View Full Version : Just for Dweeb...

12-28-2013, 02:49 PM
Our friend Dweeb (Debbie), has gone from hypochondriac, 200+posts, to taking charge and control of this "nasty creature" in a matter of 10 days...

She set her sights, planned her attack, and chose to take this journey and battle this demon, all by herself...

This is a powerful moment for her and also for any or many of you that read this too..

Can you do it too?

I think you already know that real answer, to that simple question..and we all know that answer too.

Eli Lilly (fluoxetine) again shows much promise, hope, and a rebound for her the regain the control that she had losts, a long time ago.

We're all proud of you, and don't give up this war friend.


Congratulations from us all!


12-28-2013, 02:54 PM
Thank you e-man :D

12-28-2013, 06:25 PM
Thank you e-man :D

Good luck! You'll make it through!