View Full Version : heart anxiety??

12-31-2013, 02:19 AM
I have been suffering with anxiety/panic disorder for almost five years. I think a series of traumatic events in my life caused me to be a worried which soon turned into panic disorder. If you suffer from anxiety sometimes it's hard to separate "real symptoms" vs "anxiety symptoms". My main anxiety revolves around my heart. I'm always feeling like something is wrong, always checking my pulse. And find myself in the emergency room more than any one person should ever be. Anyone have any similar experiences?

12-31-2013, 04:11 AM
find myself in the emergency room more than any one person should ever be. Anyone have any similar experiences?

Soitenly, to quote Curly from the Three Stooges. Mine started 40 years ago, been with me ever since. PVCs, PACs, PSVT, when they bring out my medical record they use a forklift.

Scary stuff. If you've seen a doctor and received tests, and they told you that you are OK, you should have nothing to worry about. The heart is a common sounding board for stress and anxiety.

There's several members here that are plagued by stress related heart rhythm issues. If you have specific questions, I'd be happy to try to address them or other members will as well.

12-31-2013, 05:18 PM
Thank you, I really appreciate that. I've had a lot of ekg s and those are always normal, blood tests normal, had an echo and a holter done a few days ago..the holter caught some pretty severe Palps...so it will be good to get those results. Specifically what happened..was I was at work and had some sort of severe cardiac episode. It felt like my heart expanded quickly and stayed that way for a good four seconds. As that was happening my vision went blurry exactly to the tune of my heart feeling like it was expanding. Called 911 ..drs ran tests...found low potassium but not...that low. Anyways. Its been five days And today is the first day I had enough strength to get out of bed.drs seem to believe I'm fine but are taking necessary precautions. This event was so traumatic it threw my already awful panic disorder into high gear. I'm doing better today. But..scared to return to work.

12-31-2013, 05:54 PM
This event was so traumatic it threw my already awful panic disorder into high gear. I'm doing better today. But..scared to return to work.


See the above link. When the doctors have cleared you, the article my help you understand that some of the weird rhythms we all fear are pretty common and usually benign.

Keep us updated on your progress, I'm interested, I'm sure others are as well.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and overeating.

Happy New Year!

12-31-2013, 07:11 PM
I truly believe that PVCs are the devil!!! I have two health related anxieties - heart and blood clots. The only reason I'm phobic about my heart is because of those dreaded PVCs, but my doc says that my anxiety can actually cause them or make them worse. Ugh!! It's the dreaded "chicken or the egg" scenario. Blood clots - I have no idea why I'm afraid of those, it's just something random I picked up, lol. I was in the ER three times last year. I kept waiting for them to "black list" me!! ;-)

You aren't alone, and it appears I'm not either. When you're sitting in the ER waiting room, do you ever look around and wonder how many other people there are just suffering from anxiety/panic?? I do...

01-01-2014, 03:51 AM
Hiya and happy new year,i have just read your post and you sound exactly like me,my heart issue is giving me bad anxiety,i work in a hospital and i had palps the other week and because i was worrying about them i made my heart go fast,i had to go to a@e and had ecg and bloods done but all came back fine,but from there i have had anxiety because i keep thinking about it so it wont go and its bad especially of a mrng and am always waiting for my heart to go fast:(

01-01-2014, 07:14 AM
Hey happy new years guys!! Im the same issues mine a little different i woried and stress myself out to much about my heart that i had a AFIB..so dont worry to much like i did believe i had all the tests done to my heart and nothing but i still worried there was something wrong because i was getting sharp chest pains by my heart and still do but it made me worried to much and thts where the AFIB came in soo stop and dont worry..its a new year! New beginnings! God bless you all with anxiety 😉

01-01-2014, 08:37 AM
Hi paderpio stop worrying, you are ok, it is anxiety telling you that you have something serious and you die, then the chest pain. We program our body this way. When you keep thinking , saying or writing the same thing all over, your brain gets the message, believe I had this. It is difficult to stop but can be done. Happy new year man :)

01-01-2014, 10:47 AM
Hi paderpio stop worrying, you are ok, it is anxiety telling you that you have something serious and you die, then the chest pain. We program our body this way. When you keep thinking , saying or writing the same thing all over, your brain gets the message, believe I had this. It is difficult to stop but can be done. Happy new year man :)

Thank you dahila i know its all in my head but when you have an episode of AFIB is scary..but like you said you had AFIB before so u know the feeling but thank you soo much i feel better knowing im not alone and others have the same:)

01-01-2014, 11:01 AM
Hiya just read your post,can we put ourselves into afib just with anxiety and worry?

