View Full Version : Start new job tomorrow ...Sleepless night ahead!

Robert Tressell
01-01-2014, 12:22 PM
well, 3 months after redundancy, i'm starting my new job tomorrow. This is probably the most difficult situation I can put myself in, anxiety wise. Been dreading it all through Christmas, though the crazy thing about this anxiety voice is it's telling me to stay at home and not go, even though the alternative ie no money is worse!
I hate new starts, the pressure, the politics, the spotlight, in a way.
I've really struggled career wise over the last 10 years, I've been quite successful but always haunted by the anxiety and depression demon, it's so tiring keeping it at bay. Add to this the series of crazy increasing targets, shitty back biting politics, and long hours expectation, the modern workplace really can be a tough place for sensitive people.
I'm in hotels away from home over the next week or so during induction, going to be difficult, I hope I don't start sweating and shaking!
Really must get some medication as nothing else seems to work, feel like I've missed the opportunity to try something since losing my job in October, now scared it will affect my new work!

01-01-2014, 01:17 PM
Hope it goes well for you. Always one of the most stressful events, starting a new job. At least it's a positive you have one!

Ah that anxiety voice, I know that one well. Had that really bad when I went back to studying after my break down. Hopefully the first few days will be kinda enjoyable and that usually it puts it to rest.

It's an anxiety dream really, starting a new job. Anxiety is all about uncertainty, and apprehension, and a new job is all about new, often unknown things and people.

Robert Tressell
01-01-2014, 02:42 PM
Hope it goes well for you. Always one of the most stressful events, starting a new job. At least it's a positive you have one!

Ah that anxiety voice, I know that one well. Had that really bad when I went back to studying after my break down. Hopefully the first few days will be kinda enjoyable and that usually it puts it to rest.

It's an anxiety dream really, starting a new job. Anxiety is all about uncertainty, and apprehension, and a new job is all about new, often unknown things and people.

it's crazy isn't it, you'd think i'd be used to it after 6 jobs in 9 years! I've no doubt my anxiety played a role in moving on from some of these jobs, also redundancy and bad luck too. Still managed to maintain a successful career, you'd think this would give me confidence, but my confidence is wafer thin currently. Your description about starting is spot on. I find it hard to cope with uncertainty and change.

01-01-2014, 11:08 PM
Starting a new job entails anxiety for probably everyone. For we anxious people, of course that gets magnified times 1000. Well, here's hoping this is a great job with great co-workers and minimal office politics. I've been in your situation. I'm a graphic designer and working for an ad agency is very stressful with all the big egos exerting their creative prowess. Ugh. I love what I do, but I'd like to choke a few egomaniac prima donnas. I hope your situation is great and a job you'll love. All the best! Keep us posted and of course, log on if you need some moral support. -Jeff

Robert Tressell
01-03-2014, 12:21 PM
Starting a new job entails anxiety for probably everyone. For we anxious people, of course that gets magnified times 1000. Well, here's hoping this is a great job with great co-workers and minimal office politics. I've been in your situation. I'm a graphic designer and working for an ad agency is very stressful with all the big egos exerting their creative prowess. Ugh. I love what I do, but I'd like to choke a few egomaniac prima donnas. I hope your situation is great and a job you'll love. All the best! Keep us posted and of course, log on if you need some moral support. -Jeff

Jeff, everyone, thanks for your good wishes. as always i swallowed hard and got through the first two days unscathed!

Now just to do 3 days away from home next week and i should hopefully start to feel better about the job.

Co workers great but already some interesting comments about management and the targets they require. I'm expected to increase sales in my territory by 400k GBP in 12 months, or my job will be under review. Why do i do it?

Anxiety still high, and lost a lot of sleep. Still i can always look elsewhere whilst in this post. Cheers Everyone, Robert

01-03-2014, 12:42 PM
I meant to come and bump this thread to ask how it went. My memory has been terrible lately, time for some more sleep at night methinks.

Good that your coworkers are nice. That's a big part of work, having nice people to work with.

