View Full Version : Holy moly

12-28-2013, 12:21 AM
I JUST realized that.. Well my panic attacks statted when i was on a pill.. I think it was a mixture of eccy's and speed.. Anyway first time I tryed a pill and it sent me into melt down mode.. Panic attack after panic attack.. I havnt been the same since.. Bloody shit I think I've found what made me have panic attacks!!! Drugs are bad mmkayyyy! Also does anyone find that stuff that is suppose to calm you gives you high anxiety? Valium, Camille tea, rescue remedy, meditating.. All this crap makes my anxiety sky rocket.. When I calm down to go to sleep and my heart beats slower it freaks me out.. Like in going to dye if I fall asleep.. Anyone else?

12-28-2013, 05:27 AM

So, it all started with pills..speeders.

Now, everytime you take a pill, even though it would knock a horse out, or a dingo, whatever that is,..you freak out and GET anxiety?

You put ALLLLLLLLLL of your focused efforts on, a pill..a tablet.

What if you had to take 11!!!!....OMGEEEEE!!!!

Like you're going to die, if you fall asleep....

Is this a bull**** thread???....fa shizz?

NO, not me...twerp.

Have a great day GbenGaBerMa!


12-28-2013, 05:30 AM
Nah no shit aye!! Any type of 'calm' stuff gives me anxiety haha go figure.. It's the whole relaxed feeling that freaks me out.. And when I get really tired.. Anxiety hits.. Being relaxed freaks me out.. Stupid shit

12-28-2013, 05:36 AM
It souuunnddssss as if, you may be ADD/ADHD!!!

That probably makes 0 sense to you at the moment because yer 19 hours ahead of me here...not sure what time that is..

If I take my ADD meds,..I'm even more calm. It's pretty powerful s**t. Give it to a normal person and they'll stand on the ceiling. I get groggy..weird.

Being relaxed freaks you out?.. hmmm... Yup! ADD!!! ADHD!!! and that explains all those selfies and the "Coming out the Other End" thing.

Those pics that Jesse did were hilarious!! I'm going to save them, and make them "viral"!!!...YAY!!! :)

12-28-2013, 05:40 AM
How do you find out if you have it?

12-28-2013, 05:42 AM
I have thought I may have.. I have the shortest attention span, always bubbly and have outbursts, my mind literally never shits the fuck up.. I've been diagnosed with OCD recently too -.-

12-28-2013, 05:43 AM

I was the only kid in Kindergarten that couldn't take a nap and had to throw blocks, tinker toys, and spit wads at everyone else when they finally dozed off to sleep...:)


12-28-2013, 05:45 AM

Your last comment, you can't sit the f**k still???.......hmmm...

You need to talk to the Doc about ADD/ADHD....OCD comes along for the ride twerp! :)

12-28-2013, 05:45 AM
Hahaha well I'm not that sever I guess.. Maybe a mild form of it.. I duhhnnoooooooo.. But it shits me to tears!! Even now it's 11 pm and I'm exhausted and I'm just fighting away panic -.-

12-28-2013, 05:48 AM
Yes..have a cup of tea, coffee, something with a mild stim in it...then doze off...Your brain is searching for dopamine, not serotonin...That's MY problem in the dopamine receptors area of the pea brain that I have..

Try it, let me know if you feel more calm..:)