View Full Version : Heart palps questions

12-26-2013, 09:06 PM
How is it possible that I never felt or experienced a single heart palp up until 3 years ago and now it's everyday . Do they just occur overnight? Can they weaken or stop your heart? Just soooooo tired of these things

12-26-2013, 11:24 PM
I researched a lot about heart palpitations when I was having them.. It said that they are not dangerous.

12-27-2013, 07:27 AM
I've had heart palpatations for years. They aren't dangerous to the heart, but they are scary as hell. It feels like your heart does a flip in your chest and you're like "Woah!". Everyone's anxiety affects them differently, the key thing to remember is to keep calm after it happens.

12-27-2013, 07:51 AM
How is it possible that I never felt or experienced a single heart palp up until 3 years ago and now it's everyday.

Just because you didn't feel them doesn't mean you weren't getting them. As I just wrote to another member, we're lucky we can feel them, we went to the doctor's and had tests to prove they're benign. People that can't feel them don't have that benefit.

Did I send this to you yet? He is an Electrophysiologist, a doctor that corrects rhythm disturbances, he mentions 20,000 a day before they even begin to worry about it. How many are you getting every day?


12-27-2013, 10:03 AM
How mAny would that be a minute.? Sorry I'm bad at math

12-27-2013, 10:09 AM
Some days I may have a dozen or so an hour. Some days less. Some days it feels like A hundred maybe an hour is this ok or safe or normal?

12-27-2013, 10:34 AM
How mAny would that be a minute.?

That would be about 14 a minute, 24 hours a day.

I was getting tons of them while hooked up to the EKG when they were doing the Echo part of the test before the treadmill. I was afraid to get on the treadmill, but as my heart rate increased, I didn't get the PVCs anymore. That and the data from the Stress Test is reviewed, apparently what was a major concern to me didn't concern the doctors.

My wife could testify, I'm terribly bothered by them, very tense when they're acting up, used to go to the Emergency Room frequently, but as of late I've been trying to ignore them. I had at least 25 while writing this.

Some people go into Bigeminy, so there's a premature beat for every normal beat. Also Trigeminy, two normal and a premature all day long. They wouldn't let this go on forever, but several days won't hurt anyone if the heart is otherwise healthy.

12-27-2013, 10:48 AM
Some days I may have a dozen or so an hour. Some days less. Some days it feels like A hundred maybe an hour is this ok or safe or normal?

Some time I have a dozen or so a minute. A hundred an hour is less than 2 per minute. They really are nothing to worry about if you're heart is healthy, and you've been tested, you know you're OK.

12-27-2013, 06:40 PM
Thank you. How can I rewire my mind so I can convince myself they're ok?

12-27-2013, 06:46 PM
Thank you. How can I rewire my mind so I can convince myself they're ok?

Blessed my dear, has it always been heart fears that were at the cause of your anxiety? :)

12-27-2013, 07:00 PM
That is correct :(

12-27-2013, 07:14 PM
And how long would you say you've been suffering this anxiety now dear Blessed?

12-27-2013, 07:18 PM
Since June 11, 2011 when I had my first ever panic attack

12-27-2013, 08:01 PM
Anxiety is the worlds greatest salesman!!

I work I'm sales. I have yet to see anything better.

Anxiety has an intimate list about you. This list has all of the things that make you tick written on it. When it wants you to buy what into it's games, it uses it's knowledge of you, it uses all it's tricks to suck you in... And every time you buy Blessed. Everytime you buy from it.

So anxiety never leaves. You are making it rich with attention. It will never leave you like that.

How do we stop you buying dear?

How do we stop you buying?

Anxiety knows that if a harmless palpitation, or symptom comes along, then it has another sale from you. It knows this, and it's greedy. Every single time you have a symptom, there it is, wanting more from you.

How do we get you to resist the temptation to buy?

That's all it is; a temptation. I'm sure if you sit very quietly and watch yourself in your moments of anxiety, you find that you can resist for a short while. You can feel fear, but resist getting involved...

But then the pressure sales come along. The fearful thoughts, the moments of extra adrenaline, a bigger pump, dizziness... And you buy again.

The thoughts 'What if this is serious' tempt you too much, and you become involved.

Once again anxiety wins. It loves winning.

During anxiety attacks... It's like an insurance salesman that won't leave you alone; it harasses you, lies to you, deceives you, makes things up and hounds you... But then he gets his sale.

So he will always come back.

We need to get you resisting the temptation to get involved when things get tense. Whatever that takes. Once you are involved, and talk to a salesman, the odds of you walking free are against you. They know too many too tricks.