You'll have to keep on your toes though, it does t sound like they plan to let you slack off lol. I don't know too much about your job, but that sounds like no light task having to bump your sales figures like that.

Robert Tressell
01-03-2014, 01:45 PM
yes, and I wonder why I suffer from anxiety at work!

Sales is a no good career for those with a Poets soul!

01-03-2014, 03:05 PM
Glad you made it through!!!!

01-04-2014, 12:12 AM
Robert, good to hear you made it through those first few days of courtship with a new job. That's a big accomplishment, so be proud of yourself. The thing to keep in mind, no matter how stressful or high-pressure the career, is that when push comes to shove, it's still just a job. Not life or death. Remember that you were looking for a job or contemplating a change when you found this one. All you can do is give it your best. If you meet the sales quota, then great. If you don't? No need to beat yourself up or make yourself sick trying to do it. Seriously. Nothing is more important than your health and happiness. Yes, we all need jobs to survive, but our jobs shouldn't define us. We usually have more options than we think. I've left a high-paying job with an ad agency because I simply got tired of the stress and what it was doing to me physically and mentally. I became my own boss. I earn a lot less money, but I've also scaled back my spending and the way I live. You just have to assess what's really important and eliminate the "stuff" you don't really need sometimes. It hasn't been a perfect road, but overall, it's been a lot better for my health than where I was a few years ago. Just do your best without killing yourself with to please the new bosses or meet quotas. That's all you can realistically ask your mind and body to handle. Hope things go well and the sleeplessness and anxiety go away soon.

Robert Tressell
01-04-2014, 08:10 AM
thanks all much appreciated, now for my second week in the job, this includes a meeting in Manchester with the Global bosses, gulp, I've made up my mind though, no point worrying, just be myself and if it cuts up rough so what.

I have decided though to visit the GP and take some meds. The insomnia and doubt in the hotel at 3am Friday, just unable to switch off, laying there listening to my heart thump. I've had enough. Time to fight back.

01-11-2014, 03:33 AM
We're a fair while into the New Year now Rob. How are you finding your new employment so far?

Robert Tressell
01-11-2014, 08:41 AM
We're a fair while into the New Year now Rob. How are you finding your new employment so far?

got through the second week fine thanks Jesse, had to dig deep though. Doesn't do your anxiety much good though to be put under immediate pressure, being effectively told to find 500k new business this year or else!

Seem to be making progress taking Magnesium, Valerian, camomile tea, plenty of water and a lighter diet.

Will need the intervention of my GP again because what I continue to experience is far from normal. Feel like I've no stamina at all. By means of comparison my new boss works every weekday 7 till 7!

Robert Tressell
05-09-2014, 12:45 PM
Well here's an update, it seems like 5 minutes ago I was filled with dread about starting the new job in January, now due to harsh targets, a bullying manager and unkept promises I've left, and have the appalling prospect of starting the process all over again next week at a new company; I guess I should count myself lucky and take confidence from the fact that offers still come my way, but I feel terrible about starting over and 5 jobs in 9 years is a lot of false starts! Anxiety creates doubt, and doubt shatters my paper thin confidence. I really don't know what i'll do if this job again proves full of corporate bullshitters and target drivers who care nothing for your well being. If I could become a monk, I think I would. Thank god for my understanding wife. I need some peace.

05-09-2014, 05:38 PM
Have you considered taking beta-blockers?

They seem to be suited for workplace-related, daytime anxiety.

They won't help with the insomnia, but they may help with the shaking hands and the flop sweats.

Safer than a benzo, too. And more accessible.

Robert Tressell
05-10-2014, 05:26 AM
Have you considered taking beta-blockers?

They seem to be suited for workplace-related, daytime anxiety.

They won't help with the insomnia, but they may help with the shaking hands and the flop sweats.

Safer than a benzo, too. And more accessible.

Thanks for the suggestion but my GP won't prescribe them as I had asthma as a kid, might try again as it was a long time ago I had asthma!