View Full Version : How long do anxiety pains last?

12-27-2013, 08:00 PM
Hello. I was wondering how long to chest pains and other anxiety sensations last for people. I know my chest discomforts usually last anywhere from 5-10 minutes. Then come and go through out the day.

12-27-2013, 10:04 PM
I had some lasting months. Especially in the arms and neck.

12-28-2013, 04:43 AM
I was wondering how long to chest pains and other anxiety sensations last...my chest discomforts usually last...5-10 minutes...come and go through out the day.

Hi, though I've never had chest pains from anxiety, I am aware that it occurs. Have you seen a doctor about the pains and received tests to rule-out other causes?

12-28-2013, 07:02 AM
^ Yeah, if you have chest pains, it's just good to rule out that it's not being caused by something else, and that assurance can help you deal with it better.

Anxiety pains last in all different times.. I've had nagging arm pain for a month. Chest pains for half a day..

Are you aware if you are doing anything that might cause that pain? Like if it could be a posture problem, or that you are really tense?

12-28-2013, 11:04 AM
Thank you for the replies.

I have seen doctors for it. They've ran blood tests 3 times, done about 5 ekg's and the stress test. All have come back positive. Still, I have these chest pains that come and go. More over my left peck. At the moment I have a heart monitor and I record every time I feel chest discomfort or heart palpitations.

Doctors tell me it's anxiety, but it just has me worried since chest discomfort tends to be a sign of heart attack.

12-28-2013, 11:18 AM
chest pains that come and go. More over my left peck. At the moment I have a heart monitor and I record every time I feel chest discomfort or heart palpitations....Doctors tell me it's anxiety, but it just has me worried since chest discomfort tends to be a sign of heart attack.

Just a little note about medical tests. When something comes back positive, there's usually a problem, tests coming back negative is the usual way it would be expressed.

I take it you mean that the results were positive for you, meaning good health?

Good that you're wearing a monitor, I had a rhythm disturbance that they didn't catch in the office, or on Holters, I had a monitor I wore for 10 days and we caught the rascal. Did you have a Stress/Echo or a Nuclear/Stress (Thallium/Stress) done?


I'm not recommending or trying to second guess your doctor, I'm just curious.

Does the pain get worse on exertion, (walking stairs, at work, shopping, etc.) or is it the same as when at rest, or possibly worse at rest?

12-28-2013, 11:39 AM
Yes. I meant positive for me. :)

I had the stress/echo test done. The results were negative.

(Side note: I really disliked that I really had to push for further testing. All the doctors I saw kept saying its anxiety and that I was too young to have heart problems. (I'm 26)

They'd say my X-rays and blood work is fine so I'm good. )

The pain doesn't worsen when I do anything physical. Doctors have recommended I exercise to try and release some stress, so I've gone to the gym, done some light weights and cardio. No pain after I exercise. Only thing that worries me when I've exercised are my heart palpitations. Since my heart rate is faster than usual. When I feel one I worry more.

12-28-2013, 01:09 PM
When I feel one I worry more.

The comforting thing is that you have been tested while under exertion. As to the occasional missed beat, or more properly premature beats, if there is no structural, vascular, or rhythm anomalies with the heart, they really are of no significance.

Read this, by a heart rhythm doctor (electrophysiologist) on the topic.


He mentions 20,000 PVCs/Day (that's one beat in five) before they are significant (in an otherwise healthy heart). I get hundreds to thousands per day. I've corresponded with people that had 10,000 with no treatment. I hate them as well, but I just had a Stress/Echo test in the last few weeks, my heart was throwing tons of PVCs before I started the test, but I was already hooked up. The doctor was apparently unimpressed and I had none during the stress part, but a lot as my heart was slowing afterwards, which I understand is normal.

12-28-2013, 01:48 PM
Mine last an hour or two usually. Sometimes all day. I am pretty sure my chest pains are a result of tense muscles everywhere in my body, so once I relax they go away (but it takes me a while to relax),