View Full Version : Happy New Year!!

12-31-2013, 03:32 AM
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, wherever you are in the world!!

I hope 2014 brings you Happiness and Health!!

This is the year we will kick anxiety in the butt!!

Have a lovely evening


12-31-2013, 04:38 AM
I'm partying already, and it's 6:37am!!...YAY!!

Happy New Year!!

E-Man.. :D

12-31-2013, 04:38 AM
I hope 2014 brings you Happiness and Health!!

I hope 2014 brings all Happiness, Health, and a Peace Filled Coexistence with Others!!

12-31-2013, 04:42 AM
I'm partying already, and it's 6:37am!!...YAY!!

Happy New Year!!

E-Man.. :D

Hahaha, I love your thinking!! If I wasn't working, I would be doing the same!! What are your plans for this evening??

12-31-2013, 04:42 AM
I hope 2014 brings all Happiness, Health, and a Peace Filled Coexistence with Others!!

Thank you! Same to you!!

12-31-2013, 04:47 AM
I plan to somehow steal the Forum Flirt Title and FFT World Federation Belt from Jesse!... BAAHA!!

Then find a party to crash!!...LOL!

And you Ashlee??


12-31-2013, 04:49 AM
I hope 2014 brings all Happiness, Health, and a *Peace Filled Coexistence with Others*...NEVER!!

Then my life would be boring and drab.. To a New Year filled with chaos!!

(just kidding artaud)..

Happy New Year!


12-31-2013, 04:51 AM
Hahahhaa!! Sounds like a fun night you have planned!! ahhhh someone will have a hangover tomorrow!!

Have you heard of a band caled The Prodigy? Well I am taking my mum and dad to see them, it was one of my dads christmas presents!! So it's something different!!!

What is your real name by the way??

12-31-2013, 05:09 AM
A concert sounds like fun!!

No, I haven't heard of them but I'm sure it'll be a blast. I went to a concert on New Year's in the 80's..REO. LOL!!

My real name is Christopher...:)

12-31-2013, 07:37 AM
Happy New Year folks.....hope you have a great time tonight whatever you do! I will be at home watching Carson Daly.

12-31-2013, 01:26 PM
Happy new year Ash, have fun!