View Full Version : anxiety and the room is spinning

12-27-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi all,
ever have the feeling that high anxiety and the room is spinning? I recently did. I may go for meds.........soon. The doctor was not available today, so I went to get stress pills. Anyone else feel this way? Let me know. Alita

12-27-2013, 08:12 PM
It's the worst. I get this overwhelming feeling of a dizzy spell that occurs in very slow motion. Feels like I will faint, I check my heart rate and bp And it's usually ok

12-27-2013, 10:08 PM
Could be a sign of adrenal fatigue.

Try some B vitamins if you can tolerate them, some vitamin C, and try and meditate daily and sleep before half ten :)

@Scareddan btw

12-28-2013, 04:48 AM
...ever have the feeling that high anxiety and the room is spinning?.... I may go for meds..... The doctor was not available today, so I went to get stress pills....

There are a variety of things that can cause dizziness, stress is one of them. Have you specifically addressed this with a doctor?

Lee Grant Irons
12-29-2013, 09:51 AM
Hi Alita!

Sounds like you have not discussed your anxiety with a medical doctor yet. I looked back at your posts, and remembered this previous post:

Hi all,
after much exploration into the topic of anxiety, I have come to the conclusion that I have some forms of anxiety. I need to get better without drugs. CBT is being used by my therapist to get better. Some anxiety is normal and good; but too much............well not good at all. General and social anxiety is what I think I have. As much as it is easy to live with this for so long; there is a part of me that wants to get better. Anyone have any tips on general or social anxiety? Please share. AlitaCBT is good. Beyond that, I would suggest you start thinking about specifics regarding the moments when you have anxiety. Try to figure out if there are any specific triggers. Once you have identified a trigger, then you have identified a problem that you can work on to solve. Your goal would be to eliminate your anxious response to the trigger. With that kind of goal, then you can start learning about things you can do to reach the goal. Your therapist could probably help you. This way, you cn use your therapy sessions to deal with very specific things.

How are the CBT sessions going? Have you identified the triggers for your anxiety?

I know you said you want to do this without meds. However, for most of us, we initially require help from anti-anxiety medicine. I was able to get by without depression medicine and with a minimal amount of Ativan and then later Xanax just to help me be able to think straight. The problem with anxiety and CBT is that if you can't think straight, all the talking in the world might not be able to force you or teach you to think straight. So I would recommend getting into a medical doctor as soon as you can and try starting with a minimum dose of anxiety medicine.

I found this previous post that apparently I and everyone else missed, as no one responded to you.

So I have been trying to check in with myself all day about how I feel.....The more time I take to talk through things in my head and talk less, the better I have become. I realize that my brain may not work all that well.........so I try to slow down before I say or do anything. It is when I react without thinking that the negative bad part of me surfaces. Anyone else for more thinking and less talk? Let me know. Alita

Would you like to share with us one or two of the things you are having to talk through in your head and how you are talking through them? This could help other people understand how to do this with better results