View Full Version : woke up and had balance problems

12-31-2013, 11:22 AM
yesterday morning when I woke up, I had serious balance problems and hard to stay on my feet for a while, then the entire day I felt light headed and very tired/sleepy, and had weakness all over my body.... even now I still dont feel 100%...

I havent had anxiety symptoms for 6 months but now this happened and I still feel a bit weird and disorientated... is this anxiety or what?

12-31-2013, 11:32 AM

Yeah, it's anxiety.

12-31-2013, 12:02 PM
Yes it's anxiety I get that all the time,I've had it on and off for years,I know it's not a nice feeling but you will be fine :)

12-31-2013, 12:06 PM
I wondered if you may have a bit of a virus? That can throw you off balance and general body weakness.

Jesse is probably right but if it passes in a couple of days it may have been a small viral infection. Doctor can't give you anything for that but tell you to rest and stay hydrated.

Yep, may well be a mix of the two.

Dude, how did you get over your symptoms? I remember when you were suicidal cos of the dizziness thing you had, what beat it??

12-31-2013, 12:38 PM
Yep, may well be a mix of the two.

Dude, how did you get over your symptoms? I remember when you were suicidal cos of the dizziness thing you had, what beat it??

I don't feel sick at all just light headed and a bit disorientated, the balance loss is almost gone now... I feel better than yesterday and I hope in a few days im back to normal.

how I got over it?
First I just accepted it and stopped caring, then I started regularly running, also stopped all junk food and even smoking, and it simply faded over time (many months). But all thanks to just regularly running, it really improved both my mental and physical health.

01-01-2014, 12:57 PM
That's awesome. I remember you had a really long thread about how it made you suicidal. You did great to get over it.

01-01-2014, 01:22 PM
balance or vertigo? The last one is awful with combination of anxiety:(
I hope you will get well soon :)

01-01-2014, 01:25 PM
yeah I dont exactly know why im feeling weird again for this past few days, it is worrying me a bit... I feel like I have the old anxiety symptoms again, but I am not exactly sure what is causing me so much stress.... I have a few problems at the moment yes (debt, exam, acne) ... so I guess maybe this is the reason. I will just do more running and drink tea and see if the symptoms will fade again, but it is worrying me a bit.

01-01-2014, 01:31 PM
balance or vertigo? The last one is awful with combination of anxiety:(
I hope you will get well soon :)

I dont know exactly... when I got out of bed I was just having hard time staying on my feet, but I do believe its high anxiety that is back for the first time in half a year (as I said I have money problems, an exam, and bad acne on my face) so I guess my sub-concious is stressed over these things, conciously not so much, but anxiety is subconcious as far as I know. This is not the first time I had balance problems getting out of bed, it happened a few times before too but it was back when I had constantly high anxiety and symptoms for basically two years constantly.... but since this year I have slowly been getting better and for the past 3-4 months I have been feeling totally normal, so it is worrying me now that again I am feeling the anxiety symptoms again. but also it maybe because I get irritated a lot... idk... I get really angry and irritated over small things and I explode with anger ... ;(

01-01-2014, 02:32 PM
Hi. I often feel like this I am taking tablets for vertigo but seems to be fretting worse again lately. When I stand it feels like the floor is bouncing. ! Anyone suffer with this.

01-01-2014, 02:44 PM
Hi. I often feel like this I am taking tablets for vertigo but seems to be fretting worse again lately. When I stand it feels like the floor is bouncing. ! Anyone suffer with this.

Yes I do all the time!!! Especially when I'm out at the shops

01-01-2014, 03:01 PM
Yes I do all the time!!! Especially when I'm out at the shops

Yes I also get it when I'm around a lot of people xx

01-01-2014, 03:04 PM
Yes I also get it when I'm around a lot of people xx

It's my worst symptom and my dizziness

I keep thinking something is wrong with my brain

01-02-2014, 02:07 PM
I am thinking it is anxiety, it sure feels like it.... I thought I was over my anxiety but now its back and causing me more anxiety... I hate this... well I guess I gotta embrace the suck again.

01-02-2014, 02:07 PM
It's my worst symptom and my dizziness

I keep thinking something is wrong with my brain

I had constant dizzyness/fatigue for a year until I started regularly running... its the best thing.

01-02-2014, 04:59 PM
Sounds like inner ear problems. I get that on windy days, I lose my balance due to the weather. I chalk most of my dizzy spells to sinuses.. I know that dizziness can be a symptom of anxiety when you feel like you can't breathe or get steady, but I'd be willing to bet 9 times out of 10, it's sinus related problems.

01-02-2014, 08:43 PM
I had vertigo on and off for like 4 yeas and the last one lasted over a year. It was of course inner ear. I want to warn you, I have a hearing loss because it was not cured. When you have do not leave it at this , go to doc, go to ENT , there is a lot of meds to help with that. I am dealing with Anxiety, for over 30 years and every time I got dizzy it was because of iron deficiency or inner ear. I got every sign of anxiety but not dizziness...

