View Full Version : Health anxiety flares up

12-29-2013, 06:16 AM
I suffer from health anxiety, but I've been SO well these last couple of months -Being able to laugh about it, think about it and let it go.
This, I think, is partly due to an ashwagandha supplement I took for a month (you can only take for a month, then the effect starts to fade). I was relaxed and my body actually felt OK. I don't take any medication besides that and vitamin/mineral supplements.

But right now it feels like I'm right back where I began.. I have a swollen lymph node in my neck , has been swollen for about a month, had a nasty cough, got it checked out with the doctor -nothing-

I have pain in my right leg (thigh, knee and shin) and I'm sure it's cancer right away (have had the pain for a month or so and have a small bluish mark on my thigh)

I started on some new birth control a month ago (1st generation, have had migraines before but my doctor thought it was safe) and find it hard to breathe and have pain in my left arm -of course I'm having a heart attack.

I basically just seem to have landed all the least curable illnesses that the universe has to offer. And I know I probably don't have them all at once :)

The thing that my anxiety feeds off, is that I am SO scared to overlook something or not react in time. Does anyone know that feeling?
And how do you guys progress when you regress in your healing from anxiety?

Happy new year!!