View Full Version : No anxiety

12-28-2013, 01:11 PM
Think i'm finally on way of beating this damn anxiety :D havent had any symptoms at all in the last few days even thou ive had to change medication and split up with my cheating boyfriend on boxing day!!

And i feel the best ive felt since august :D

Defos ready to kick this anxiety in the bollocks and knck it down a peg or 2 :D

12-28-2013, 01:17 PM
and split up with my cheating boyfriend on boxing day!!

Broke up with the boyfriend you say? Hmm

Eman... EMAN... Go get me some flowers to give to her...! Hurry!... Hey there young lady, I'm Jesse :cool:... I'm 6'1 and my abs have been used on occasions as washboards.

No, it's great you're doing well. Even the med change can't shake you and that's a big deal!!

Everybody, what's dweeb doing? After 3!

1... 2 ... 3:


12-28-2013, 01:25 PM
I have indeed lol.

His pathetic cheating behaviour is not summat i need so e can go do 1 along with the anxiety :D

I'm doin well and hopefully this will continue :D

Thank you :D

12-28-2013, 01:44 PM
Where the heck is my wing man EMAN? EMAN... Where you at bruh? How am I supposed to be a suave sophisticated gent when you're not here? Eesh!

I must apologize for my lack of preparation here. It's a forum tradition that all newly single forum girls get some roses and a double sided business card of my face and phone number. We seem to be having a few problems arranging this though. EMANNN?

I like this new powerful you!!! Kicking ass!!! F**k the cheating boyfriend! and f**k anxiety... I like it! Way to take back control of your life. Who needs negative influences like those!

New year approaching, new you, new life! Wishing you the best :)

12-28-2013, 01:51 PM
Well cnt be lettin crap hold u down forever can you, you eitha let it consume u or u fight back and ive had enough of all this consumin me so now i'm standing up and fighting back and 2014 will be a good new year not 1 taken up by anxiety and people that are not needed :)

Thank you

12-28-2013, 01:51 PM
I'm here bruh!!..and this thread is so eloquent, in soooo many ways.. It's actually a good thread and we get to sit back and watch Debbie kick some cheatin dudes a** too!!

She got realll powerful, reallly quickly. FTW!!!

I wish I was 6'1" myself!!!...maybe got some upper abs to share but you'll have to make up for the loss of the lowers (46 yr old, old dude) ya know!...

Keep up this enthusiasm because it's infectious!!..Contagious!!!...YES! :)

12-28-2013, 01:52 PM
******I'm doin well and hopefully this will continue :D******

Amazing!! :)

12-28-2013, 01:53 PM
Well cnt be lettin crap hold u down forever can you, you eitha let it consume u or u fight back and ive had enough of all this consumin me so now i'm standing up and fighting back and 2014 will be a good new year not 1 taken up by anxiety and people that are not needed :)

Thank you

I'm..uhhhhh...wow. Yes, you have chosen to fight back to get the YOU back.. Congratulations Dweeber! :)

12-28-2013, 01:57 PM
Hey, Dweeb.. awesome that you are kicking this anxiety !

And sorry about the boyfriend--but he was cheating, good riddance.. you deserve better!

Keep on fighting! ;)

12-28-2013, 01:58 PM
I think she just kicked her "main source" of anxiety the fugg out NTF!!...YAY!! :)

12-28-2013, 02:02 PM
Defos 1 of the main sources is now gone :D and i couldnt be happier.

Mad how thins chnge wen u see things for urself in black and white ay?

Awwww never too fear thank you bt dont be sorry his loss :D

My main problem was not accepting this was all anxiety and every ache and pain had to be something but over the last few weeks ive accepted the anxiety is what it is and now i'm able to fight it :D

And maybe prozac is the best thing ive ever taken in my life aha

12-28-2013, 02:06 PM
You are blessed Debbie,..this post is wayyyyy different than a week ago. So happy for you too, we all are!

Another Prozac success story too!!!


12-28-2013, 02:10 PM
Awwww never too fear thank you bt dont be sorry his loss :D
^^^ Exactly ! His loss! You go girl ! ;)


12-28-2013, 02:11 PM
Thank you very much.

And everyone else reading this believe me u can all beat this :D

I was a person that would go to a&e everyday thinkin i was dyin, i'd stay awake all night to make sure my daughter was breathing, every ache and pain was some killer disease and now 90% of the fears have gone and 90% of the irrational thoughts have gone and the sooner u accept it all as anxiety the faster u can get on the road to beating it.

So good luck to you all :D

12-28-2013, 02:11 PM
My main problem was not accepting this was all anxiety and every ache and pain had to be something but over the last few weeks ive accepted the anxiety is what it is and now i'm able to fight it

This is really great to read from you. It's a one way street to a better life when you reach this point.

12-28-2013, 02:15 PM
This is a 100% inspirational, energetic, esteem boosting thread for sure...You did it Dweeb!!! YOU pulled yourself out...you.


12-28-2013, 02:17 PM
Well ive had chest x-ray, numerous ecgs, blood tests, bloods for inflammation, abdominal scan, gynae scan (showed a innocent ovarian cyst) that should hopefully go on its own, d-dimer blood test.

So it all as to be anxiety and ive had to accept that and since accepting it ive slowly made progress to the point i havent had any anxiety symptoms for a few days :D

Thank you all for the support :D

Robert Tressell
12-28-2013, 02:19 PM
great news, well done and inspiration to all us med cowards!

12-28-2013, 02:22 PM
great news, well done and inspiration to all us med cowards!

She was doing it all bruh,..then, she said no more. How long has it been Debbie like 8 days??? 10??....and now this, moving forward again! :)

12-28-2013, 02:24 PM
Yeah been about 10 days :D

12-28-2013, 02:27 PM
WOW!!! :D

Today is a great day for many of us here,..

Please READ everyone! Noobs, Vets, whoever...:)

12-28-2013, 02:30 PM
Ive also gone from 80mg propranol to 10mg

And from 50mg sertraline to 20mg flouextine (cuz the sertraline was causing me chest pains)

12-28-2013, 02:31 PM
HAAHA!!! This is getting even better!!! The real power of your mind, astounding. :)

12-28-2013, 02:36 PM
Thank you

I'm grateful that i have dealt with this anxiety because in some weird way i feel that its made me stronger as a person :)

Of course theres split seconds in a day where i think what if bt instead of dwelling on that thought i think of something more positive :D

And after all the tests ive had it really is just tje nasty anxiety that gets us all nasty creature

But ikno for sure that this nasty creature is through messing with my life :D