View Full Version : New symptoms! :(

12-29-2013, 07:20 PM
I could just cry! My anxiety was getting better and now it's progressively getting worse... I am getting all sorts of new, crazy symptoms and they are all scary and send me into full blown panic attacks. I'm just so done with it!! The new symptoms are; a feeling that my heart either, stops for a second, skips a beat, flops around, OR beats in my throat, then my eyes will go crazy and I can't hardly explain it but they'll feel like they are vibrating or moving (like my eyeball) and I have to roll my eyes around to clear the sensation and fuzziness. I will also start to kinda feel light headed and like the noises around me are muffled or in a haze. Idk but this all scares me straight into a panic! Is this normal anxiety or something else??? :(

The Valeyard
12-29-2013, 07:35 PM
Sounds like anxiety alright. I'm sorry, dear. I've not had vibrating eyeballs, but my brain vibrates. It's frustrating.

12-29-2013, 07:40 PM
Hi MrsJ88

Did you change your hair? I could've sworn it was blonde before.. it's nice.. :)

That's the thing about anxiety; once you get used to one set of pains and you tend to know what to expect--things change! And then the freaking out and getting more tests starts all over again. I'm sure it's anxiety just mixing things up, trying to trick you into freaking out. You got over your symptoms before, right? Maybe try and pay no attention to it, and treat these news symptoms like your last and see if you do better?

12-29-2013, 08:54 PM
Hi MrsJ88 Did you change your hair? I could've sworn it was blonde before.. it's nice.. :) That's the thing about anxiety; once you get used to one set of pains and you tend to know what to expect--things change! And then the freaking out and getting more tests starts all over again. I'm sure it's anxiety just mixing things up, trying to trick you into freaking out. You got over your symptoms before, right? Maybe try and pay no attention to it, and treat these news symptoms like your last and see if you do better?

Yes, I went back to my natural color :) brunette.

And thanks for your input I'll try and ignore the symptoms as best as I can.

12-29-2013, 09:00 PM
I'm no doctor, but the vibrating and fuzziness in your eyes coupled with muffled hearing seems like it could be blood pressure related. Blood pressure and anxiety feed each other. Of course I may be way off base on that. Usually the symptoms of panic attacks are just mixed up signals your body is supplying you over a perceived threat, but it couldn't hurt to have your blood pressure checked to be sure you don't require more specific treatment.

12-29-2013, 09:58 PM
I could just cry! My anxiety was getting better and now it's progressively getting worse... I am getting all sorts of new, crazy symptoms and they are all scary and send me into full blown panic attacks. I'm just so done with it!! The new symptoms are; a feeling that my heart either, stops for a second, skips a beat, flops around, OR beats in my throat, then my eyes will go crazy and I can't hardly explain it but they'll feel like they are vibrating or moving (like my eyeball) and I have to roll my eyes around to clear the sensation and fuzziness. I will also start to kinda feel light headed and like the noises around me are muffled or in a haze. Idk but this all scares me straight into a panic! Is this normal anxiety or something else??? :(

Don't you hate how anxiety makes you hyper sensitive to every heartbeat? Annoying.

You say that you feel like your heart stops, skips, or flops. Have you stopped and listened to your heartbeats for a full minute yet? If so, is everything normal? I ask because usually it's just our anxiety that makes us (or at least me) feel these weird beats. But of course you want to make sure everything is ok also. But if you take your pulse for a full minute and don't notice anything crazy, then it's probably just evil "Annie the Anxiety".

I've definitely had the weird eye feelings where you have to blink to have normal vision again. I've read that's normal for anxiety also.

12-29-2013, 10:26 PM
Same thing here. I am hypersensitive to my heart rate. It kinda sucks because it freaks me out. I just try to take my deep breaths and try to distract myself with a game or reading.

12-29-2013, 10:50 PM
I am hypersensitive to pretty much every sensation but head symptoms are the worst!

I think my body confuses tiredness, hunger etc with anxiety so everytime I am feeling something I think well this must be anxiety and on it comes....

12-30-2013, 01:28 AM
Don't you hate how anxiety makes you hyper sensitive to every heartbeat? Annoying. You say that you feel like your heart stops, skips, or flops. Have you stopped and listened to your heartbeats for a full minute yet? If so, is everything normal? I ask because usually it's just our anxiety that makes us (or at least me) feel these weird beats. But of course you want to make sure everything is ok also. But if you take your pulse for a full minute and don't notice anything crazy, then it's probably just evil "Annie the Anxiety". I've definitely had the weird eye feelings where you have to blink to have normal vision again. I've read that's normal for anxiety also.

Oh yes I've checked and it's normal unless I'm having that feeling at the moment, and I've also seen 2 cardiologists, who've done a stress test, echocardiogram, EKG and I've worn a heart monitor twice for 24 hours and all came back normal.

12-30-2013, 01:41 PM
Good! Then I would say this is anxiety. It's super annoying, I completely understand. Are you feeling better today?