View Full Version : New to forum, need some support

12-28-2013, 06:17 PM
I have been on 50 mg/day of zoloft for 10 years. In May of this year I was standing in church and my legs went numb and I freaked out on the inside. I have since upped my dosage to 75 mg/day after trying to deal with the anxiety for months, brought on by the episode. I have always been an overanalyzing and procrastinating person which makes my symptoms worse. My main problems I deal with now are rocking feelings, over sensitive vision, and not sleeping well. I have considered upping my dosage to 100/day. I have always taken my meds in the mornings. I have considered changing to taking at night. It's been a transition year for me. Selling my house, moving to an apt, then moving to my new house a few months later. I have tried to start exercising a couple times but it increases my anxiety somewhat. I am told it would go away once my body got used to exercising. I would appreciate any advice anyone has or experiences with zoloft.

Lee Grant Irons
12-28-2013, 08:37 PM
Hi jsrlifter,

Sorry to hear things are going a little rough right now.

I would recommend that you don't change more than one thing at a time. If you change more than one thing in, say, a week, and then you get side effects, it is impossible to know which change is causing what side effect or whether it is the combination that is causing the side effect. Changes to medication, changes to activity level and exercise regimes, changes to diet, changes to sleeping schedules, changes to anything in your environment are all included in this. You need to keep everything under as tight a control as you can and then only change one thing. That way, if you get a side effect or a new form of anxiety, you will have a better idea of what may have caused it.