View Full Version : Just realised!

12-28-2013, 05:00 PM
I go back to work a week on Monday. I'm so nervous, I've been off for 2 months, plus I'm going back as the busy season starts. On one hand it could be a good thing as I'll be busy but on the other hand, will I cope!?

I hate the fact that everyday is a fight with anxiety. I feel like I'm weak. People I know have gone through far far worse than I have so why am I like this? I feel like I have no right to be like this.

Sorry, on a bit of a downer today! Xxx

12-28-2013, 05:13 PM
I go back to work a week on Monday. I'm so nervous, I've been off for 2 months, plus I'm going back as the busy season starts. On one hand it could be a good thing as I'll be busy but on the other hand, will I cope!? I hate the fact that everyday is a fight with anxiety. I feel like I'm weak. People I know have gone through far far worse than I have so why am I like this? I feel like I have no right to be like this. Sorry, on a bit of a downer today! Xxx I hear ya! I go back to work on Monday as well, after being off for a month. I'm nervous about it as well. But I'm sure both of us will be fine. I think the anticipation of it is worst than the work itself. And like you said, it should keep us busy and distracted. Plus, we've coped for this long, why would it be any different when at work. I also agree with what you said about other people who have it worst. I feel the exact same way. My brother and sister in law recently lost their 22year old son, and when I saw them the other day they said something that really got me thinking. They said that at a certain point in time they came to the realization that happiness was a conscious choice and they made a choice to be happy, even in the depths of their own despair and heartache. They have a very strong faith in God and even through such tragedy, that never wavered. I found that to be very inspiring. If they could make such a choice and be happy when they have been through such a terrible loss, then surely I can dig deep enough within myself and overcome this anxiety. And you can too. We just have to believe it.

12-28-2013, 05:14 PM
yea i know...sometimes u think why u r soo down and u have reasons to be happier than others who are going through worse problems than yours

12-28-2013, 05:35 PM
Of course we look to others for that kind of inspiration. You know.....if they (as in others) can get through that, what do we have to worry about?.. I think it's important however that we don't minimise what we are struggling with as that can result in bottling up our own fears and feelings. We can't work a recovery that way either. Be kind to yourselves too ok x you're totally right. We have to recognize that our own struggles are as real and important as the next person. But again, finding inspiration from others can be a way for us to try harder, to push ourselves harder.

12-29-2013, 02:39 AM
Kris 123 what you said was very inspiring about being happy!

I think once I'm back in work and back to routine it will help me overcome this.

Plus I'll have my CBT appointments to help :-)

Roll on 2014, it's going to be a good year! Xx

12-29-2013, 04:25 AM
"My brother and sister in law recently lost their 22year old son, and when I saw them the other day they said something that really got me thinking. They said that at a certain point in time they came to the realization that happiness was a conscious choice and they made a choice to be happy, even in the depths of their own despair and heartache".

It doesn't get any more powerful than this. :)