View Full Version : New tablets

12-27-2013, 07:30 AM
Got anti depressants today and I had one two hours ago n I'm reacting bad I can't stop it. My anxiety is really bad n I'm sweating please someone help me I don't like it

12-27-2013, 07:37 AM
More than likely, you are just freaking out over the "what if" possibilities.

I changed meds so often because I read about the side effects and would get the same feelings as you describe.

I would guess that after two hours, any real threat is over as far as the meds go. If you keep following the same thought process, it will keep going.

I know there are very rare instances where someone is allergic to a med but it is not likely.

Oh, and one of the meds I freaked out about is the one that ended up really helping. I ran out of options so I had to go back to one of the originals.

You just need to decide if it feels like the symptoms you experience when your anxiety is heightened or you are experiencing something different

Feel better!

12-27-2013, 07:42 AM
Some docs will rx a small amount of a fast acting benzo(valium, etc) in cases where AD start up anxiety is too much so you can stay on it until that effect passes. Call your docs office and ask about this although you will calm down in time. Also try splitting the AD dose to AM and PM instead of all at once for now. Alankay

12-27-2013, 07:45 AM
It's made me into a freak I'm sweating shaking feel sick to my stomach I can't talk can barely stand. N I'm so sleepy. Iv got 20mg citalopram n I took it at half 12. Scared I'm going to be sick I don't want them anymore

12-27-2013, 08:00 AM
It's all anxiety around the medication. It's not the medication itself causing it. My recommendation is for your next dose to take it tomorrow before bed. I'm on 20 mg citalopram. it can make you feel a bit nauseous. But having a panic episode about taking the medication is much more likely the cause of your nausea. Such medicine won't start helping for several weeks. Any issues like feeling sick, or maybe a headache or drowsiness will pass after the first week or 2.

You have to tough it out. i myself gave up on meds twice now, both times was very short lived; before the medication has time to build efffective levels in the body to begin to start working. Trust me, I was offered them in the first month of my first panic attacks and anxiety pains. 3.5 years later and i'm finally realizing that I need to give meds a go because they help reduce anxiety and depression for a lot of people.

It can take time get the doseage or the med rightn for you and your needs. But it does mean staying on said medication for the duration of the prescription. usually it's a 28 day packet they'll give you. The GP will no doubt ask you to check back with them after the 28 days has elapsed. I took my first citaloram last night. I know the effects will linger for a while, but it's nothing to be scared of. As previously said, the chances of you being allergic to it are microscopic. It's the same with many outlandish fears people get iwth their anxiety. You know the sort - fearing a headache is a tumour or a stomach ache is some lurking disease..or a chest pain i sa heart attack. Yet in reality they're not, it's our worries and fears running amuck.

You have to ride it out with the medication and give it time. The first 2 times I tried citalopram I was similar to yourself. But I realize now that in reality it's the anxiety which causes the vast majority of symptoms. I know for me the medication causes a couple of side effects that will pass in time. Some trouble getting to sleep and drowsiness. But these are manageable. If after a month of the medication yo ustill feel such side ffects (highly unlikely) then you can try a different medication that may well be better suited to you.

Give it time and remind yourself that you're not in any danger. The medication is there ot help you but it's not an overnight cure. If the panics are getting very bad, it's still 3pm here...I assume you're from UK for some reason. you can always speak to the Dr again today or tomorrow. perhaps ask for a few days worth of benzos to take the edge off any panics you're getting around the meds.


12-27-2013, 08:17 AM
But my anxiety has never ever got this bad and hasn't been bad for a couple of weeks now :(. I can't do this it's been 3 hours since my tablet and I'm still the same freaking out and want to die

12-27-2013, 08:27 AM
Just because it hasn't been bad for a few weeks doesn't mean you can't get hit by symptoms. By the way you've described the situation it's very clear the whole situation around taking the medication has sent you into a panic. you were no doubt feeling hyper sensitive about any sensation or symptom after taking the medication. Since taking it you now feel it's at a point of no return and allowed the fear and worry to escalate into a panic attack which is causing lots of bad symptoms. This will pass in time and you'll realize the medication can't harm you. Ring your GP see if you can get a benzo prescribed. They'll calm you down in no time.


12-27-2013, 01:21 PM
There is no way I'm taking another one of them. Not even if someone paid me. Being out of control of my body is frightening that's why I have never been drunk or drank alcohol. And with anxiety mine is based on feeling sick. And that tablet just topped it.

12-27-2013, 01:26 PM
Hey twerp!! It's because you're focusing all of your thoughts, mind, brainpower, on that tablet but it is that tablet that is going to save you!!! Take a deep breathe, rinse yerself off, cold rag on yer head if you need too...and take your mind off of it and focus on the good that it WILL bring you LO!!!...123, Be patient.....


12-27-2013, 01:37 PM
It made me so sleepy I fell asleep for 3 hours. I can't do it.

12-27-2013, 02:57 PM
It was terrible it was like I was asleep bt my body was still going heart was pounding and had to keep rushing to the loo. They are 20mg so quite strong apparently :/

12-27-2013, 09:44 PM
Iv woken up sweating n soaking wet panicking and now I feel sick n keep burping n I'm so tired help :(

12-28-2013, 12:04 PM
Are you ok now?

12-28-2013, 12:28 PM
Ye I'm not going to take anymore

12-28-2013, 12:29 PM
See if your Doc can switch you up to some Prozac (fluoxetine)...way more milder LO...:)

12-28-2013, 12:38 PM
Will it do the same thing to me though. Because they cost me £7.85 every prescription and I'm not earning while being signed off work

12-28-2013, 12:53 PM
Will it do the same thing to me though. Because they cost me £7.85 every prescription and I'm not earning while being signed off work

There's a fair chance. They are both SSRIs and work more or less in the same way, just using slightly different formulas.

12-28-2013, 12:57 PM
It "appears" to be the most well tolerated of all the AD's but I get that information everywhere here on the web..I troll.

It is also very rarely reported to cause all these anxieties and panics like alot of people report while taking the newer SSRI's....

I'll send you the $10.00 if that's what it'll take to try them...it's only money to replace bad health for better health.


12-28-2013, 12:59 PM
I would be exactly like you,i always remember yrs ago i had anxiety and i went the docs and she gave me citalopram 10mg i said am not depressed but i took 1 before bed and the next day i felt so anxious heart was going really fast i thought i was getting a rash so i didnt take anymore,i have just got anxiety back and cant believe it had to wait till christmas😞lol,i went docs the other day and all she said was medication either diazepam or cytalopram or beta blockers but i said no,they just mask the problem and i always remember a cardiologist saying to me i havnt got heart disease so dont take them,how you feeling now do u feel less anxious now??x

12-28-2013, 01:05 PM
I would be exactly like you,i always remember yrs ago i had anxiety and i went the docs and she gave me citalopram 10mg i said am not depressed but i took 1 before bed and the next day i felt so anxious heart was going really fast i thought i was getting a rash so i didnt take anymore,i have just got anxiety back and cant believe it had to wait till christmasdde1elol,i went docs the other day and all she said was medication either diazepam or cytalopram or beta blockers but i said no,they just mask the problem and i always remember a cardiologist saying to me i havnt got heart disease so dont take them,how you feeling now do u feel less anxious now??x

Ye I'm feeling a lot less anxious and before I took them I felt only a tiny bit of anxiety in the day time but when I feel sick the real anxiety kicks in and takes over.
Iv always hated taking tablets and will only do it if it's life or death