View Full Version : Bad pain in my trapezius causing fearful swirling thoughts

01-01-2014, 05:01 PM
Anyone have a good remedy to help with the pain? I am so tense that I can barley move my left arm. My neck feels stiff and it goes down to my back. Also since I have so much pain and the fearful swirling thoughts I tend to hunch over which causes my my left pectoral muscle to heart really bad because I tense up and them more fearful thoughts. It is a horrible cycle that is so frustrating. I have had a bad weekend and I have been crying on and off because of the frustration. I am just hoping to get some positive feedback. Thank you all.

01-01-2014, 05:16 PM
Acetaminophen (tylenol)...a hot shower or bath, then some pain relief/muscle rub cream applied to the neck and traps..It's ALL just stress in the neck caused by stressful thoughts in the mind friend.. Nothing more, nothing serious, nothing to fear..just relax and follow those suggestions (epsom salts in a hot bath is awesome too)..


01-01-2014, 06:10 PM
Thank you Enduronman. I know I should not worry but it is so bad.

01-01-2014, 06:27 PM
I have it every single day friend..of course stress, anxiety, and 3 herniated discs in the cervical spine/neck all add up to holy s**t pains...just follow the suggestions and you'll push through this..:)

01-02-2014, 07:21 AM
I have the same thing. Mine's caused by arthritis and bulging discs in my neck. Pinches on the nerves that go down the left side of my body. I used to have full on panic attacks believing that I was having a heart attack or stroke. I ended up seeing a physical therapist and she got me into a hydrotherapy group. It's seriously helped a lot. Taught me how to relax my tense muscles and reduce the pain I was feeling in my trapezius and pectoral muscles.

01-02-2014, 08:34 AM
I suffer from sever trap spasms on my right side. One spasm got so bad it actually tore my trap tendon behind my ear. I was walking around for 8 months with a constant headache. it healed on its own because none of the doctors i saw knew what happened until a neurologist figured it out 3 years later.

The best thing to do is use heat and tylenol. Massages help and even maybe a visit to a chiropractor. When taking a shower, let the hot water hit your neck for a few minutes. Most of all, relax. Don't let your anxiety kick in and take over.

Hope you feel better!