All of these habits like checking blood pressure, checking pulse, seeking reassurance... They are your involvement. They are you slowly buying into what anxiety is selling. They are indicators that you are open to negotiations with anxiety.

How do you stop being conned by salesman and anxiety?

Know and understand the tricks and the lies.

A salesman will use many cons. They will get get fake testimonials. Fake paperwork. They will lie about price and then drop it to make it look a bargain.

Anxiety uses similar cons.

Your heart pounds, that makes it feel bad... It feels wrong, unnatural...It is harmless however, completely harmless. But it draws you in with fearful thoughts.
It draws you in with extra adrenaline.
It draws you in with more heart flutters, more aggression, and more symptoms.

At this point you are confused, unsure, and decide to cave and give in to it and involve yourself.

The hunger to get involved in this process gets too strong, and your will to stay out of the process declines, and you participate.

We need to get you resisting these temptations to involve yourself with this anxiety and your symptoms.

We need to get your will, to let these fears and symptoms pass, like iron.

This is hard, but the more you practice non-involvement, the healthier you become.

Anxiety is just another tough salesman. Dont treat it like God. Don't talk to it. It has one thing in mind. It is selfish.

When you have temptations to google, or to check blood pressure, or to check heart rate, or debate with yourself, or pace around...

When you have thoughts in your head, telling you bad stuff as though they were somehow God, or psychic...

Remember this is just a sales technique. It will go. You can test this. You can do nothing in moments of high anxiety, and test this.

Then you see.

It becomes obvious to you. There was never anything there. You were just sold a 3.5 year LIE.

And then you see what a con it all was. How much you were lied to.

You see that despite all the tough and scary sales techniques it tried on you, that it was never real. It was ALL just a script being used on you to generate a repetitive psychological reaction.

Anxiety comes from uncertainty. From not knowing what to do. From going back and forth between one possibility and another.

It lies to you, in this moment of doubt, telling you that you need to listen to what it says. So you listen to voices of doubt and apprehension.

Then you give it more of your attention and time (equivalent to your money) and it has its victory.

One day, years ago, you had a harmless heart palpitation, and were confused. You were offered the chance to buy into the idea of it being dangerous. In your confusion you did.

You have been buying ever since. There is nothing profound, enlightened, or meaningful about your anxiety.

It is just a confusion.

There are half a dozen forms of temptation trying to get you to buy into your anxiety every day.

I'm sure you know what they are, I listed a few examples above.

Once you KNOW these, you can little by little, slowly stop buying into them. It's a slow process, but it works.

Once you know what you are most tempted by.

For me; fear of insanity. I would constantly be fed a thought by my mind that my racing adrenaline, and bizarre thoughts meant my mind was unstable. For a long time I bought into that belief. Then, one day I realized I had a choice. That just because I had done so for a long time, it didn't mean I had to keep doing it. People do change newspapers, people do change stores. Buying habits do change. Mine did.

I started to break everything down.

- The bizarre thoughts were from tiredness.
- The racing thoughts were from adrenaline.
- The thoughts of freaking out were just a harmless symptom of panic attack.

But, these simple things were being sold to me as insanity, and then I worried, and ruminated, and fretted, and developed compulsions.

Your amygdala in your brain witnessed a panic attack one day, and freaked out. The symptoms of anxiety came about. The fight or flight was activated. It looked around and saw no danger. No Tiger. No army. No guy with a gun. It instantly from this moment, assumed the danger was within, and this mindset you have carried ever since.

But it is so so wrong, and misguided. That one moment it jumped to conclusions has led to years of misery. You feel like this, simply because of a Chinese whisper in your mind.

When you can resist the temptation of involvement, you are 100% free forever Blessed. Little by little, small victory by small victory, you make it.

I know you are religious. Think of how hard Jesus had it, when he went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights. The devil tempted him no end. The devil knew what Jesus wanted, and needed and offered it to him. He lied, schemed..but Jesus did not buy. Despite everything, he did not buy.

Once you stop buying dear blessed... Them quite simply, you return to normal :)

Learn your temptations, learn the lies anxiety tells you, learn what things you most bite at.

Practice going and holding out, a little longer each time.

You will make it Blessed. Anxiety recovery isn't about learning something new, but realizing something you had forgotten.

