View Full Version : Need someone to talk to.

12-31-2013, 06:56 PM
Hi. Just looking for someone to talk to. Someone who understands anxiety and panic disorder. Feeling really lonely at the moment because my husband is away overseas, I'm home alone with my three year old son, and I'm sick.
About four weeks ago my ears blocked up, had a raspy throat, and a cough. My Dr gave me some antibiotics because she said I had ear infections. I took the antibiotics, nothing changed. In fact, I ended up with bronchitis. Went back to see my Dr and found out she was away. So I saw the other Dr (my Dr's husband). He gave me more antibiotics. Told me to take the antibiotics and the repeat. I did that. But still wasn't feeling good. Had a bad cough and was feeling very unwell. Eventually, after three weeks I started to get better. Was starting to feel a bit more normal and cough was subsiding. Then last Friday my nose started blocking up. My neck started hurting (glands). Had a temperature and was sweating. I couldn't believe that I was coming down with what I thought was the flu after nearly recovering from bronchitis.
Anyway, Sunday morning I woke up. In the worst pain! The whole left side of my face was in agony. My nose was all blocked up. I felt like my face was going to explode. My Dr's office was closed so I had to go to a local Dr. Saw the Dr and he said I had to start on a stronger antibiotic. One that was specifically for lungs and sinus infections. Along with that he prescribed me prednisolone. A corticosteroid for 5 days. And of cause, pain relief.
Well, I took one lot of the steroids and my sugar levels went thru the roof!! So I stopped taking them. Kept taking the antibiotic. All was semi ok until Tuesday. Tuesday I was in so much pain again and nose was blocked up, started coughing vomiting up hard phlegm. When I blew my nose the mucus was blood stained. So, I went to see my usual Dr's husband (as my dr is still away). He told me to keep taking the antibiotic but to add a cold and flu tablet that contained strong pain relief, and antihistamine and a decongestant. He agreed that the steroid was too risky to take due to the blood sugar. So he gave me a steroid nasal spray that I've had before.
So, Tuesday I started all that. Took first dose of the cold and flu meds. The pain went. It was great. Took the nasal steroid spray. It was great too. Opened up my nose.
Spent New Year's Eve at home with my three year old. At 11pm I was feeling the start of pain in my face again. My next meds were due at 12midnight. So I just held off, put up with the pain. Midnight came. Put my son to bed after watching New Years celebrations on tv. Took my meds. Went to bed. But the meds didn't work! For three hours I rolled around in excruciating pain! I couldn't understand why the meds wouldn't work! They had worked throughout the day. So why weren't they working now! So at 3am I had my mom drive me to a 24hr Superclinic. I saw a Dr I don't know. He was nice though. Agreed that it was my sinuses. I nearly burst into tears there though. I explained to him that I have a severe panic disorder and I was coming up with worst case scenarios in my head. Like, I had sinus cancer or something. He assured me that sinus cancer doesn't present like that. He gave me another antibiotic to add to the one I'm already taking. Plus, nasal drops to open up the sinuses. So, I came home. Cleaned out my nose and sinuses like he said. Used the drops. Within five minutes the nose started to clear a bit. I could breathe. I took some pain meds and went to bed with a heat pack on my face.
Now, this is where I'm freaked? (don't know if that describes it) out right now. I slept for about 3 hrs. When I woke up I had no pain in my face and could still breathe ok. But I felt so spaced out!! Like everything was surreal. The heat pack was still on my face. But I was feeling so weird!! So weird that I was starting to feel nauseous.
Why?!! Lack of sleep? Panic attack coming on? Why aren't I elated that the pain is gone? I literally felt so weird that it felt like my son and I were the only ones on the earth! Lonely!! Hence, the reason I've written this long essay!!!! (sorry, I know it's so long). I keep going over various scenarios in my head. Thinking that maybe something is wrong, even though I'm feeling a bit better. I don't have anyone to talk to until my husband gets back in a couple of days. And I keep wondering when the pain is going to be back. Why?! Why the surreal feeling and the thought of doom and gloom. That something is going to go wrong?!
Does anyone relate to this? How do you get over or thru it? I just need to talk please! I just feel so spaced out. Maybe I shouldn't have taken pain killers on an empty stomach?! Am I getting better?!!! I want to cry!!!! But why?!!!!! Anyone there?!!!!!

12-31-2013, 07:26 PM
Praying for you

12-31-2013, 07:35 PM
...He told me to keep taking the antibiotic but to add a cold and flu tablet that contained strong pain relief, and antihistamine and a decongestant....He gave me another antibiotic to add to the one I'm already taking. Plus, nasal drops to open up the sinuses. So, I came home. Cleaned out my nose and sinuses like he said......But I felt so spaced out!! Like everything was surreal. The heat pack was still on my face. But I was feeling so weird!! So weird that I was starting to feel nauseous.....Why?! Why the surreal feeling and the thought of doom and gloom. That something is going to go wrong?!...

