View Full Version : Numbess due to anxiety?

12-26-2013, 11:21 PM
I have recently noticed many parts of my body going numb frequently.. It started with just my right big toe..now it is anything from my head all of a sudden going numb and tingling, random parts of my arms, my thighs, feet and face. It is quite scary, I figured it would be poor blood circulation but after doing some online browsing, I suppose it may be related to my anxiety. I suffer from what I would say is severe anxiety, my most common symptoms are feeling dizzy and lightheaded.. I also get shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Now, this numbness has been tacked on. I can't get comfortable and relax because of it.. But I can't think of anything to do about it. Any suggestions or similar stories would be much appreciated!

12-27-2013, 06:04 AM
I used to get terrible numbness and tingling right after, and during and before a panic attack, now with the Zoloft I take, that doesn't really happen anymore (though I still get panic attacks).

The best thing to do is go out take a nice long walk, put on your head phones, go up some large steep hills, get the tension out of you.

Sometimes when it happens in a car, or other places I can't make an exit, I just tighten my muscles for a good 20 (plus) seconds and release, that will help to set your breathing right again. At the root of every panic attack, is not breathing correctly, so that's what you need to target and fix.