View Full Version : Im sick of worrying is there anyone that i can talk too???

02-08-2008, 07:09 AM
Im just tired of thinking im not gettin enough air my chest feels like its not even there 24/7!! i use to be the happiest person and im just tired of feeling like this ! i hurt myself now because i cant deal with the pain and im just scared it will turn to the worst please someone help me

02-08-2008, 07:49 AM
I dont think anyone here is your solution. However, you should go to a psyclogist. I go there every week and it really helps.
After i've been there i remember that she probably treats 200 pasients like me in 1 month. So im no different.
I kinda remember that no one has ever died of anxiety.

Maybe you will experience the same?

02-08-2008, 08:08 AM

02-08-2008, 08:45 AM
I dont think anyone here is your solution. However, you should go to a psyclogist. I go there every week and it really helps.
After i've been there i remember that she probably treats 200 pasients like me in 1 month. So im no different.
I kinda remember that no one has ever died of anxiety.

Maybe you will experience the same?

Nobody has died of anxiety. That's a reassuring thing to remember.

02-09-2008, 04:16 PM
It sounds as though it's probably time for you to go and see your doctor (if you haven't already.)

A combination of self help, medication and/or theraphy should really help you feel better.