12-27-2013, 08:24 PM
Wow you know me too well. Thanks for all your much much needed advice ! This has consumed my every waking moment . I was thinking just the other day that I have these heart anxiety issues on my mind from the minute I wake up till the minute I finally fall asleep. I have not lived a normal life since June of 2011. I wonder if I will ever be able to have a palp and say ..... It's ok!!! I long for that moment

12-27-2013, 10:53 PM
That was very interesting what you said,we all know its true but its just hard learning to do it,i was fine though a few weeks ago so how can you forget everything,i am like you blessed i worry about my heart all day long,i have had tests done in the past and they say my heart is fine but when you get the anxiety and start walking around or getting out of bed it starts racing then the anxiety comes and the thoughts

12-27-2013, 11:13 PM
Anxiety is fight or flight, everything works on speed mode. Relapse can be very quick, getting into bad habits can be very quick. Giving into the fear is very quick.

You have bad thoughts...

Thought is just an idea, when you can treat it as such, it's all good. When you're walking home, and a guy with a hoodie follows you, and your mind says 'Gosh, he's gonna mug me', and you get all scared... Then he just walks passed peacefully and you feel dumb...

It was only ever an idea, but WHAT an idea when you believed in it.

Ideas with belief start wars... Ideas without belief you laugh at.

That one word 'belief' will make or break you.

Anxiety knows this, so it will create all kinds of magic tricks to MAKE you believe you are in trouble.

Your heart races... Some harmless adrenaline causes it. A fun hormone people enjoy on roller coasters and when watching movies...

But the idea in our head is that it's dangerous... And WHAT an idea that is when you believe it.

So knowing that, be on the lookout for all the anxiety tricks that it plays on you to make you believe you are in danger. Perhaps you need to learn them first, that is ok. It's hard to do when it all seems a bit of a mystery. Learn the process, learn exactly what anxiety is.

Then spot when these things are happening, and little by little each day detach yourself as they happen. It's slow, it's a little frustrating, but you get there.

Suddenly the innocent heart palpitation no longer fools you into believing you're in trouble.

Anxiety no longer tricks you, and like all recovered say, they laugh at it, it's funny. It's funny how they fell for it. Like all practical jokes, it's meant to funny. Scary at first, then when you see nothing is ACTUALLY wrong, funny.

'Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, shame on me' :)

12-27-2013, 11:52 PM
Words of wisdom,can i ask u do u get anxiety any more?

12-28-2013, 10:22 AM
Only when I can't get Facebook smilies ;)