I will put the link to hearing forums, there is a lot of info about vertigo

01-03-2014, 02:13 PM
No no no, inner ear infection is totally out of the question, I dont have any ear pain or hearing loss - it is Anxiety i know. I have all the strange symptoms of anxiety, feeling light headed like my head is completely empty, then feeling like its stuffed, and just general disorientation and "surreal" feeling, I have experienced all of this before for a long time. And it makes sense why my anxiety would be high right now, I have many issues at the moment.

01-03-2014, 07:01 PM
just two cents, inner ear does not hurt, the sign is vertigo.
When you are dizzy, there comes surreal feeling....

01-04-2014, 04:56 AM
^yes, inner ear doesn't hurt necessarily, you just lose major balance and feel dizzy, when it happens to me, I lay down and take a rest, and it usually goes away. Also head being stuffed is also a major symptom of sinus problems.

01-04-2014, 07:58 AM
Well I do have chronic nasal congestion... but I was cheched for sinusitis 2 years ago. I guess I will go to doctor then...

01-04-2014, 11:09 AM
ok im starting to think it might indeed be some other problem...

I feel weakness, tiredness, and I sleep all the time... too bad I dont have enough money to go to a doctor.

01-04-2014, 12:09 PM
There you go, nasal congestion especially chronic one does it to one:)

01-04-2014, 12:57 PM
There you go, nasal congestion especially chronic one does it to one:)

yea but ive had it for years....

01-04-2014, 01:33 PM
ill get checked for sinusitis but if its not that its anxiety..

01-04-2014, 01:43 PM
yea but ive had it for years....

So do I :))
They call it allergic rhinitis and I always had and still have problems with sinuses.

01-04-2014, 01:52 PM
So do I :))
They call it allergic rhinitis and I always had and still have problems with sinuses.

what am I supposed to do about it? can I cure it at home? I live in a shitty country and here healthcare is bad and expensive...

Also I was checked for sinusitis a few years ago when I had similar symptoms and they couldn't find anything... and due to my history of high anxiety and physical symptoms due to it, I'm just guessing again its anxiety, but that's the main problem with physical anxiety symptoms - you never believe its anxiety.

And its not really vertigo, its more like lightheadedness and confusion, "surreal" feeling, and constant tiredness, sometimes muscular weakness.... Ive had all this stuff before and therefor I guess its anxiety agian.

01-04-2014, 02:06 PM
but seriously if this is this sinus thing what am I supposed to do about it??? going to a doctor takes a lot of money, and id have to wait for weeks to get an appointment... how can I fix it at home?

I was feeling totally normal in the evening, and the next morning I woke up and had serious balance problem, could hardly stay on my feet.... and even since then ive been feeling weird (confused, weak, tired, anxious, lightheaded)

01-04-2014, 02:09 PM
but seriously if this is this sinus thing what am I supposed to do about it??? going to a doctor takes a lot of money, and id have to wait for weeks to get an appointment... how can I fix it at home? I was feeling totally normal in the evening, and the next morning I woke up and had serious balance problem, could hardly stay on my feet.... and even since then ive been feeling weird (confused, weak, tired, anxious, lightheaded)

I get the same feelings and they come out of nowhere.. I can be feeling normal then bang feel dizzy, feel spaced out and feel like I may pass out. I also feel like I'm in slow motion while everything around me goes fast!!

01-04-2014, 05:08 PM
but seriously if this is this sinus thing what am I supposed to do about it??? going to a doctor takes a lot of money, and id have to wait for weeks to get an appointment... how can I fix it at home?

I was feeling totally normal in the evening, and the next morning I woke up and had serious balance problem, could hardly stay on my feet.... and even since then ive been feeling weird (confused, weak, tired, anxious, lightheaded)
I use sinus rinse for about 5 years and I did not have sinus infection or inner ear infection for five years. I do not use steroids anymore, just sinus rinse once a day. Nothing will help you with the sinuses, you are going to have it, it is not curable. Raspberry tea three times a day should help too.

01-05-2014, 08:24 AM
I read something interesting yesterday about Labyrinthitis (inner ear stuff), "it is believed that the vestibular system controls our anxiety/depression levels so an increase in these in vestibular sufferers may also be due to this fact as well as having to cope with the disorder" this page talks about it further :http://www.labyrinthitis.org.uk/page3.htm

It made me look at my anxiety in a different way, I have had issues with inner ear for several years now since my last bad ear infection in 2007..I don't know if it is the main cause of my anxiety, but I do wonder now how much of a role it does play..

01-05-2014, 08:41 AM
wow thank you for the link I wonder if this is reliable info. Very interesting ;)

01-05-2014, 10:42 AM
I use sinus rinse for about 5 years and I did not have sinus infection or inner ear infection for five years. I do not use steroids anymore, just sinus rinse once a day. Nothing will help you with the sinuses, you are going to have it, it is not curable. Raspberry tea three times a day should help too.

That really seems like me.....what the hell am I supposed to do about it? See a neurologist?

idk... I did nasal irrigation... I hope that helps. and I don't actually have vertigo...

