View Full Version : Normal to not feel normal when starting to feel normal???

12-29-2013, 08:50 AM
What I mean is- I feel like I am starting I feel better and less anxious but then I almost feel like I am supposed to be anxious and then look for something to be anxious about. Don't know if it am explaining it well. I wake up in he morning and right away check in with my feelings. If I think I feel good, I start second guessing myself and think, "this can't be right?" Anyone know what I mean? I went to my first cbt therapist yesterday, so hopefully soon I will learn to live in the present and enjoy the moment! Hope you are all have in a good day :)

12-29-2013, 08:54 AM
Hehe yeah it's quite a common phenomenon :)

I've heard it quite a lot on this forum. I wish I could dig some threads up, but I can't remember names now. You'd probably giggle a bit at so many others asking the same question.

It's a very good sign though. It's a sign that means you're entering into the process of recovery. You are most likely going to soon be beyond the bad stuff if you keep going like this. Usually the next step is a little emotional numbness, a little depression. This is ok too.

Feel positive :)

12-29-2013, 09:00 AM
Thanks for the reassurance :) I hate second guessing myself, it is so frustrating that I can't just let myself feel good and go with it.

12-29-2013, 09:00 AM
What I mean is- I feel like I am starting I feel better and less anxious but then I almost feel like I am supposed to be anxious and then look for something to be anxious about. Don't know if it am explaining it well. I wake up in he morning and right away check in with my feelings. If I think I feel good, I start second guessing myself and think, "this can't be right?" Anyone know what I mean? I went to my first cbt therapist yesterday, so hopefully soon I will learn to live in the present and enjoy the moment! Hope you are all have in a good day :) I'm there too. Today I have practically no anxiety and I feel weird about it. I constantly look for the anxiety or the thoughts. It's a frustrating feeling. Like, why can't we leave well enough alone. Geez! We are our own worst enemy.

12-29-2013, 09:01 AM
old habits, take time to break...even the ones we want to stop immediately. :)

12-29-2013, 09:02 AM
Oh, look, I've reached the ranks of a "senior member". Do I get a prize?

12-29-2013, 09:03 AM
I'm smokin it for you right now!! A cigar!!! yukkky...:)

12-29-2013, 09:08 AM
Oh, look, I've reached the ranks of a "senior member". Do I get a prize?
Haha you are big time!!! Congrats!

12-29-2013, 09:10 AM
I'm there too. Today I have practically no anxiety and I feel weird about it..

You're doing well, but I expect that, I mentored you. I only mentor successes... Take Enduronman for instance.... He was a wooden puppet when I met him, desperate to be a real boy...

I made that happen for him, and he's so grateful, he's been following me around ever since

He complains of joint pains and muscle aches, and puts it down to an autoimmune disorder... But we all know the real truth...

... He used to be made of wood :)

12-29-2013, 09:14 AM
You're doing well, but I expect that, I mentored you. I only mentor successes... Take Enduronman for instance.... He was a wooden puppet when I met him, desperate to be a real boy... I made that happen for him, and he's so grateful, he's been following me around ever since He complains of joint pains and muscle aches, and puts it down to an autoimmune disorder... But we all know the real truth... ... He used to be made of wood :) hahaha. Where do you come up with this stuff? There's no way you are really that witty. Lol. JK!

12-29-2013, 09:15 AM
You're doing well, but I expect that, I mentored you. I only mentor successes... Take Enduronman for instance.... He was a wooden puppet when I met him, desperate to be a real boy... I made that happen for him, and he's so grateful, he's been following me around ever since He complains of joint pains and muscle aches, and puts it down to an autoimmune disorder... But we all know the real truth... ... He used to be made of wood :)
You and Eman are so funny!

12-29-2013, 09:21 AM
What I mean is- I feel like I am starting I feel better and less anxious but then I almost feel like I am supposed to be anxious and then look for something to be anxious about. Don't know if it am explaining it well. I wake up in he morning and right away check in with my feelings. If I think I feel good, I start second guessing myself and think, "this can't be right?" Anyone know what I mean? I went to my first cbt therapist yesterday, so hopefully soon I will learn to live in the present and enjoy the moment! Hope you are all have in a good day :)

That was my life a little bit ago. It's very normal when you have anxiety because it is the 'disease' of doubt. You doubt everything and second guess everything. Naturally you even second guess normalcy. Assessing your feelings is what starts it all, really. You should attempt to stop assessing. When you start assessing your feelings, it's a cycle that can go on all day. Wake up! Get right up and don't lay there and think. Go eat breakfast, turn on the TV or play a game. It'll distract you so you forget you were going to assess yourself.

12-29-2013, 09:21 AM
Lmmmaaaaaaaaaoooooooo!!!!! :)

12-29-2013, 09:23 AM
I'm laughing so hard,,....I am literally sportin some wood!!! Oh wait, that's my nose!!! BAHAHAAAHA!! :D

12-29-2013, 09:28 AM
That was my life a little bit ago. It's very normal when you have anxiety because it is the 'disease' of doubt. You doubt everything and second guess everything. Naturally you even second guess normalcy. Assessing your feelings is what starts it all, really. You should attempt to stop assessing. When you start assessing your feelings, it's a cycle that can go on all day. Wake up! Get right up and don't lay there and think. Go eat breakfast, turn on the TV or play a game. It'll distract you so you forget you were going to assess yourself.

Gosh I'm proud of you right now :) Great post. When you're serious, you write some pretty good stuff dear.

@Enduronman: LOL. quite simply LOL. Sporting wood. Nose.

