View Full Version : Just saying..

12-30-2013, 08:37 PM
I feel this needs to be said. I have come across a few threads in which someone has been offended because if their beliefs. I have posted in some of these.. ONLY WHEN NEEDED. Usually I steer clear of that shit, but sometimes the load mouth Aussie needs to step in. But I usually mean NOTHING BUT GOOD in my posts. I may say hurtful things, but it is my way of caring. I see a fault with the manner in which person A is conducting themselves.. Which must be corrected, put in ones place. I mean no offense in what I say, honestly I don't. I could call you a fuckhead, and still mean no offense.. It is my culture, it is who I am. I call my partner an idiot.. And many other names, at first because he isn't Australian.. He got offended.. But after awhile he understood.. Now he joins in. I am such a STRONG believer that if you treat me with respect, ill show the same.. And that goes for everyone.. If you are disrespecting someone.. I won't show respect.

The fact of the matter is, EVERYONE on this earth has opinions, religions, beliefs, has loved and lost, has suffered one way or another. Everyone is different, skin colour, sexual preference, hair colour, height, weight, accent, illness, upbringing.. The list goes on for literally forever. Not ONE person Is the same.

I LOVE everyone.. I wish the world was a better place.. Full of happiness.. Everyone deserves that. Unfortunently, the world is a disgraceful place.. Humanity.. Society.. It's a heap of shit. But.. I know it has absolute beauty also.

It all starts with YOU!! You are born alone, and die alone. That's the fact of the matter.. Don't let your life whither away to nothing, by searching for something.. Whether it be acceptance, a partner, money, whatever it may be. Find it along the way.. The highest knowledge you can have, is knowledge of yourself. Family and friends are all good in the big picture, we need affection and reassurance in our lives, we are human. But DO NOT rely on this.. Now I'm not saying be self centered.. Not at all. I'm saying find out who YOU ARE! What do you love, what are your goals and dreams, what type of person are you. Accept the things you cannot change, and work on the things you can change. LOVE YOURSELF! You are amaZing. JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

12-30-2013, 08:52 PM
I love that post. Amber you are so cool.
I would think the purpose of this forum is to exchange the ideas, to help and support. Many people included me, have no one who would understand what we are going through. We are pack animals so is natural that we seek other people. It is natural to have family our packs.
As you said we are born alone , we live alone and die alone. No power in the world can change it. It is the way our world is constructed.
Many people expect respect from others not actually respecting anyone.
I have friends from age of 20 to age of 89 and I do communicate with all the groups well. I respect everyone, because everyone of us deserve it.
I was trying to keep cool but I got upset on the same thread as you Amber did.
We do not have to be deadly serious, sometimes when we make fun of yourself it helps to keep equilibrium :))
If you can not change it, accept it. I am repeating your words. I would say people who have problem to accept others, they hate and do not accept themselves. Is just the pain they direct outward to get some relieve. I think , I still wonder that it was some kind of game for this gentleman.... waste, waste....

12-30-2013, 08:57 PM
Agreed. No I don't believe it was a game.. I know they truely believed we were disrespecting them. You can't help someone unless they want to help themselves. Until that day, they are a lost cause. No point in sugar coating, we get force fed so much bullshit everyday.. Media, promotion, two faced people.. What's the point? I don't care if people don't like me.. Really I don't. It is their lose as I am truely a great person to know. I mean well. Some people just cannot see that, and for that I thank them. I couldn't be fucked with their day to day bullshit, I have enough of my own.

12-30-2013, 08:59 PM
Easy to say but hard to put into practice in my opinion. But one must try..:D

12-30-2013, 09:04 PM
quote " I couldn't be fucked with their day to day bullshit, I have enough of my own."
Exactly we are fed constantly with BS, all the time. I am not looking for it here.

12-30-2013, 09:05 PM
I agree, but taking time out for yourself. Have a book of you, I have one. You know who you are, what you like to do and what you wish to accomplish in life. You just have to dig deep and be honest with yourself. You can photoshop photos for the rest of the world to see, but in the mirror.. Nope no filters! You can put on a persona of what is 'acceptable' to social eyes, but when alone.. Your stuck with who you truely are. NO FILTERS! Embrace who you are, it makes you unique. I don't sing and dance around because people won't look at me funny haha it's who I am, and I'm not ashamed of being buzzy and bubbly. Nope.. This is me, ALL OF ME! Take it or leave it :)