View Full Version : I feel like im drowning.

12-31-2013, 01:17 PM
Sometimes my anxiety just gets so bad I feel like I can't even move. I've been laying here staring out the window at the snow for almost two hours just crying. I really hate the person I've become. I have so much trouble just leaving my house to go to the store, or walking outside to my car.

I have to return to work on Monday after two weeks on vacation where my anxiety spiraled out of control. I really don't know how I'm going to do it, I feel like I'm going to get fired from not being able to function.

I'm pretty sure my panic attacks have triggered some pretty hefty depression and agoraphobia. Every time I think of going to the grocery store or target I imagine I'm going to pass out and just can't even bring myself to get in the car.

I feel like I'm out of options, I just don't know what to do.

12-31-2013, 02:28 PM
Hello there,how long have you had your anxiety ? Are you taking anything for it ?

12-31-2013, 02:34 PM
I feel like I'm out of options, I just don't know what to do.
Hi, just wanted to let you know people are great at answering posts and making suggestions on what may help. Members are all over the world, so times when they're online vary. Also, with News Years just around the corner, some may be socializing. I'm sure you'll hear from others.

Wish you a Happy New Year.

12-31-2013, 02:52 PM
Hello there,how long have you had your anxiety ? Are you taking anything for it ?

I just started zoloft 25 mg 11 days ago (side effects are horrible) and I have ativan 1mg I've been taking the ativan for years but only when things are really bad I'm scared of getting a habit on it.

I was on zoloft for two years about three years ago and went off of it I thought I was getting better, dealing on my own minus the meds, but I'm so much lower than I ever was before.

12-31-2013, 06:28 PM
I just started zoloft 25 mg 11 days ago (side effects are horrible) and I have ativan 1mg I've been taking the ativan for years but only when things are really bad I'm scared of getting a habit on it.

I was on zoloft for two years about three years ago and went off of it I thought I was getting better, dealing on my own minus the meds, but I'm so much lower than I ever was before.

I was in the same spot about a month or two ago. I had been on zoloft before and had stopped and then was in the process of restarting it. Give it more time. The side effects this time around was terrible and I almost gave up but I decided that in order to feel better I would have to stick it out. I eventually started to feel more like myself again and life started to feel a bit normal again.
If you need some support, write here. I will write back and give you some moral support!

12-31-2013, 07:03 PM
I was in your exact spot around this time last year. I had stopped my Prozac because I wanted to get pregnant and thought I was well enough to be without it. I started feeling a little rough before Christmas and decided to start my Prozac again, only it didn't seem to be working the second time around. By the first week of January, I ended up in the ER with a raging panic attack and things just spiraled from there. Two more ER visits later, and my primary care doc decided to try me on Zoloft to see if I could get some relief. (I couldn't get a psych appointment for another 3 weeks.) I missed three weeks of work and my mom had to come stay and help take care of my daughter...I couldn't even take care of myself. I couldn't leave the house, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep - it was horrible. I lost 16 pounds in two weeks, which I didn't even realize was possible. After about the second week, my mom started coaxing me out of the house to run little errands, shop at Goodwill, etc. I couldn't do it for long, but every day it got a little better. I'm not as good as I was prior to my "spell" bit I'm functioning and living life again. You can get through this. Just take it one day at a time and lean on this forum and/or any friends or family that could help you. This too shall pass. I know it's hard (like that word can even do it justice) but you WILL make it. Best wishes and big hugs to you! Happy New Year :-)

12-31-2013, 07:07 PM
reese on Monday you take ativan before your anxiety kick in. I found if I do not take it before I go to work I can not function. You are going to be fine, all of us, almost all of us have the same problem. Your meds will start to work on the third or fourth week of taking, you will feel much better. Just try to survive it:))