View Full Version : SANE Chapter 3 Pre-Release

Lee Grant Irons
12-28-2013, 08:27 PM
I just posted my pre-release of chapter 3. If you would like to have access to reading it before I do the public release, send me a private message. This is done by clicking on my name to the left and then selecting "Private Message."

Along with the chapter 3 pre-release, I have updated chapter 2. To read the first two chapters, go to my book blog at http://sane-book.blogspot.com/.

Lee Grant Irons
01-06-2014, 09:42 PM
Hey everyone. I realize that I have been absent for a number of days. I have been been doing some deep thinking about the things I did to actually get my anxiety under control. The result is that I have written more content on this subject. In addition, my eldest daughter read my chapter 3 and recommended that I break the content up a bit into more chapters. This along with the new anxiety control content brought me to reconsider how I am organizing the book. So I am currently working on the reorganization effort. Basically, what I am doing is:

1) Changing the original chapter 1 into a prologue for the book.
2) Dividing the book up into seven sections that relate to the seven metaphors presented in the prologue, with each section having multiple chapters.
3) Limiting each chapter to ten pages to make it less daunting.
4) Reorganizing the information such that each chapter covers one concept with in the metaphor of the section, so that it will fit witinh the ten page limit with plenty of room for more helpful examples.

As soon as I am done with this, I will post the new Prologue, the new Section 1 (Freefalling) that contains four chapters with the new content on anxiety control, and the new Section 2 (The Wilderness) that contains two chapters with some of the new content from my original pre-release of chapter 3. I will then get immediately to work on Section 3 (Between Heaven and Hell) which will contain two chapters with the rest of my original chapter 3 pre-release content and more.

Having lots of fun! Enjoying life!

01-07-2014, 09:17 AM
So this is where you've been!!! :)

01-07-2014, 10:37 AM
Well so much changes and all of them very good. Nice to see Lee:))

Lee Grant Irons
01-12-2014, 07:48 PM
Hey everyone!

Back again.

I have completely renovated my book blog (click here) (http://sane-book.blogspot.com/). I now have the content in actual book page format, so it feels like you are actually reading an e-book. I also added the table of contents in the side column, so you can see the titles of all of the sections and chapters, and click on the links to take you to each chapter as it gets published. I have the new porlogue and the new chapter 1 up on the site right now, which is mostly previously written content, but with changes highlighted in yellow and green, so you can see what has changed in the content. I will soon be putting up the new chapter 2, Controlling the Spin, which contains all new and fresh content on stopping the uncontrolled spin of anxiety that must be done before you can deploy your parachute and stop your freefall. I will post back here when the new chapter 2 is up.


Lee Grant Irons
01-13-2014, 12:28 AM
I just posted the new chapter 2, Controlling the Spin, on my book blog (click here) (http://sane-book.blogspot.com/). It is all reworked and almost entirely new content.

Lee Grant Irons
01-21-2014, 10:23 PM
Been away working for a while. I just posted the long-awaited (LOL) reworking of chapter 3, Deploying the Parachute on my book blog (click here) (http://sane-book.blogspot.com/2014/01/chapter-3-deploying-parachute.html). Would love to get Dave's read on this. :)