. Both can get in your chest, make you breathe a little funny. It could be setting off the anxiety and making you fight two things.

Lung cancer is a pretty darn serious condition. A little anxious breathlessness, at 21, after having clear scans? Heck, I'm more likely to be sick than you :p I've only had one blood test lately.

How long have you had anxiety? It's ok to feel like this for a while, but you gotta start getting better dear. You're young, I'd hate you to waste that on this bullshit. I'm 24 now, I wasted a lot of good years on that anxiety nonsense.

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 06:31 PM
Anyone who says 24 is old makes me wanna smack then with a dead fish. I'm 19 and practically engaged to a man who's 26 and HE'S not old!!!

As for you fearing lung cancer.... Girl do you even know how much tobacco it takes to cause lung cancer. There's 80 year old men who've been smoking since they were 12 with no lung cancer. What you have is anxiety. Like (james i think it is?) said, your chest muscles are TIGHT right now which will naturally cause pain. Ever tried doing 50 sit ups at once? Your abs HURT afterwards. Your chest is bound to hurt too and yes that can reach around to your back.

The phlegmy stuff is probably a respiratory infection of some sort. I've had bronchitis before and have hacked up some pretty nasty stuff that was sitting in my lungs. I think you'll be just fine.

01-01-2014, 06:38 PM
Pretty nicely put by my red head pal. Jesse btw, not James. James is a joke name people call me. :)

I found a gray hair Olive! It's over!!

01-01-2014, 06:44 PM
Thanks guys it's terrible I this fear!!!! I jus want it to go way!!!! Is it possibly with how much I smoked and the time frame I had the test to get cancer???

01-01-2014, 06:46 PM
My mum (Mom) has smoked for 59 years, I have chewed tobacco for 32 years,...so chill out!!! NO CANCER!!!!...(sigh)......

Yes, I see that now too James,...a gray hair! OMGAWWDDD!!! :)

01-01-2014, 06:48 PM
Are you getting any help or treatment for your anxiety condition mkgirl?

01-01-2014, 06:48 PM
Zoloft 50 mg

01-01-2014, 06:55 PM
No therapy?

01-01-2014, 06:57 PM
mk girl; 4 years ago my doctor said; "you quit smoking and we need to do xrays" I said ok. Xrays came with something on the lower part of right lung. I freaked out, cancer , CANCER.... cancer actually run in my family and I was very heavy smoker for three decades. So CT scan and finally i got the results, No cancer, just some damage from the excessive smoking, who knows..... No Cancer....

I did not sleep or eat or do anything when I was waiting for results. I almost killed myself guessing that I am as good as dead.
Please do not this to yourself, you have no idea that thinking about it is programming your brain, you influence your body, you do.
I seen a few threads of yours, I think they are yours with new symptoms. stop googling it for your own good.
Please keep us up to date :)

My mom smoked for whole her life, like two packs a day and she never got cancer, she died because of her heart, My brother got cancer, heavy smoker for 40 years but not in his lung. He is free of cancer for like 5 years. Other is smoking 50 cigs a day no cancer, so why do u worry so much and make your anxiety worse?

01-01-2014, 07:06 PM
Hey, my name is Candace and I am 20 years ago I have fears like that also if it's not me thinking I'm gone have a heart attack it's me thinking I have a brain tumor, a brain aneurism, cancer whatever! It's time consuming cause everyday you thinking something wrong! I have been to the hospital literally like 40 times in the last 2 months and that number is not exaggerated! It's hard to think positive it really is hard to program your mind that nothing is wrong and eveything will be okay! I sleep 2 hours a day go to sleep wake within 2 hours then I be up all day for the rest of the day and it starts again! I can't sleep cause I always think I'm gone die or something going to happen! It's not a good feeling! I truly understand your pain

01-01-2014, 07:23 PM
cdf frank you need to be on meds and therapy. Obviously you are suffering with anxiety.
I had never seen you posting ten threads about the cancer heart attack or others. Everyone is sick here and threads like that cause more anxiety for us. Us I mean a huge group of people, who are trying to be helpful and understanding..

01-01-2014, 07:32 PM
I entered this forum a whole ago but I just start coming on here consistently because it's people on here who go through the same things and it's helpful for me but sometimes I see threads that start more anxiety and it discourage me from coming back on here! I'm starting therapy they prescribed me Xanax and prosac but I take neither! I'm not a medicine taker

01-01-2014, 07:39 PM
cdfrank sometime being a moment of your life on meds can help you to get some peace. When we are calm we function better. After calming time you will learn how to cope without the meds. just take them when they are absolutely necessary. You are very young and I am sure you will recover and have a beautiful life. :)

01-01-2014, 07:41 PM
I know :-( I have to take them I'm just scared to take the meds because of the side effects but I'm struggling bad and I know I have to take some type of medicine!

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 07:44 PM
Pretty nicely put by my red head pal. Jesse btw, not James. James is a joke name people call me. :) I found a gray hair Olive! It's over!!

Are you sure it's not just a highlight? ;P

01-01-2014, 07:48 PM
Are you sure it's not just a highlight? ;P

Hm no, you look a natural red head to me...

