View Full Version : I'm losing my mind, as usual

12-27-2013, 02:37 AM
Hi everyone. You may have seen me post around here, I'm pretty new.

Anyway, my anxiety came back full force about five weeks ago. Suffered terribly for three weeks then dragged myself to the doctor. I've been taking my Venlafaxine and Vitamin D as directed (Vit D test came back very low), and my Klonopin usually just once at night. Anyway.

Tomorrow marks two weeks since I started the Venlafaxine. I don't know if it actually started working faster than the doctor said it would, or if it's all in my head, but things have gotten much much better from where I was at two weeks ago. Yesterday was nearly anxiety free, I almost felt like myself. But today I started having that "I don't feel like me" feeling again, and my brain feels like it's just wired. It's really strange, it's not even like racing thoughts, or worrying, it just feels hyped up.

So now I'm worried I may actually go crazy. Because that is what I always worry about. That or dying. I was just hoping maybe someone could relate to this "hyped with no thoughts" feeling or at least...I don't know. Talk to me?

12-27-2013, 05:57 AM
It's good you're doing well Robotcat, this sounds like just part of the rocky road to improvement

I think you know you're not gonna go crazy right? :) I think you know.

Whenever these moments come on, I always found it helpful to reframe it, and instead of get involved with crazy fears, remind myself of the amount of adrenaline that must be flowing through me to make me feel that way.

Temporary harmless hormonal change is must less scary to think of than melting mind descending into the depths of insanity lol

A good mindset for this period is to think to yourself, 'strap in, I'm gonna have to ride out some bad patches'... Then when a bad day comes you're prepared. You know it's just part of the process.

These kinds of days are nasty though, no wise words, no game plan, nothing changes that. They're not nice to go through. Take some consolation that you still have to fix your D levels and let the meds do their job. More improvements are on their way :)

And have a little chocolate... Cos... Why not?