View Full Version : Sore chest and breathless

01-01-2014, 02:22 PM
So I have been breathless since Christmas morning ...... I used to have the same thing but 8 months ago I had a chest X-ray and ct also multiple blood tests and a pulmanary function test.... Tht was all 8 months ago tho and for about 5 months at most I was a smoker.... In also concerned it's lung something cause i have pai in my chest and back.... Someone help please

01-01-2014, 06:55 PM
mkgirl01, you need to relax...if you are fearful of something being wrong with your lungs, then that is why you are having pain in your chest and backs. Because this is where your fear lies, this is where your anxiety will manifest itself. Anxiety and panic play on your fears. I am experiencing higher than usual anxieties right now and as much as I don't like it (hate it), I just accept it and continue telling myself "this too shall pass". You are breathless because when you are having anxiety and panic attacks, you tend to breath more shallow causing you to hyperventilate. This will lead to feeling breathless, lightheaded, dizzy. You have pain in your chest and back because of stress that is caused by the anxiety. You need to find something that relaxes you, and take your mind off of something being wrong with your lungs. Try to do some deep breathing exercises and meditate. Continue to have happy thoughts or calming thoughts and do this whenever you are feeling the most anxious. I hope this all helps you. I understand the fear that is brought about from anxiety. It is not fun, but you need to remember this...anxiety and panic attacks will not harm you physically. You need to mentally not allow the anxiety to cause fear. Hugs.

01-01-2014, 07:12 PM
Strong first post reneek!

One suggestion. Use paragraphs. I like your first 2 posts, I wouldn't want anyone to overlook them as they looked too chunky. :)

01-01-2014, 07:18 PM
There you go again Mk , I remember the moderator trying to explain to you what's going on with you.
Reenek (clapping my hands)

01-02-2014, 08:13 AM
Thanks for the suggestion jesse. I did that on another forum as well and had to start paragraphing!

I only speak from experience as far as what I state. I've been there done that. Like I said on another thread, I've been through the gamut over the past 10 years with this. It is a long story, but the basics are the same. Anxiety stinks and I will do whatever I can to help others who are suffering. It helps me overcome my own when I can relate to another.