You are indeed on many drugs, two antibiotics, "cold and flu tablet that contained strong pain relief", antihistamine AND decongestant, plus nasal drops?

If I were you, I'd talk with a pharmacist (chemist) to see if any of the drugs you are taking have interactions with others. If you are taking any other prescription drugs, he/she should also be advised of that to compare for additional interactions. Not sure about where you live, but the Pharmacists in the U.S. have Doctorate degrees in Pharmacology. Many (most) Pharmacists are more knowledgeable about medications than most doctors, usually much more.

Decongestants or Antihistamines alone can cause symptoms you describe.

12-31-2013, 08:10 PM
Thanks Backdoc.

12-31-2013, 08:12 PM
Artaud. Yeah, I am on a lot of meds. The Dr's have only prescribed me meds that don't interact with my other meds. I did follow up with the pharmacist and he said that it was ok. I'm in Australia by the way.

12-31-2013, 08:19 PM
Maybe I need some more sleep. Maybe I'm spaced out because of the medication. Maybe I'm just expecting doom and gloom as I've been sick for so many weeks and the fact that I feel remotely better is now weird to me, as I've felt so bad for so long. I just had a big cry (which wasn't the greatest idea.... stuffed up my nose with mucus again). But I just cried and cried because I want to feel well. I don't want to worry about what might or might not happen. I can't live in the moment! I should be happy this very second over the fact that I have no pain right now. But my head is telling me all the things that might or could happen in the hours from now.

12-31-2013, 08:20 PM
I feel so alone!

12-31-2013, 08:32 PM
The Dr's have only prescribed me meds that don't interact with my other meds.

I wouldn't trust the doctors about interactions, if you take prescription meds and always buy them at the same place, the pharmacy should have a system that flags (in the computer) drug interactions. But if you add Over-the-counter meds, the system can't cross reference those, best to ask the pharmacist about OTC meds.

Also, the more and more meds you take, the less predictable interactions are.

12-31-2013, 08:40 PM
The Dr's here have the same computer system that red flags meds against the ones I'm already taking. They know every single med I am on including over the counter meds and herbal meds. And I did check with the pharmacist already. He agrees with the Dr's. He's my usual pharmacist, so he knows my medication history.

12-31-2013, 08:57 PM
I wouldn't trust the doctors about interactions, if you take prescription meds and always buy them at the same place, the pharmacy should have a system that flags (in the computer) drug interactions. But if you add Over-the-counter meds, the system can't cross reference those, best to ask the pharmacist about OTC meds. Also, the more and more meds you take, the less predictable interactions are.

If I can't trust the Dr's, who am I supposed to trust?

01-01-2014, 03:14 AM
If I can't trust the Dr's, who am I supposed to trust?

The pharmacists. I'm not saying doubt the doctors, I'm saying confirm interactions with the pharmacists.

I had a doctor that wanted to put me on a Calcium Channel Blocker, when I was already on a Beta Blocker. I told him that I read that you're not supposed to take both. He tried to tell me that was nonsense. When I continued to insist, to prove to me that it was OK, he called his friend, who was a cardiologist. When he got off the phone, he said to me that he was going to take me off the Beta Blocker and put me on the Calcium Channel Blocker. Odd isn't it, he had moments before said it was safe. See below, it took me seconds to find the following on the internet, just to confirm to you that there is a reason why they usually aren't taken together.

"Combination therapy using calcium-channel blockers and beta blockers in patients with ..........has gained much popularity, but remains highly controversial because of the potential for serious additive deleterious hemodynamic or electrophysiologic reactions."

I take Phentyoin for seizures. Phenytoin has interactions with a lot of drugs due to the way the drug is metabolized in the liver. I've had to several times correct the doctor when he prescribed antibiotics and other meds due to this interaction. I went to Pharmacy Technician School, only finished 5 months of the 6 month course. Technicians aren't Pharmacists, they just fill the prescriptions under the guidance of a Pharmacist, and they don't make a lot of money. Nevertheless, I did learn a thing or two. One of those things is the term Polypharmacy. What they meant by that is getting your prescription drugs from several pharmacies. The problem with that is the computer system that the Pharmacist uses to "fill the prescription" is designed to flag serious interactions. If I get Phenytoin at one pharmacy, and certain antibiotics at another, if the computers don't realize I'm on both drugs, they won't be able to show the interaction.

Trust but verify, that's what I'm saying.