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 07:49 PM
I know :-( I have to take them I'm just scared to take the meds because of the side effects but I'm struggling bad and I know I have to take some type of medicine!

I'm getting over my anxiety without using meds. It was 4.5 months of struggling and fighting but I'm finally reaching the top of the hill I believe. Mostly just gotta get rid if my derealization spells.

I'm on a lot of natural supplements that boost serotonin. You can research those if you dont wanna go the meds route. It takes about a month before you start seeing a difference but there IS a difference. The rest of it is changing your train of thought and coming to peace with what you're afraid of. It's essentially winning back your logical thought process. Meds aren't ALWAYS the way to go. There are other options if you're willing to stick it out and fight for what you want with all you have.

01-01-2014, 07:51 PM
That's what I want to do I just want to fight through itnwithoutnhaving to use medicine because it's not fine be there all the time! I don't want to have to take medicine all my life!

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 07:52 PM
Hm no, you look a natural red head to me...

I meant your gray hair!!

And I'm a strawberry blonde. Right now I have red highlights because I like red better and the highlights just bring out my natural color...... Here's me without highlights


Got more of a blondish tint. (I'm also naturally curly)

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 07:56 PM
That's what I want to do I just want to fight through itnwithoutnhaving to use medicine because it's not fine be there all the time! I don't want to have to take medicine all my life!

I hear ya! That's same as me. My real turn around was when I started figuring out my fears.... I was terrified of dying... And I suppose I still am... But i'm not as scared about DEATH as I used to be.... I'm a Christian and I came to terms with what my roll would be after I had died and that really helped me to not be so afraid.... I also mentally yelled at myself a lot lol. Telling myself to quit being so illogical and that all of my so called "problems" started when I developed anxiety disorder. Once Logic started to set in... So did relaxation.

01-01-2014, 07:58 PM
I hear ya! That's same as me. My real turn around was when I started figuring out my fears.... I was terrified of dying... And I suppose I still am... But i'm not as scared about DEATH as I used to be.... I'm a Christian and I came to terms with what my roll would be after I had died and that really helped me to not be so afraid.... I also mentally yelled at myself a lot lol. Telling myself to quit being so illogical and that all of my so called "problems" started when I developed anxiety disorder. Once Logic started to set in... So did relaxation.

That's what I'm dealing with right now...... I'm afraid of dying and I'm also a Christian I just don't know where the fear comes from and how to diminish it I'm a way where it's not consuming and taking over my life

01-01-2014, 07:59 PM
I meant your gray hair!!

And I'm a strawberry blonde. Right now I have red highlights because I like red better and the highlights just bring out my natural color...... Here's me without highlights


Got more of a blondish tint. (I'm also naturally curly)

Your eyes are... amazing.

If you wear glasses regularly, you should get Lasik!

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 08:04 PM
Wow o.o uh thanks! :) i have contacts that i wear when I'm not wearing glasses

01-01-2014, 08:33 PM
Olive you are so beautiful, a feast for the eyes ;))

01-01-2014, 08:36 PM
*sigh* and another online crush begins. Be still, my beating heart!

01-01-2014, 08:39 PM
jesse this time you are going to lose it:))

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 08:49 PM
Wow y'all are making me blush! And I'm sure cdfrank doesnt want you mooning over girls on her thread.

To clear the air..... I'm engaged... But I really am VERY flattered by the compliments :) you all make me feel like a million dollars so thank you.

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 08:51 PM
That's what I'm dealing with right now...... I'm afraid of dying and I'm also a Christian I just don't know where the fear comes from and how to diminish it I'm a way where it's not consuming and taking over my life

Somethings that have helped me with this:



01-01-2014, 08:57 PM
That awkward moment when you have to tell Olive you were actually talking about crushing on Dahila ;)

Hehe. But me teasing you aside. You look great. No more thread hijacking.

Back to anxiety. Me and Dahila were never here..... *snaps fingers*

Olive Yew
01-01-2014, 09:07 PM
That awkward moment when you have to tell Olive you were actually talking about crushing on Dahila ;) Hehe. But me teasing you aside. You look great. No more thread hijacking. Back to anxiety. Me and Dahila were never here..... *snaps fingers*

Oh very smooth ;P such a charmer.

Yeah so like anxiety and stuffs.... It sucks....

01-02-2014, 06:57 AM
I like the second one very much :)
Anxiety is a bitch and we all know this b****

01-02-2014, 10:53 AM
Anxiety is a bitch, and like any bitch, knock her down from her pedestal, laugh at her and don't give her any attention ;)

01-02-2014, 08:09 PM
Actually that's right, as soon as i start to tell myself that is not real is just f******n anxiety, and keep saying, I am fine I am fine, I am fine, it helps. The problem is it gets to me usually at work, and I have to focus on work. It should take my mind of the anxiety but no...... Bitch is a bitch...

01-02-2014, 08:16 PM

A simple chest x-ray will identify any tumors. I smoked for 16 years and quit recently, i had a chest x-ray a couple of weeks ago and everything was fine, the human body is an amazing machine and can repair itself.

