View Full Version : Do i have anxiety?

02-08-2008, 12:58 PM
The last week has been pretty crazy for me, I have been depressed and all day i have been shaking, twitching and my heart has been feeling like it is stopping and starting slowing down speeding up.
I also have this feeling like im not real, Im looking down on myself like a dream almost.
I also have had nightmares the last 2 nights and woke up and had these symptoms again and even started crying for no reason.
Do i have anxiety?
In the past i have had several panic attacks involving visiting the hospital.

02-08-2008, 02:50 PM
Hi Sarah:)

All this you are saying are symptoms of anxiety. Depression and anxiety goes hand in hand. Also rasing heart, feeling it has stopped/slowing down is normal for anxiety.
Your feeling of looking at your self like in a movie is very normal. I havent had this much, but it seems like most of the people here has it.
Dont worry.. i have heard (and experienced) all this. And i have anxiety.
I bet everybody here can tell you the same.

Check out the list of symptoms and you will find all this in the list:)

Let us know if something changes!


02-09-2008, 04:12 PM
It sounds as though you have suffered a couple of panic attacks.

The first thing to tell yourself about panic attacks is they are in no way harmful to you pyhsically so don't be afraid of them when they/if they happen.

The following web page will be really useful to you regarding panic attacks:

mind . org . uk / Information / Booklets / How+to / How+to+cope+with+panic+attacks . htm

(close the spaces)

You should probably go and see your doctor and have a talk about how you've been feeling lately