View Full Version : Struggling

12-27-2013, 11:37 AM
I'm struggling so much recently, especially being on the Christmas break and constantly at home.

Do you ever feel so down you just hurt? I hurt so much and can feel it in my chest. I've never been depressed before or not to this extent anyway. I haven't had any thoughts of self harm but I'm worried it might turn into that if I'm not careful.

I have no support from my family at home at all and with the recent loss of two of my relatives I'm just struggling so bad. My anxiety has got worse and I just feel like I've let people down who have tried to help me. Am I being stupid?

I just feel awful, I don't know what to do :(

12-27-2013, 12:45 PM
So sorry for your recents losses.

Your stress level is high from the passing of your loved ones. Understandable.

Your thoughts about harming yourself at some point is completely normal for someone with high anxiety. People also fear they will harm people close to them. That is a well documented common symptom.

You will not move from anxiety/depression to schizophrenic or insane. In fact, people with anxiety are so in-tune with their feelings and thoughts, they are the least likely group to go off the deep end.

Your just stressed out now. So your anxiety is heightened. Nothing to fear or worry about.

If your family doesn't understand or support what you are going through, everyone here will always understand and be here

12-27-2013, 12:54 PM
I can relate to what you are saying Worrier. I lost two relatives prior to this Christmas also. If I stay home, I will go through the same things you describe, thinking, obsessing, over-analyzing, aching.

For me, the best thing is to plan something to do first thing in the morning, so I know I have a purpose as soon as I get up. Like, yesterday I had to take the dog to the vet. Today, I went to the store. It just gets the whole day rolling a bit better. :)

12-27-2013, 01:25 PM
Do you ever feel so down you just hurt? I hurt so much and can feel it in my chest. I've never been depressed before or not to this extent anyway....I just feel awful, I don't know what to do :(

I refer to it as being sick depressed, it happens every winter. In my case it's likely Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), if you're in the Northern Latitudes, the amount of sunlight is very minimal compared to the Northern Latitudes summers, the angle of the sun in the winters in those areas is oblique, so the amount of light per square inch is less, and, drum roll please, if you're in a cold area, your chance of being in the sun, for many, is less.

Serotonin production is highest when we are exposed to a lot of sunlight, and Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter. It's supposed to be related to retinal exposures to light.

Every year I vow to by a 10,000 lux light box, something like this:


If you look at the price, you can see why every year I don't buy it. (There are less expensive 10,000 lux boxes available).

You would use these for 20 minutes or so early in the morning.

This year I have taken Vitamin D-3 (500% of the recommended daily allowance) well before winter started and don't seem to have been stricken by SAD, even without the light box. Vitamin D-3 is produced when our skin is exposed to light, and (see my comments on Northern Latitude lighting in winter above).

Others can suggest medication or other things to do, but I just wanted you to know that seasonal depressions occur, and mine would get similar to what you described.

Best regards.

12-27-2013, 03:59 PM
I can relate to what you are saying Worrier. I lost two relatives prior to this Christmas also. If I stay home, I will go through the same things you describe, thinking, obsessing, over-analyzing, aching. For me, the best thing is to plan something to do first thing in the morning, so I know I have a purpose as soon as I get up. Like, yesterday I had to take the dog to the vet. Today, I went to the store. It just gets the whole day rolling a bit better. :)

I try to do the exact same thing but I'm finding it really hard to even get out the house at the minute. I was doing so well going out places on the bus making day trips and then all of a sudden things happened and I was back to square one.

Thank you for the advice though I really appreciate it, I will keep trying to plan things straight away and maybe in a week or so I'll be able to venture out to do tasks again. I will keep trying to plan things in the morning :)

12-27-2013, 03:59 PM
I just hurt so much and it's as if I can't do anything about it, usually I'll be able to pick myself up and shake myself to get on with it but this has hit me so hard. I think I'm finding it hard because I feel so alone, my family aren't there for me and I'm beginning to believe my mental state is my fault because they tell me it is so much. I know I have you guys to talk to and I'm so grateful for that I really am but as soon as I put my phone down it's as if I'm back in this world where no one cares and no one wants to know me. I really don't know what I've done to my family in order for them to think this but I just wish 1 person, anyone in my family would just talk to me. Even if it was just saying 'how are you?'. I hate feeling so alone, it's really not a nice thing to go through and wake up to.

12-27-2013, 04:03 PM
I refer to it as being sick depressed, it happens every winter. In my case it's likely Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), if you're in the Northern Latitudes, the amount of sunlight is very minimal compared to the Northern Latitudes summers, the angle of the sun in the winters in those areas is oblique, so the amount of light per square inch is less, and, drum roll please, if you're in a cold area, your chance of being in the sun, for many, is less.

Serotonin production is highest when we are exposed to a lot of sunlight, and Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter. It's supposed to be related to retinal exposures to light.

Every year I vow to by a 10,000 lux light box, something like this:


If you look at the price, you can see why every year I don't buy it. (There are less expensive 10,000 lux boxes available).

You would use these for 20 minutes or so early in the morning.

This year I have taken Vitamin D-3 (500% of the recommended daily allowance) well before winter started and don't seem to have been stricken by SAD, even without the light box. Vitamin D-3 is produced when our skin is exposed to light, and (see my comments on Northern Latitude lighting in winter above).

Others can suggest medication or other things to do, but I just wanted you to know that seasonal depressions occur, and mine would get similar to what you described.

Best regards.

I think I have SAD too. I struggle so much during this time of the year! My sister and a couple of other relatives have it also. I really need to invest in the light perhaps.

12-27-2013, 04:12 PM
I think I have SAD too. I struggle so much during this time of the year! My sister and a couple of other relatives have it also. I really need to invest in the light perhaps.

Consider the Vitamin D-3 as well, something is different this winter. I'd still like to get a light as well, maybe next year.