View Full Version : Ugh. Out of no where

12-30-2013, 06:42 PM
I'm sitting here tonight and my husband just left to go to a friends house for a couple beers. I just put my youngest child to bed and my oldest is in his room. I pour a glass of wine, sit down, and pull out my phone to play games. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, my face cheeks got numb and tingly, I felt an instant tension headache, and got all Shakey which in turn, made my pulse race, my stomach churn, and sent me right to the bathroom.

Now I feel instantly exhausted. I'm back on the couch and watching TV but I still feel like my insides are shaking. Almost like I have an internal chill and I'm shaking from the inside yet my mind feels completely normal again. But my stomach is still churning.

So sick of this shit. Don't want to take a Xanax because I took one yesterday and I feel it really helps me if I take it when needed but don't want to feel like I need everyday.

Sometimes I'll be in the store shopping and all of a sudden feel dizzy. And I tell myself to get my shit together and that I'm fine. But then it seems to be all I can focus on and I never don't feel dizzy because that's all I know I'm focusing on.

I can go days, sometimes weeks without feeling like this but then one episode, and I feel like I'm damaged goods for weeks all over again.

Now the holidays are almost over, and the cold cold winter is setting in here, and it's scary and depressing knowing that you're cooped up for the next three months.

I don't know and I don't understand why these feelings come out of nowhere when I'm having a perfectly good evening playing with my children... Of note, my immediate family is awesome but I have a really shitty extended family and the holidays only make it worse. So this time of year is super stressful to begin with.

12-30-2013, 07:34 PM
Sup Shell

Anxiety is weird. Things that happen a week ago can affect how you feel today. Ie little bits of stress that have built up, can slowly come out at totally random and unexpected times.

Yep, that's frustrating. Daily relaxation helps if you arent already. Progressive muscle relaxation. It's awesome for getting rid of stress in the muscles. I know I go on about that shit, but only cos it's awesome ;)

How you feeling now?

What game were you playing? I got sonic on ipad. Love it... So old school.

12-30-2013, 07:48 PM
Sup! I was playing candy crush. Now I've beat every level up through 500 and there's no more left. I do not have sonic but I remember playing it 20 years ago LOL. And now I will probably download it on my iPad or iPhone. Thanks!!

I'm in bed now watching TV and feeling a lot better. It's such bullshit!

It just sucks how I can sit there and watch TV or be at the mall, and all of a sudden my life goes downhill within 30 seconds. Wtf??

I've always been nervous and anxious since I was a teenager. I was really good for a while when I was a single parent because I had to take charge. Now I'm married, happily, and totally have my shit together, yet for whatever reason, my nerves totally shit the bed for up to a week every few weeks.

My issue is now and it has always been health anxiety. And now it's worse as I get older because, whether it's tomorrow or 50 years, I know I'm going to die. So when I have a dizzy spell or a panic/anxiety attack, I always think, today's the day.....and scene

12-30-2013, 08:14 PM
Candy crush just seems boring to me! I dunno why. What else do you play?

My reflexes are amazing now from sonic. I've got reflexes like a cat watching porn. They're like lightning. I play madden too, but haven't got many games on the Air.

You have a valid point about the dying. Health anxiety isn't easy to overcome. Looking at what thoughts come up when you get a scary symptom may help. Write a few down, CBT the fuck out of them etc. you can never be fully rid of anxiety whilst you fear it when it comes up... Ironically even though it's terrifying :-/

Gotta reach that point where you say fuck it... If I live or die... I'm gonna at least do it without anxiety, ya know? :)

12-30-2013, 08:19 PM
Like a cat watching porn... Now that.. That image is just.. Amazing hahaha

12-30-2013, 10:43 PM
I get the EXACT same feelings..

12-31-2013, 12:08 AM
Wow Shell! You are the Candy Crush queen!!! I can't get past level 90... Lol! Been there for like 4 months :( AND sonic...love that game. I just put it on my iPhone a few weeks ago for my son. I was so excited when I saw it.

Anyway, I get these feelings all the time. I used to have the shakiness everyday, but it's let up some. The tension headaches are a part of me and the stomach issues....ditto.
Now I'm dealing with having to pee every 30 minutes... This is a new symptom for me, so it's got me all freaked out.
Gotta love anxiety, keeps life colorful doesn't it?!!

12-31-2013, 05:02 AM
I get the tension headaches almost every day now too. Which of course, always makes me think it's something worse. Nevermind that I work in front of a computer, I work at home, and I plan my phone. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it but no. I get a headache, Bam, instant brain tumor. FML

For me, candy crush was easy. If you words trick me up for a couple of days and specifically board 65 and board 147, I was on both of those for over two months.

Today is technically my Friday since I'm off the rest of the week. Just trying to get through the work day so that I can relax.