01-01-2014, 11:07 AM
My doctor told me that if you worry to much about the heart yes..because were always stressing out..but dont worry your fine hunny

01-01-2014, 12:18 PM

See the above link. When the doctors have cleared you, the article my help you understand that some of the weird rhythms we all fear are pretty common and usually benign.

Keep us updated on your progress, I'm interested, I'm sure others are as well.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and overeating.

Happy New Year!

*** Thanks for the great article. It was helpful. Do you know any others about atrial flutter? I had that for about a week and a half before my first panic attack. Only a few times in the last 6-8 weeks, but many panic attacks continuing with chest pain which "seems" to be associated with a palpitation. The cardiologist has not pegged this yet for me though.

01-01-2014, 12:38 PM
panic attacks are always connected to fast or irregular, heart beat and chest pain, at least for me

01-01-2014, 03:48 PM
Do you know any others about atrial flutter?

Sorry, no. I try to stick with comments about things I have first hand experience with. I found the article by the Electrophysiologist interesting because I can relate to it, believe me.

My grown son, in his early 30's (the middle of three sons), has bouts of Atrial Fibrillation, but he no longer lives at home, so I really have nothing to do with his treatment. We see him often, visited him in the hospital during his bouts, but no real knowledge of it.

01-02-2014, 02:04 AM
I truly believe that PVCs are the devil!!! I have two health related anxieties - heart and blood clots. The only reason I'm phobic about my heart is because of those dreaded PVCs, but my doc says that my anxiety can actually cause them or make them worse. Ugh!! It's the dreaded "chicken or the egg" scenario. Blood clots - I have no idea why I'm afraid of those, it's just something random I picked up, lol. I was in the ER three times last year. I kept waiting for them to "black list" me!! ;-)

You aren't alone, and it appears I'm not either. When you're sitting in the ER waiting room, do you ever look around and wonder how many other people there are just suffering from anxiety/panic?? I do...

No.. I never look around and think that because I'm always in my own crazy world. I just wish my brain had a rational switch.. that'd be awesome. I'm sorry you're suffering also

01-02-2014, 11:12 AM
When I'm in the waiting room or just around a lot of people I wonder like are they going through this anxiety/ panic disorder also I wonder! But I wonder about getting those and heart attacks and everything else under the sun

01-13-2014, 12:04 AM
This sounds just like me as I'm writing this I'm in a bed in the er it's crazy my heart will sky rocket and automatically I'll think omg I'm having a heart attack or something of that nature literally have been to the er like 10 times in the past month and a half I also have been thru all kinda of tests stress test holster echo stress echo ekgs chest X-rays and everything is turning out fine but when I get those episodes I just feel horrible and I panic and I run to the er I also work in a hospital

01-13-2014, 12:20 AM
I want to go to the hospital so bad but I been so much nobody's going to take me. Plus, I just went last week Monday

01-13-2014, 12:24 AM
I just got out of the er with a diagnosis finally, I have svt. I still definitely have panic disorder. But my heart basically has some extra nerves that basically will try to argue with the normal ones causing me to go into an episode. Good news is I will be fine, it's not life threatening..and there Is a way to fix it.:) the reason I tell you this, is if it is something extreme...you will absolutely know. In the mean time. Relax and remember you are fine.:)

01-13-2014, 01:15 AM
Hiya ab,you are only young to get that,did they do an ecg to find the svt?you must of been scared,i know i would,i have a terrible heart phobia,even from getting out of bed my mind is on my heart is it going to go fast,even when i eat i can feel my heart beating more like palps,oh it ruins my life,i like everybody else has had tests done all fine apart from ectopics:(

01-13-2014, 02:07 AM
Yep They found it. But even though I have panic disorder...I'll be just fine! Try not to worry, if it was serious they would find it. Mine isn't serious so it took a while to find. So take comfort in that. You are fine;) really! Don't let panic and anxiety control you!! It isn't worth it. You can absolutely control it. I promise. Its just not easy

01-13-2014, 02:10 AM
One thing to remember, is our brains are pre dispositioned to react in this fight or flight panicky way. But we cam overcome. Just have to do it. Beleive me. Feeling like your sick or injured or...in an emergency. .is much different Than actually being in one. Until then, live your life. Do what you enjoy....baby steps!

