View Full Version : Military anxiety .

12-29-2013, 07:14 AM
Hello ,I'm currently in the military and I have served on the frontline in Iraq and Afghanistan , I've suffered from anxiety for around 5 years now and the crazy thing is that during my times away I never once felt an ounce of anxiety before , during or shortly after . So I'm 100% confident that my anxiety isn't PTSD related . Recently my anxiety has become pretty intense where all I'm thinking about is my next 'attack' I've managed to keep it a secret as I don't like the fuss and I'm mildly embarrassed about it . But it's come to the point where I think I need to go see a doctor . I'm just worried that I'll get put in the PTSD bracket and get medically discharged ... If anyone has been on a similar experience and can shed some light id be highly appreciative .

Thanks :)

12-29-2013, 07:50 AM
Well, I really can't say much to help, but if its getting that bad your health has to come first right?.
Will they really discharge you just like that?, surely they'll try to help first.

And thank you for going over there and fighting for us, keeping us safe, don't know where in the world you are, be you American, Australian, British or whatever, but your keeping us all safe, and this useless lump of English-girl appreciates it. X

12-29-2013, 08:10 AM
Jamman welcome to the forum. I would think you anxiety is connected to the time in military. Anxiety is something which get to you unexpectedly, it is like a tornado, you never know when it comes and in which direction. It is nothing to be ashamed of. :D

12-29-2013, 08:40 AM
Hey dude!


I have the same type of anxiety that you do, although I was never on a frontline of a war, I was on the frontlines of battles, fights, brawls gang fights, bullies, etc..throughout my whole life. Yes, there were guns. Yes, there was that possibility of my demise. And, something that you had stated in your posts tells me that you were in fact, very comfortable being in that kind of position, event, circumstance. I'm the same. My whole "system" works better, more precise, more leveled out, more content, more at ease..as odd as that sounds. It is just "how" we're wired and programmed bruh. It's more than likely some sort of genetic abnormality, at least that's what science would lead us to believe. Yes, it is partly PTSD, but not the entire picture of who you are as a person, it doesn't "make" the man that you or I are. It's what science will label it however.

First thing is to get into therapy, get some medications and preferably an anti-psychotic and maybe even a beta-blocker for sure, because I'm just guessing that your anxiety can quickly reach psychotic levels, in tenths of a second. The anti-psychotics will help to level_____ you out, calm you down, stabilize you. Hence- Mood stabilizers. The beta-blockers will "block" that adrenaline dump because someone cut in line, cut you off in a car, looked at you funny, meaningless things in comparison to a war in Iraq sir.

Once therapy and meds are in place and working, then journey out into the world that doesn't "present" you with any real threats at all..no guns out there or people trying to kill you friend. Force yourself into these types of situations. Stores, malls, family, friends, social gatherings,..slowly.....

No, I highly doubt that you'll be discharged from the military as I'm sure that you'll get this under control, you're used to having control anyway, so take it back friend..

We're here if you need us brah!


12-29-2013, 10:20 AM
Firstly , thanks for the replies , it means a lot to be able to get this off my chest . There seems to be a whole host of different experiences here so as bad as it sounds , it's comforting to see that I'm not the only one .

I'm sure the military would help me out , but I've heard plenty of cases where the guys been discharged after / while being treated .
But like I said previously ( and I know this just sounds like I'm in denial :)) but I really don't think they're connected .

My first panic attack came on when I hit my leg off the side of a table and caused a big gash in my leg , I was on my own and it was bleeding quite badly but the fear that came over me was like nothing I've experienced !!
With my anxiety I just feel like I need to get out of the car/building and just run !!! I've become a bit of an expert at cutting conversations mid sentence and making excuses to leave somewhere haha .
I never get angry and I'd say I'm quite a mild guy . So I never bite or shout I just grin and bare it while dying on the inside . I don't even know what I'm afraid of but half my day I'm scared I'm gonna have another attack . I think if it continues in the new year I'll have to go see someone . It's a pretty huge step though !

Thanks again for listening.

12-29-2013, 10:25 AM
Yes, get it under control asap or it will become some huge ordeal and of course, wrap you up like a wet wool Army blanket...

You'd just became overly aware, overly sensitive, hyper aware,..and I can see how that happened too.

No sense in trying to hide it or deny it bruh, that's what "it" wants you to do..hide "it"...

Gotta reveal it, to let it go and force it out friend...

No sense in "dying on the inside" when you've made it this far..


12-29-2013, 02:32 PM
We all are experts on making excuses :))

12-29-2013, 03:56 PM
Welcome to the forum! As I've read this you sound identical to my partner.. He is such a strong guy, but I can tell that sometimes anxiety does get the better of him. I know he suffers with PTSD, probably from serving.. or maybe something else.. But either way.. I can tell. It isnt a sign of weakness, everyone has different coping levels.. and im sure if i was deployed like my partner.. well id be dead, and if not.. id be fucked up(more so than i can now!) for life.Know that you are not alone, there are millions of people that suffer with anxiety. I find that anxiety is stress levels, once you hit that 99% stress and even hitting your leg on the table (as much as that would frighten anyone, espesh while alone) that can give the further 1% and send you completely over, therefore causing panic attacks. I'm sure the military will help you, and because you seem to be such a strong person.. I'm sure they won't dismiss you so to speak.. Maybe the cases in which they were, maybe they were to far gone, suicidle thoughts etc.. But if you get the help now, it won't come to that.. The first step is admiting you have a problem.. Which you have done here, you are aware that something needs to be done. How your feeling isn't a way of life, get ontop of it mate.. We are all here as support, and I'm sure your friends and family will be there to support you.. That is their job! Yours is to trust enough to open up a little. It will help. Best of luck.