View Full Version : Tips for relaxing in public?

12-27-2013, 01:57 AM
I just got back from going to see a movie and shopping (cool story, I know XD hehe)... I was happy to get out of the house, because no matter how depressed you feel a change of scenery and/or a good movie does a world of good. However, I felt really nervous and awkward around the shop assistants and members of the public, and that made me really anxious and fidgety. Which was really embarrassing :/

I've had this problem for a long time, I was just super aware of it today, and I realised that I've been finding ways to ease many of the other problems I'm having, just not this.

Any tips to stay calm in public?

Thanks! x

12-28-2013, 09:49 PM
For Me -

Wide Brimmed hat with Sunny's!
The wide Brim makes me feel like I have more space around me. Feels like I am well sheltered. Great for keeping me focused without all the unwanted attention. In this respect it works really great when at the markets and looking over things on the table without the feeling of being eyed from sellers and or others. Make sure to get a hat that fits or even a little larger than needed with a strings clip to keep from blowing off. hats that sit on top of the head are useless for keeping sheltered. Sunny with good polarization will work really well in shaded or indoors, allowing you to see as clearly as others, but with your sunny's on!

Accept that wearing the hat and Sunny's is for your own comfort and forget being shy about waring them for such - I embrace the fact that I like my space - I expect others respect my space, however I also expect that others will not -

If you dont want to ware a hat, then don't't make eye contact unless you wish too - don't feel like your obligated to make eye contact just because you feel others looking at you. If ignoring something or someone stops you from triggering then ignore them or it.

Take something to read! - better yet, make it something that is of benefit, something that relaxes you -
Listen to music - play with your phone - dont play with your phone
Smile - even if you feel like your being sarcastic and question your motive...smile and see what happens
Nod - sometimes doing the opposite of what we wish to do, may surprise you.

plan your trips
know your triggers
Have an escape
Dont just accept others plans - be sure yours is accounted for
HYDRATE - Allow for food intake - take something with you, if you can't afford to eat out

Take a bag - look for a bag that feel right
Dress for comfort, not for fashion
Dress for fashion if it's comftable and it makes you feel good
Dress for climate

upgrade your old shoes and feel how lighter you become
Breath - Learn to breath
plan ahead and get plenty of sleep
SLEEP stop, pull up and take a nap
Meditate in front of everyone - start by listening to the sounds beyond the murmurs - the little sounds beneath the louder ones - then with a peripheral sense feel those come to the front as the foreground disappears>

Become eccentric for a day - stop and lay down on the grass and close your eyes forgetting how stupid it may look to others - Embrace doing something completely out of the ordinary ... feel empowered by such an act - then walk on as if it never took place and feel the foreground disappear.

Find a focus point - flashing lights - anything of interest, something for sale - just stare it and meditate, while others think your pondering no the sale ...

Watch People - forget about how your feeling - watch others and see if you can make sense of them, others, the big pictures - watch the sheep, watch the ones watching you you ... regress, become the watched, walk on, and watch again --------------

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ------------- that's enough for now................. Best of luck ----------- I grab my hat and go for a walk , pull up and park bench, do some watching and maybe even have a sleep.

Take care.