Its just so frustrating... it can be anything and I cant just go run through every single doctor...... ill just give it time...

Ive had nasal congestion for years, at least 5 years...

idk.. I dont have any balance problems at the moment but I just feel spaced out and very anxious. Feel like crying even (I dont actually but I feel like it) ...

01-05-2014, 11:24 AM
but I mean, nasal irrigation should fix any sinus problem right?

01-05-2014, 01:00 PM
I helps especially when is done regularly. It changes the environment from acidic to alcalic, because of salt and baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, or rinse out the allergens, which is year round for me, I am allergic to dust and a lot of other things. I gives me such relieve.... :)

I had chronic sinuses infections for years, it is so painful. Not anymore. Most people are happy to use it. some say it does not help at all. It is helping me....

01-05-2014, 03:35 PM
I use sinus rinse for about 5 years and I did not have sinus infection or inner ear infection for five years. I do not use steroids anymore, just sinus rinse once a day. Nothing will help you with the sinuses, you are going to have it, it is not curable. Raspberry tea three times a day should help too.

sinus rinse is just nasal irrigation right?

I can feel the anxiety all over my body, idk... I don't have vertigo so I guess its not labyrinthitis, and I will do nasal irrigation now every day and try to relax so I hope I will be feeling better. maybe the new e-cigarette I got recently has something to do with this.

01-05-2014, 04:26 PM
wow thank you for the link I wonder if this is reliable info. Very interesting ;)

Sure thanks, who knows. I have read actually in the past a few other places where labyrinthitis has played a role in anxiety.. I can't say it's the number 1 cause for my anxiety in particular, but I definitely do have inner ear problems that arise every so often. Like I'd said on windy days, that seems to affect my balance the most. and I think when you are off balance your anxiety gets worse.

I have constant sinus issues with stuffed up nose, and runny eyes, they're annoying, but they also come at different times of the day, so they do kind of rotate throughout the day, and some hours, I get a break..I honestly don't even notice them so much anymore, unless they're really painful. When I get a headache, I take advil and that usually knocks it out.

01-05-2014, 04:33 PM
I dont have any balance problems at the moment but I just feel spaced out and very anxious. Feel like crying even (I dont actually but I feel like it) ...

You NEED to cry, crying actually is very important because it releases stress hormones, emotional tears are filled with stress hormones that build up from anxiety..crying releases your crap anxiety emotions and you will feel better..just like a little weight lifted, it's very important and healthy to do after an attack. I often do it just automatically after an attack, it just hits me..and I am a waterfall.. You can do it alone in your room..or wherever really, if you're among people, just say it's allergy tears.. lol, they'd never know.

01-05-2014, 04:33 PM
Yes it is similar to anxiety and who knows, maybe what I thought is anxiety and it was inner ear, then the hearing loss... I went through the page and a few interesting links there. Thank you very much for link:))

01-05-2014, 04:38 PM
Ah well you're welcome.. I was intrigued by what I read, that it can play such a role in anxiety, that is why I thought I'd share it, it probably has a lot to do with why people feel "spaced out" and such during anxiety attacks.

01-05-2014, 07:51 PM
I had that the other week when my anxiety was horrible. I was convinced brain tumor. I felt like I was walking on an uneven surface and I KNOW it sounds crazy but it's like I'm aware of uneven surfaces if I'm really anxious. It's anxiety. Don't sweat it. The sooner you stop paying attention it'll pass. I KNOW it's easier said than done. Lol

01-06-2014, 04:01 PM
I had that the other week when my anxiety was horrible. I was convinced brain tumor. I felt like I was walking on an uneven surface and I KNOW it sounds crazy but it's like I'm aware of uneven surfaces if I'm really anxious. It's anxiety. Don't sweat it. The sooner you stop paying attention it'll pass. I KNOW it's easier said than done. Lol

Thats what I'm thinking too man... but its always very scary to have these anxiety symtpoms, thats the worst thing about anxiety... believing that it is anxiety, because you can have basically every symptom in the world with anxiety...

Anyway I don't think its some kind of sinus or inner ear problem, I dont have any pain in my sinuses, I dont have vertigo, and I have a long history of anxiety.
I do have chronic nasal congestion, but Ive had that for like ... at least 6 years... basically I dont ever have both my nostrils open, its always one open and one closed, sometimes both are closed but then I use sudafed and its fine again.

I just need to accept its anxiety, but that's the hard thing because ANXIETY IS SUBCONCIOUS! I can conciously accept it as anxiety, but I need to convince my subconcious too...

Also I think one reason is that I got an e-cig for christmas, and I actually read about it that it can cause anxiety, so I guess my subconcious picked that up and created anxiety for me because I read about it.... thats how it works.

01-08-2014, 08:33 AM
The only symptom I have right now is this very subtle kind of swinging when im trying to stand still...... But it is very very subtle, hardly noticeable, nevertheless annoying. Also its difficult for me to concentrate when reading a book.