I'm so glad that I have such a giant circle of weirdos here on the site that I can cry too and literally everybody knows exactly what I'm going through. We totally get each other.

Happy new year. PS I downloaded sonic on my phone last night. Thanks!!

01-01-2014, 11:53 AM
Lol giant circle of weirdos.

What's your sonic high score? I Just got 713,000

01-02-2014, 05:24 AM
Lol giant circle of weirdos. What's your sonic high score? I Just got 713,000

Having a hard time playing it. I really need an actual controller in my hand. I get so tense that my thumb is sliding off of the button. I'm trying to figure out how to have my thumb work a flat controller LOL

01-02-2014, 09:47 PM
Lol I get the same. My muscles ache after a long run, where I tense and twist.

Just got 1.6million. My high score. I'm so stoked right now!

01-03-2014, 05:41 AM
Lol I get the same. My muscles ache after a long run, where I tense and twist. Just got 1.6million. My high score. I'm so stoked right now!

I just downloaded on the iPad for my four-year-old to play and he's kicking my ass

01-03-2014, 12:12 PM
Just reading through this thread and thought perhaps I could offer some helpful advice. I used to get horrible horrible debilitating headaches/migraines, and especially during times of high anxiety or stress. I went to the doctors and specialists because I was convinced I had a brain tumor or was going to stroke out. Everything came back normal, so I was eventually sent to an ENT. The ENT discovered that I was grinding my teeth and clenching. I got a mouthguard for nighttime, and although I can still clench with it in, I don't have as many headaches as I used to. I also work on a computer all day long, deal with insurance companies, patients, and telephone calls. Still, the headaches remain at bay.

Now as far as the other stuff going on, sometimes our bodies like to not allow us to be completely relaxed. It likes to remind us that it is in control. The sudden bursts of dizziness, shakiness, etc. can be from many things. But, it could also be from anxiety or stress experienced days ago just now catching up to you. You must not allow those sudden bursts to send you back to square one. Accept them for what they are, allow them to do there thing, and never, I mean never fear them. Once you become afraid, there is no turning back. Terrible things will run through your mind and just keep manifesting into worse scenarios in your head.

I know I can give advice to everyone else, but I'm smiling reading what I just wrote because I do exactly the same as you and I should be practicing what I preach! :)

01-03-2014, 12:45 PM
I clenched my jaw so bad when I'm sleeping that it will literally wake me up. And then when I wake up I have all I can do to even open my mouth. It's like I have to consciously relax my jaw in order to separate my teeth. It sucks.

01-04-2014, 10:05 AM
I have had to be much more conscious of relaxing my jaw, especially when I am going to sleep. One trick I learned was to stick my tongue between my teeth. Also massaging my jaw and doing some exercises has helped.

I know that I've always clenched my teeth during times of stress. It has become more of a problem once the anxiety started. If you google jaw exercises it will give you some direction as to how to relax your jaw.

I hope this helps.

01-04-2014, 10:33 AM
I don't know why it does that,I could be having a relax then BAM out of no where I will
Get a attack,dam panic attacks I'm so over them 😡😤

01-04-2014, 12:29 PM
I have had to be much more conscious of relaxing my jaw, especially when I am going to sleep. One trick I learned was to stick my tongue between my teeth. Also massaging my jaw and doing some exercises has helped. I know that I've always clenched my teeth during times of stress. It has become more of a problem once the anxiety started. If you google jaw exercises it will give you some direction as to how to relax your jaw. I hope this helps.

Funny you sat that. I went to bed last night and consciously had my tongue between my teeth. Of course I'm sure it was only there until I fell asleep but it helped me fall asleep knowing I had there

01-04-2014, 12:34 PM
Reneek and shells - that's all I remember doing for tight jaw - just keeping my tongue between my teeth. Some nights I would fall asleep like that, and wake up and my tongue would feel half bitten off where I clamped down on it in the night. Ugh!

01-04-2014, 12:37 PM
Reneek and shells - that's all I remember doing for tight jaw - just keeping my tongue between my teeth. Some nights I would fall asleep like that, and wake up and my tongue would feel half bitten off where I clamped down on it in the night. Ugh!

Yikes. Mine just gets so bad that I wake in the middle of the night and cannot even open my mouth because I'm so tense

01-05-2014, 07:27 PM
Well, like I said I do wear a mouth or teeth guard now as well. It doesn't stop me from clenching, but at least it eases up the pain. Also, clenching will cause neck pain. It will affect your ears, jaw, head, neck, and of course teeth. I use a mouth guard that I bought called Dr. Right? You mold the guard yourself to your teeth. It is quite comfortable and doesn't affect me from sleeping. It was in the dental aisle at the store. If you cannot find it, ask a pharmacist.

And, I've also bitten my tongue as well, and that does not feel good!