I had cancer when i was 16 and again when i was 19 and i'm still here, so i'm living proof that even cancer can be beaten.

01-02-2014, 09:53 PM
Wow, cancer at 16. That sucks. But impressive you beat it twice!

01-02-2014, 10:13 PM
Yea, cancer in my neck, diagnosed on my 16th birthday and spent 2 years being treated with Chemotherapy. Then it returned just before my 19th again in my neck but had also spread to my chest so i was treated with Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy (Radiation Treatment) for another 2 years.

That seemed to of done the trick. My specialist said it's almost a certainty that it will return again but can't give me any idea when that will be.

I already hold the record at the hospital where i was treated for going the longest amount of time without it returning again. Been in remission for ten years now so i'm expecting it to return anytime and i won't be surprised when it does, i will just have to fight the good fight yet again even if this time it's terminal.

The lesson i learned from Cancer is to never give up fighting, no matter how bleak things seem. The day you stop fighting is the day Cancer wins, and even if you know in the end that it is going to win, keep fighting and don't make it easy for it.

The biggest thing Cancer took from me is my ability to ever have children of my own, and for that i am truly sad. And also the lives of my friends i met in hospital who were not as lucky as me.

If you ever want to see courage and bravery the likes of which you can only imagine, go take a walk through a childrens cancer ward. Truly the most beautiful and amazingly brave people, and also those most grateful for their lives.

01-02-2014, 10:33 PM
Mist it is the most inspiring story, Thank you for sharing with us. You are right, even if you lose you fight to the last breath. I am happy you are with us :))

01-02-2014, 10:38 PM
Wow, that is some post Mist. Here I was, just thinking you were some guy on a forum, but you're not. You're a guy on a forum with a STORY.

What a harrowing experience. I imagine cancer is always bittersweet. Even if you put it into remission, which is an amazing thing, people you have met won't have been so lucky.

Kids wards just cut me up. I'm a big baby in that sense. There is very little that is more unfair in life than that, and what's worse, like you say, is they have amazing spirits. They don't deserve it. They're possess most of the best human qualities, just makes me feel powerless.

I'm a little lost for words. You have a lot of courage to fight it, and live under those circumstances. Heck, it's a motivational post for any single person fighting anxiety. Live life inspite of uncertainty, keep fighting... What a message. I hope things keep holding out for you man.

01-02-2014, 10:56 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys. We all just have to deal with the hand we are dealt as best we can. The hardest thing about my Cancer treatment was seeing little kids and even babys with tubes coming out of everywhere you can imagine and their parents knowing they will only hold them for a few more days.

My years spent in the company of these people was an incredible experience and taught me more about human nature that i ever thought possible, especially the second time around where despite my age they treated me on the childrens ward again because they knew me.

I had a dear friend called Louise, she was 17 years old and had cervical cancer. She was dying and she knew it, but was always smiling and joking with me. In our last week together she faded very quickly and for the first time got quite down and she asked me if i would be her boyfriend.

I stayed with her the whole day and came in to see her the next day with some fresh flowers and a big stuffed cuddly lion because she had the bravery of a lion but i found her room filled with nurses who were making her empty bed up. She had passed away that night in her sleep.

I was heartbroken and cried for weeks, but at least we were boyfriend and girlfriend for one day which was her dying wish to have a boyfriend.

I still have her lion and think of her often, it gives me courage and a sense of love when i think of her.

I know she is free from her pain now and like to think she checks in on me from time to time.

I try and live my life to the fullest and help people where i can and love seeing people help one another. Sometimes i say and do silly things and feel bad because i want to live my life for her too.

I'm rambling now, sorry.

I just want to say that whatever we are all going through, remember that you have inner strength even if you have not yet realized it.

01-03-2014, 01:03 AM
Heartbreaking post Mist. Choked me a little to read actually, and I'm usually hard to get.

I think you carry her spirit well. You have a good outlook on all of your suffering really. I hope a few people catch it from you. I'm still a little lost for words, some very strong last few posts!

01-03-2014, 08:12 AM
Children getting sick is the worst. My 2nd cousin had tumors in her neck at 1 years old, poor little thing.. it's hard for us to watch them go through that, hard for them to have to feel it. Thankfully she is better now. 3 years old now doing great and full of energy.

Anyway, MiST your last couple posts were emotionally hard to read. It's heart-wrenching, your story, but the way you try and choose to remain positive is inspiring to no end. I like how you say we have to just play the hand we are dealt as best we can. Very true. We can't change what's going to happen to us or the ones we love around us. But we can choose how to deal with it. And I just wanted to say thank you for sharing some of your story. It was truly inspiring and you are very strong. Be well, MiST.

01-03-2014, 09:03 AM
Mist I am crying, no kidding......thank you. I hope some people here will read the post and start to think differently.
I am devastated with small children having cancer, now is so many of them. How is it possible that children are born and get cancer.
When one sees so much suffering and suffers himself, the perception of life changes significantly. The spiritual growth is incredible, Mist you know now what is important in life.
It is not us, it is the others. When we do something for others, we receive more than we gave :)
You have dear memories, something which will stay with you to the end of your long life....:) hang on them, they are beautiful...