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12-29-2013, 06:10 PM
I am 8 weeks pregnant and suffer from skipped heart beats. Today has been difficult with them, I have been feeling constipated so I thought I would have a small glass of coke (I have ibs and it normally clears me out in minutes) however after having it I started getting skipped beat after skipped beat. I recently had a 48hr heart monitor and haven't heard anything (no news is good news?). Being pregnant I am even more worried as I a want this baby so much! I'm trying to remain calm and just keep going about my life but every one is so terrifying. I'm not sure if it's the coke as I normally don't drink pop and when I do it's caffeine free. So scared at the moment.

12-29-2013, 06:50 PM
no caffeine for a pregnant lady :) congratulation :)
Just wait it will pass in like two hours, you body get rid of that, Do not touch anything with caffeine not. Your heart works for two now:))

12-29-2013, 06:59 PM
Thank you! I really hope that it passes, I'm starting to feel calm. :)

Lee Grant Irons
12-29-2013, 10:24 PM
Hello onebreath,

Especially if you don't normally drink anything with caffeine, when you do it will really affect you. Caffeine blocks sugar from passing into cells, so insulin rises even more in response to caffeine and then adrenalin follows to force the sugar into the cells. What you are feeling is an adrenalin kick. Best not to put a baby in the womb through insulin and adrenalin spikes if you don't have to.