View Full Version : hey everyone

12-30-2013, 08:25 AM
Been off here for the busy xmas period. How is everything going for everyone?

I have been ok tried to wean off the propranolol but felt really edgy so now I am stuck at 20 20 20 I am hoping to come off it tho sertraline def helping I havent upped to 100 yet but will be on wednesday

12-30-2013, 09:52 AM
Doing great here Gemma!...Hope your Holiday was a special one too! Very good to see that the meds are helping you too friend...


12-30-2013, 10:13 AM
Christmas was quite quiet for me. Rather unusual as I rush around a lot most years.

Did yours go relatively anxiety free?

It's always good when you can get down to just the one med. Makes things (side effects too) easier to manage. I hope the edginess passes, you've been doing well from what I've been reading!

Lee Grant Irons
12-30-2013, 01:47 PM
Hi mummy!

Glad to hear you are working on it proactively. :)

I've had a house full of my kids back from college, dealing with the stress of sending one off to University of Edinborough this next semester and trying to get his special prescription drugs lined up, while dealing with the stress of another having a bunch of incomplete classes that he has to finish that I helped pay for. Yes, a different kind of stressor than E-man, but stress nonetheless. Trying to keep it "happy." :)


12-31-2013, 04:15 AM
Christmas was quite quiet for me. Rather unusual as I rush around a lot most years.

Did yours go relatively anxiety free?

It's always good when you can get down to just the one med. Makes things (side effects too) easier to manage. I hope the edginess passes, you've been doing well from what I've been reading!

Ahhhh but you have commented on the this thread 2 jesse so theres no taking sides haha

12-31-2013, 04:18 AM
Doing great here Gemma!...Hope your Holiday was a special one too! Very good to see that the meds are helping you too friend...


Thats great we had a very busy christmas we all got spoilt

I have ran out of stomach tabkets so my stomach is hurting but I can buy them so thats what I am off to do today and foood shop urgh I hate it but its got to be done

12-31-2013, 04:19 AM
Hi mummy!

Glad to hear you are working on it proactively. :)

I've had a house full of my kids back from college, dealing with the stress of sending one off to University of Edinborough this next semester and trying to get his special prescription drugs lined up, while dealing with the stress of another having a bunch of incomplete classes that he has to finish that I helped pay for. Yes, a different kind of stressor than E-man, but stress nonetheless. Trying to keep it "happy." :)


I am sure everything will work out for the better just got to get passed those hurdles