01-14-2014, 01:28 AM
You are so brave and got a good attitude,it is definately the best way to deal with it:)))x

01-14-2014, 06:23 PM
Not brave...lots of experience.:)

01-14-2014, 07:16 PM
I have the heart problem too but I never went to the ER because I only get it at certain times. I'm a cyclist and swimmer, and if I train to the extreme I realize that I start focusing on my heart area that suddenly gets all tense.
Often after an extreme swim training, I fear I'm getting a heart attack under the shower. I know it's anxiety but that last piece of doubt tells me, what if I overdid it which triggers the fear. Luckily I only get this
when I trained to the extreme and it wears off after about 30 minutes after training. In general I think that endurance sports help with this issue though. I used to be far more heart fixated before I really got into endurance sports
that gives you confidence, also because you strengthen your heart by doing it.

01-14-2014, 08:05 PM
I agree with you

After I bitch slapped anxiety, I began to extreme train for some goals I had

Half the reason I think I did that was to shove it in Anxiety's face and dare it to try and scare me

That bastard never showed up

Anxiety is weak

01-15-2014, 11:07 PM
Great attitude to have,wish i could be the same i am always scared when my heart goes fast,when i get palpitations i start thinking the worst,and if i went running now or done something to the extreme and if my heart was thumping away it would naturally come on me the fear,any normal person wudnt even think about it because in there head they would say i have done a workout its bound to go fast,i remember a few years ago going for a stress test and saying to them am so anxious and scared of my heart going fast but they reassured me so i done it but i was anxious all the way through it and afterwards they said to lie down and wait for my heart to slow down,well i kept it high because i was thinking about it,but it went to 100 and they let me go,its a stupid fear because your hearts a muscle which needs it to go fast:)

01-15-2014, 11:36 PM
I have my good days And my bad days...today is one of the bad ones unfortunately.

01-16-2014, 12:18 AM
It is very hard, eventually it gets easier. Good luck to you, I hope you can find the peace you are looking for.

01-16-2014, 06:35 AM
Thanks ab😃😃xx

01-16-2014, 01:49 PM
Great attitude to have,wish i could be the same i am always scared when my heart goes fast,when i get palpitations i start thinking the worst

I don't know if that's actually you on your avatar but if you really are a lean female who is rather young, what are the odds
that you get a heart attack? I can relate though because I eat healthy, am lean, pretty athletic and have a resting heart rate of 40 bpm. The chances that
I die of a heart attack are probably lower than the majority of people but I still worry.

It goes to show that anxiety isn't based on common sense.

01-16-2014, 10:21 PM
Hiya yes its me lol,i am always worrying about my heart,i am worrying now because i woke up at 4am and my heart went fast were it wudnt slow down and breathing exercises wudnt slow it down i had to go downstairs and open the door and it slowed down but what causes it??

01-16-2014, 10:40 PM
Are you diagnosed with any anxiety disorders?
Cause sometimes your heart will randomly start to beat fast due to the adrenaline.
Even if you're in a total state of calmness, it can still beat fast out of nowhere.
Also have you gone to the doctor?
I know it's scary but it's honestly the best thing you can do.
Ask for a thyroid check and/or an EKG.
I'm sure everything will be fine but once you know, it will make you feel SOOO much better.

01-16-2014, 11:17 PM
i am worrying now because i woke up at 4am and my heart went fast

Are you from the UK? I just wondered because of your time zone. I'm writing from Germany and it's 7.00 am which is an hour later than the UK timezone.

Anyway, try not to worry, There are many reasons why your heart rate could have gone up and your worrying boosts that. My heart used to race for no reason when
I was about 19-20 and I panicked, especially if I had palpitations, and it raced even more. I started doing sports about at that time and the stronger my heart got, the less
my heart raced for no reason. The palpitations disappeared completely and now I never pay attention to my heart anymore(except if I overdo it with sports). I still have heart anxiety but
if you rarely take notice of it what does it matter? Try to stick to running. Over time it will improve your condition and decrease your anxiety and you won't get
heart-racing too often anymore which will make you worry less and less. Believe me, your heart is totally healthy.

01-16-2014, 11:28 PM
Hiya i had my thyroid checked 3 yrs ago and i have underactive thyroid,but i have had all the tests done over the years and had an ecg done before christmas and my bloods done and all normal,and yes i am from the uk x

01-16-2014, 11:28 PM
Yes i have had anxiety since christmas😂