View Full Version : If ive had these tests?
12-29-2013, 09:31 PM
So about 8 months ago I had the following tests Head neck and chest ct So much blood work hey should give me some back Sonogram of neck Chest X-ray Pulmanary function test Holiter monitor 6 ekgs Echocardiogram Pee tests Stool culture 2 pelvic sonograms If there was something wrong would it have showed ????? Would anything have changed between then and now???? Is what I have anxiety???
12-29-2013, 10:05 PM
Sounds like a comprehensive work up. Forgive me for asking since I'm new, but why did you have all these tests in the first place? We're the docs looking for a particular problem or did you have panic-like symptoms and wanted to rule out other causes?
12-29-2013, 10:18 PM
Everything from tachycardia to headache dizziness nausea lose stool couldn't breath the neck ct was specific turned out to be nothing tho
12-29-2013, 10:46 PM
Sounds like anxiety to me. I did the same, about a dozen ER trips, holster monitors, event monitors, EKG, MRI, CT, X-rays, blood work, and the list goes on. All negative.
Should make me feel better, right? Not really. But it does help now that my anxiety is mostly better under control. I can remind myself that while I may have general sinus tachycardia, nothing is life threatening and I'm just anxious.
Try to remember that you've had lots of work ups done, and everything has been ok. Feel better!
12-29-2013, 10:48 PM
That sounds like they were pretty thorough and found nothing wrong. That's a good thing if you're having health anxiety. If you're still having symptoms and such, I'd say it's a very safe bet that our friend, anxiety, is the culprit. Now it's time (or maybe way past time) to switch gears and recognize it for what it is. Everything you listed is a classic anxiety symptom. Yes, they all suck, but hey, now you can move forward and tackle the real problem. Whatever route or combination of things you choose (meds, therapy, relaxation, biofeedback, hypnosis, dietary changes, exercise, etc) to combat the anxiety, the important thing you have to keep reassuring yourself of is that you were tested thoroughly and there's no other scary things lying dormant, waiting for a chance to attack. I know the monsters we create in our minds can really work our bodies over. I've been down that road a few times myself. Hang in there. You can beat this thing. It's time to stop worrying and start relaxing and enjoying your life of wellness. It will come. In the meantime, there's no reason to doubt such a thorough investigation by trained medical professionals would miss anything. Modern science is great, but you've got to fully embrace the healing of your thought patterns to squash all these adrenaline-activated symptoms. You can do it! Now take a deep breath, hit the restart button and start telling yourself that you are going to be just fine. It may take some practice, but it will get better.
12-31-2013, 02:14 AM
I thought i've had every test in the book done but you've got me beat. Its hard to believe but anxiety can cause all of those symptoms. I think its time you accept that it is anxiety and that way you can look towards ways of fixing and over coming it. There are many methods, medications, natural approaches, and books to explore to over come your anxiety. I recommend "The Mood Cure" By Julia Ross. This site is a wealth of information. Read some of the stickies at the top of the forum for more good info. We are all here to help!
01-01-2014, 04:50 AM
...Its hard to believe but anxiety can cause all of those symptoms.
For an idea of how crazy things can get, look up Conversion Disorders. Without physical cause, from psychological issues, people have temporarily become blind, paralyzed, and much more. Although I agree with you that it is hard for us to believe that anxiety can do so much, the mind can do so much more.
Conversion Disorder was formerly known as Hysteria. The mind is absolutely incredible.
01-01-2014, 05:05 AM
Oh yes.. I've had horrible feelings with panic attacks. having a panic attack then all of a sudden I couldn't feel my limbs.. I couldn't move, couldn't talk.. Only thing I could move was my eyes.. In which were blurry, black spots getting bigger, at one point all I could see was black. Then I don't know what happened, next thing I know I'm in the toilet vomiting then head spins and almost fainted. This has happened more than once.. Not sure if my fits come into anxiety, but basically, if I pass out I have a seizure ing fit. Usually in those cases I hit my head, before or during my faint.. Sometimes it Dosent hit till the day after I hit my head.. All of a sudden I get all these symptoms.. Wake up to paramedics. Scary.. Still unsure whether to tie it to anxiety or not because all tests I've had for my fits.. BEFORE I realzed I had anxiety all came up with nothing.. So eh. Could well be anxiety..
01-01-2014, 06:33 AM
There is a disorder known as a Basilar Migraine that has symptoms very similar to what you describe.
It is a migraine variant, so having them isn't so much of a concern as are the tons of symptoms and temporary physical impairments that go along with them.
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