@ Kris: Well done on becoming senior member ;)

12-29-2013, 09:30 AM
That was my life a little bit ago. It's very normal when you have anxiety because it is the 'disease' of doubt. You doubt everything and second guess everything. Naturally you even second guess normalcy. Assessing your feelings is what starts it all, really. You should attempt to stop assessing. When you start assessing your feelings, it's a cycle that can go on all day. Wake up! Get right up and don't lay there and think. Go eat breakfast, turn on the TV or play a game. It'll distract you so you forget you were going to assess yourself.

Dayummm....Go Janey!!! YAY!!! :)

12-29-2013, 09:32 AM
Oh wow...just noticed that I only need 406 post to meet my Mentor,..SO,..go ahead and pick my brain reeeaaalllllyyyyy hard today cuz I just took 10,000mgs of caffeine!!! YEAH!!!!

Let's rock this joint!


12-29-2013, 09:33 AM
You and Eman are so funny!

Lol thanks, I've been here for a couple of years now, and I've seen periods where Eman comes and goes for a bit. The forum definitely has more positivity when he's here. He brings it for sure. Very energetic.

Which one are you in your pic btw, left or right?

12-29-2013, 09:40 AM
I will explain in brief why I would come and go: I could not manage the crazy a** things that go on around here daily, and also spend time here..I had to learn to manage them both and also, realize that I can't run out the front door and go find everyone here that really just needed to get out of their house for a little bit. I wanted to go get them, go for a walk, go to a pub, go to a store, go for a drive, take them some flowers, go get some coffee,..as therapy. My "mind" would become so overwhelmed because I wanted everyone to get well, immediately, and thought I could do it for them..I can't, they have to take that first baby step themselves.....

There's the shortest I can make it...:)

Thank you for that kind compliment Jesse, now,...start messing with me again because dood hugs are gayyyness!!! xoxo... LMAO!


12-29-2013, 09:46 AM
Lol thanks, I've been here for a couple of years now, and I've seen periods where Eman comes and goes for a bit. The forum definitely has more positivity when he's here. He brings it for sure. Very energetic. Which one are you in your pic btw, left or right?
I am on the anxious one on the left.

12-29-2013, 09:47 AM
What I mean is- I feel like I am starting I feel better and less anxious but then I almost feel like I am supposed to be anxious and then look for something to be anxious about. Don't know if it am explaining it well. I wake up in he morning and right away check in with my feelings. If I think I feel good, I start second guessing myself and think, "this can't be right?" Anyone know what I mean? I went to my first cbt therapist yesterday, so hopefully soon I will learn to live in the present and enjoy the moment! Hope you are all have in a good day :)

Hey anxiousga, I get that too. It's like I've had anxiety for so long, I wouldn't feel normal if I didn't have something to be anxious about! Janey's got a great idea about just getting up and going. Don't sit there and think too much, Just dive right into life and get busy. That really helps!

@ Jesse & E-man
Can we ever have a thread these days where you two aren't flirting or whatever it is you two do with each other? It's gotten so bad, I'm to the point of thinking of couples names for you guys.. J-man, Esse, Jesduronman........ :P

12-29-2013, 09:48 AM
That was my life a little bit ago. It's very normal when you have anxiety because it is the 'disease' of doubt. You doubt everything and second guess everything. Naturally you even second guess normalcy. Assessing your feelings is what starts it all, really. You should attempt to stop assessing. When you start assessing your feelings, it's a cycle that can go on all day. Wake up! Get right up and don't lay there and think. Go eat breakfast, turn on the TV or play a game. It'll distract you so you forget you were going to assess yourself.
Thanks for the advice Janey!! I try to not assess but then I think that makes me assess more. It is a vicious cycle! I will get though this!! We all will :)

12-29-2013, 09:49 AM
Hey anxiousga, I get that too. It's like I've had anxiety for so long, I wouldn't feel normal if I didn't have something to be anxious about! Janey's got a great idea about just getting up and going. Don't sit there and think too much, Just dive right into life and get busy. That really helps! @ Jesse & E-man Can we ever have a thread these days where you two aren't flirting or whatever it is you two do with each other? It's gotten so bad, I'm to the point of thinking of couples names for you guys.. J-man, Esse, Jesduronman........ :P

Haha! I like the idea of having a couples name for them:) good one!

12-29-2013, 09:55 AM
@ Jesse & E-man!!!! "Can we ever have a thread these days where you two aren't flirting or whatever it is you two do with each other? It's gotten so bad, I'm to the point of thinking of couples names for you guys.. J-man, Esse, Jesduronman........ :P

I'm cryin im cryin!!!! :)

12-29-2013, 09:58 AM
I'm cryin im cryin!!!! :)
You 2 should take your act on the road and become a motivational speaking duo!!

12-29-2013, 10:02 AM
They would think we're just ADD/ADHD, OCD, PTSD, SAD, GAD, IED, comedians with "Highly Advanced Delusionary Scitzophrenia with Involuntary Narcisstic Rage Syndrome"!!!...and just mildy psychotic....

It would be funny though!!

Especially if I went into an episode of "ataxia" ...derrrrr.....:D LMAO!!!

12-29-2013, 10:04 AM
^ The 2014 Jesduronman World Tour.. it wouldn't be boring, would it? :)

12-29-2013, 10:38 AM
[QUOTE="NeverToo...Fear;138616"]^ The 2014 Jesduronman World Tour.. it wouldn't be boring, would it? :)[/QUOTE
Love it!!!

12-29-2013, 10:41 AM
No it wouldn't...because we're both semi-retarded...not intentionally! :)

12-29-2013, 10:44 AM
No it wouldn't...because we're both semi-retarded...not intentionally! :)

What!!!! Speak for yourself *Shocked*

12-29-2013, 10:45 AM
Ok gawddd....maybe I am abit more strongly semi- retarded....but yer still retarded. YAY!!! :)