View Full Version : hey everyone

12-30-2013, 08:23 AM
Been off here for the busy xmas period. How is everything going for everyone?

I have been ok tried to wean off the propranolol but felt really edgy so now I am

12-30-2013, 10:06 AM
Hey Mummy.

You made two duplicate threads. In one, EMAN has posted. In the other, this thread, I have.

You must now make a choice. Who are you going to side with and who's team are you going to join. It's me... Or EMAN. Choose carefully as one will take you to freedom, the other just wants you to look at his muscles...Er I mean, the other will take you around in circles.

Your life and your future depends on this choice.

There is no going back.

Jk, I just hate seeing threads with 0 replies. Even duplicates :D I'll write a more serious response in your other thread