01-01-2014, 09:03 AM
I get anaphylaxis, when I take aspirine, and my doctor still prescribed Mobicox or something like that which could cause it. Pharmacy is the place to check this things. For flue you should look in more of natural things instead of OtC drugs, they are not good. Antihistamine will cause the feeling of glood , doom and loneliness. Have been there. Try to take less, and you are going to get better.
I would not take any meds if I did not check myself for the interaction. Doctors do not know ....

01-02-2014, 10:49 AM
I would not take any meds if I did not check myself for the interaction. Doctors do not know ....

I check online, and clarify any concerns with a pharmacist.

I have morning pills and some different pills in the evening. One day, on the way to therapy, rushing to get out of the house since I was late, I grabbed my morning pills from the case and took them instead of the evening pills. I thought I was going to die.

We phoned the pharmacy, they listened to what I took extra, and they said it wouldn't be a problem. We phoned the doctor and he said it wouldn't be a problem. I took an extra Levothyroxine (300 mcg) and Benicar/hctz. Ugh. My doctor said to take another Levothyroxine again next morning, which I didn't, I skipped a day.

I must say I felt rather poorly under the additional drugs, for a few hours at least, but I was fine. But I checked with the pharmacist and doctor, didn't leave it to chance.

01-02-2014, 11:07 AM
Now, this is where I'm freaked? (don't know if that describes it) out right now. I slept for about 3 hrs. When I woke up I had no pain in my face and could still breathe ok. But I felt so spaced out!! Like everything was surreal. The heat pack was still on my face. But I was feeling so weird!! So weird that I was starting to feel nauseous.
Why?!! Lack of sleep? Panic attack coming on? Why aren't I elated that the pain is gone? [/QUOTE]

Hi there, with panic disorder anything that's out side of our perceived normal is reason to panic. Your normal lately has been to be sick. Now that the overall feeling in your body has changed its causing you to panic or have anxiety. Sounds strange...but Its something I've noticed about me, I don't think your having a drug interaction or you probably wouldn't be feeling better. Good luck to you. I live panic disorder every day.

01-02-2014, 07:00 PM
Thanks ab123. That actually makes sense. The meds are obviously working because I'm feeling better. I think you're right. I got used to feeling so sick that feeling normal was scary. Definitely set off a panic attack for me!

01-02-2014, 08:28 PM
Thanks ab123. That actually makes sense. The meds are obviously working because I'm feeling better. I think you're right. I got used to feeling so sick that feeling normal was scary. Definitely set off a panic attack for me!

Of course, just a little something I've learned through the years of torture. Good luck to you. It is possible to overcome. Maybe not forever, but you cam keep it under control. My suggestions...don't google. Breathe deeply...and write down your panic attack symptoms in a book. Next time you have a panic attack. Look in that book and you will be able to know you once overcame that feeling and can do it again.

01-03-2014, 01:44 AM
I've personally always felt taking medicine for colds and sinus issues is fruitless, because nothing seems to rid of colds except for time til they get out of your system. Ear infections or bronchitis of course are separate issues and need immediate medical attention. but, your face hurting is probably due to the way you are resting your head on your pillow, and all the fluids are draining down to that side of your face. It's a good idea when you've got a bad cold is to sleep flat on your stomach and face down (tiltled so you can breathe) and let the fluids drain downward out of your nose.

I completely understand that weird, surreal feeling, sorry you dealt with it. When that happens to me, I find it's due to hunger mostly, or if I just got up from sleep, but I hate when it happens. It seems to get me around dinner time, always when I got OUT to dinner, with other people.. I will feel starving before I go, which gets my stress hormones going, and makes me feel all weird and tired..and unsteady, shaky, then when I finally do eat, I still feel a bit odd as the food digests because it feels different I guess.. typically when it does digest, I feel better, but it's unnerving having to deal with it..and worse, I will have to be going out tonight with other people, and I KNOW I'm gonna feel this way again.. :(

anyway, I was digressing, hope you feel better soon.

01-03-2014, 02:34 AM
Thanks Applecherry. Saw the Dr again today. Slowly improving! Turns out I had bronchitis, ear infections, and a serious sinus infection. Thank goodness I took the Dr's advice, as the infection was getting so bad that it nearly turned to meningitis. I feel a bit better knowing why I felt so bad. And my husband is finally home from overseas, so I'm finding that I'm not as stressed as I was before. And I hear you on the waking up strange from not eating. Two nights ago I finally worked out that I was waking up with frights during my sleep because my sugar levels were too low. I have been so sick that I haven't been eating properly. So, until I get better I'm keeping sandwiches or snacks beside the bed in case it happens again. Very scary.

01-04-2014, 05:00 AM
Sorry to hear you were that sick, it's good you're feeling better now. yes, hunger seems to be a huge trigger of anxiety, it can be quite the annoyance at times really.