View Full Version : Effoxor XR side effexts""

02-08-2008, 03:50 PM
My doctor put me on Effoxor and im really scared to take it ! because of side effects! what should i do ?? and has it helped anyone! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

02-09-2008, 12:41 AM
OK first you must understand that i've had anxiety for a little over a year... it was at it's worst when it first started because i didn't know what the heck was going on with me... so the doc puts me on an anti-dep. called Effexor... apparently it's one of the newest and strongest at kicking anxiety's butt... however, me being a newcomer to this type of medication... i got my butt kicked with side effects... i was on this stuff for 3 months, at 75 mgs a day... i asked my doc to take me off cuz it didn't make me feel better... if anything i was angry and short with everyone... now i'm not saying it was the med... it could've been the state of mind i was in... but after i weaned off the drug... which took a month... i wasn't as angry and impatient. So it might've been the Effexor i don't know... I do know this... that if it was this med that caused all this hell for me... I would take it off the market and forget about it's existence alltogether.
It is worth mentioning that while i was weaning off the med... my anxiety was hightened and i had what some people call "Brain zaps" which feel so unatural and scary.. and they happen about 60 times a day no exaggeration.
I also read somewhere, and this is just what i heard.... that the person who came out with this med back in the early 90's... wrote a letter not long ago... maybe a couple years ago... stating that he or she wanted to take his own creation off the market and make it not available... but it's still out there so i guess it didn't work out. Besides i don't think pharmaceutical companis care if you get better or not... as long as they have your money.
Hope it works out whatever route you choose.

02-15-2008, 08:24 PM
I had a positive experience with Effexor, unlike the previous poster. Paxil on the other hand was horrible. I had only one pill of 20 mg of it and I had a panic attack in the middle of the night (something I had NEVER had prior).

I was started on Effexor XR very gradually. 37.5 mg was the first dose, then it went up to 75 mg. Then I took the 75 mg with a 37.5 mg and then finished off at 150 mg.

This was the best drug I ever could have taken as it helped me control my moods, anxious thoughts, depression, obsessive thoughts.....and also to gain back 20 pounds (I had lost a lot of weight and became quite underweight because my anxiety was pretty out of control; it made me chronically nauseous and I did not feel I could eat....so I didn't....much.)

I think the bottom line is that everyone reacts differently to different medications. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries of different medications before finding the right one for you. If you are apprehensive about starting the drugs, tell your doctor. They may start you at a lower dose and increase it more gradually.....

I wish you the best of luck! I'd really like to hear how things go.