View Full Version : Jealousy issues...

12-30-2013, 09:34 PM
I'm not sure if this is related to my social phobia, but I have some serious jealousy issues D:

I get jealous of attractive people (regardless of gender), I get jealous when my friends are in relationships, and I get jealous when friends I consider to be really close to all group up and do things together without me.
I know everyone feels jealous about this kind of thing, but I feel like it really controls me, and I want to know how to stop it :/ I can't just *stop* feeling jealous, so does anyone have any advice?

Thanks! x

12-30-2013, 10:40 PM
I'm pretty sure this stems from you having extremely low self-esteem. I can totally relate to you, though. In high school, I was JUST like that. As I grew older, my self-worth went up a decent amount and I don't struggle as much anymore.

You need to learn to love yourself and know that you will never be anyone else. You are you. There's no changing this. The only thing you can do is embrace it.

You're not inferior to those people you find attractive. You're not inferior to anyone! I suspect your childhood had some guardian issues? My parents were and are severe alcoholics and I'm 100% sure that's where my low self-esteem began. Perhaps you could talk to someone about your childhood. I also think growing up with acne had a role, too. Is this something you suffer from?

That pretty girl you see...She probably does a lot to look that way. You could always accentuate your features and enhance your self-esteem by pampering yourself and taking time on your appearance.

You know, we're all human. We're all in the same boat. :) I bet you those attractive people feel self-conscious and inferior.