12-28-2013, 11:44 AM
Anxiety is the worlds greatest salesman!! I work I'm sales. I have yet to see anything better. Anxiety has an intimate list about you. This list has all of the things that make you tick written on it. When it wants you to buy what into it's games, it uses it's knowledge of you, it uses all it's tricks to suck you in... And every time you buy Blessed. Everytime you buy from it. So anxiety never leaves. You are making it rich with attention. It will never leave you like that. How do we stop you buying dear? How do we stop you buying? Anxiety knows that if a harmless palpitation, or symptom comes along, then it has another sale from you. It knows this, and it's greedy. Every single time you have a symptom, there it is, wanting more from you. How do we get you to resist the temptation to buy? That's all it is; a temptation. I'm sure if you sit very quietly and watch yourself in your moments of anxiety, you find that you can resist for a short while. You can feel fear, but resist getting involved... But then the pressure sales come along. The fearful thoughts, the moments of extra adrenaline, a bigger pump, dizziness... And you buy again. The thoughts 'What if this is serious' tempt you too much, and you become involved. Once again anxiety wins. It loves winning. During anxiety attacks... It's like an insurance salesman that won't leave you alone; it harasses you, lies to you, deceives you, makes things up and hounds you... But then he gets his sale. So he will always come back. We need to get you resisting the temptation to get involved when things get tense. Whatever that takes. Once you are involved, and talk to a salesman, the odds of you walking free are against you. They know too many too tricks. All of these habits like checking blood pressure, checking pulse, seeking reassurance... They are your involvement. They are you slowly buying into what anxiety is selling. They are indicators that you are open to negotiations with anxiety. How do you stop being conned by salesman and anxiety? Know and understand the tricks and the lies. A salesman will use many cons. They will get get fake testimonials. Fake paperwork. They will lie about price and then drop it to make it look a bargain. Anxiety uses similar cons. Your heart pounds, that makes it feel bad... It feels wrong, unnatural...It is harmless however, completely harmless. But it draws you in with fearful thoughts. It draws you in with extra adrenaline. It draws you in with more heart flutters, more aggression, and more symptoms. At this point you are confused, unsure, and decide to cave and give in to it and involve yourself. The hunger to get involved in this process gets too strong, and your will to stay out of the process declines, and you participate. We need to get you resisting these temptations to involve yourself with this anxiety and your symptoms. We need to get your will, to let these fears and symptoms pass, like iron. This is hard, but the more you practice non-involvement, the healthier you become. Anxiety is just another tough salesman. Dont treat it like God. Don't talk to it. It has one thing in mind. It is selfish. When you have temptations to google, or to check blood pressure, or to check heart rate, or debate with yourself, or pace around... When you have thoughts in your head, telling you bad stuff as though they were somehow God, or psychic... Remember this is just a sales technique. It will go. You can test this. You can do nothing in moments of high anxiety, and test this. Then you see. It becomes obvious to you. There was never anything there. You were just sold a 3.5 year LIE. And then you see what a con it all was. How much you were lied to. You see that despite all the tough and scary sales techniques it tried on you, that it was never real. It was ALL just a script being used on you to generate a repetitive psychological reaction. Anxiety comes from uncertainty. From not knowing what to do. From going back and forth between one possibility and another. It lies to you, in this moment of doubt, telling you that you need to listen to what it says. So you listen to voices of doubt and apprehension. Then you give it more of your attention and time (equivalent to your money) and it has its victory. One day, years ago, you had a harmless heart palpitation, and were confused. You were offered the chance to buy into the idea of it being dangerous. In your confusion you did. You have been buying ever since. There is nothing profound, enlightened, or meaningful about your anxiety. It is just a confusion. There are half a dozen forms of temptation trying to get you to buy into your anxiety every day. I'm sure you know what they are, I listed a few examples above. Once you KNOW these, you can little by little, slowly stop buying into them. It's a slow process, but it works. Once you know what you are most tempted by. For me; fear of insanity. I would constantly be fed a thought by my mind that my racing adrenaline, and bizarre thoughts meant my mind was unstable. For a long time I bought into that belief. Then, one day I realized I had a choice. That just because I had done so for a long time, it didn't mean I had to keep doing it. People do change newspapers, people do change stores. Buying habits do change. Mine did. I started to break everything down. - The bizarre thoughts were from tiredness. - The racing thoughts were from adrenaline. - The thoughts of freaking out were just a harmless symptom of panic attack. But, these simple things were being sold to me as insanity, and then I worried, and ruminated, and fretted, and developed compulsions. Your amygdala in your brain witnessed a panic attack one day, and freaked out. The symptoms of anxiety came about. The fight or flight was activated. It looked around and saw no danger. No Tiger. No army. No guy with a gun. It instantly from this moment, assumed the danger was within, and this mindset you have carried ever since. But it is so so wrong, and misguided. That one moment it jumped to conclusions has led to years of misery. You feel like this, simply because of a Chinese whisper in your mind. When you can resist the temptation of involvement, you are 100% free forever Blessed. Little by little, small victory by small victory, you make it. I know you are religious. Think of how hard Jesus had it, when he went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights. The devil tempted him no end. The devil knew what Jesus wanted, and needed and offered it to him. He lied, schemed..but Jesus did not buy. Despite everything, he did not buy. Once you stop buying dear blessed... Them quite simply, you return to normal :) Learn your temptations, learn the lies anxiety tells you, learn what things you most bite at. Practice going and holding out, a little longer each time. You will make it Blessed. Anxiety recovery isn't about learning something new, but realizing something you had forgotten.


Damn....you nailed it, James

12-28-2013, 11:59 AM

Damn....you nailed it, James

Thank you, thank you. I do it for my fans, you guys get me up in the morning. Your love is just incredible.

12-29-2013, 12:58 PM
Ok so......... I woke up feeling fine this morning, no breakfast, had leftover biscuit, rice and gravy . Bout 30 mins later my heart felt like it was rumbling in my chest and heart rate stayed around 110-115 for almost an hour. I forced myself thru it, drunk a bottle of water and in time it went down to 80. This totally freaked me out, happened to anyone on here? Thank you

12-29-2013, 01:09 PM
Blessed, have you been diagnosed with any kind of heart issue? Why do you check it's rate?

It just sounds like the adrenaline burnt out.

12-29-2013, 01:19 PM
No I haven't been diagnosed with heart issue. How do I stop the adrenalin burn out , I'm with my family today and ruining my time cause I'm so worried

12-29-2013, 01:30 PM
You've gone 3.5 years without dying. I think you'll be ok today :)

I meant the adrenaline burnout probably caused your heart rate to drop. The gurgling and racing thing was most likely the adrenaline coming on.

How do you stop it? By not worrying, and by not checking your heart rate. It won't cure it today, but it probably won't be around much this time next month

12-29-2013, 01:46 PM
As u can probably tell I struggle with OCD so I compulsively check my heart rate, so any tips on stopping?

12-29-2013, 01:51 PM
Do you actually have OCD as a proper issue, or are you just really compulsive about this one aspect of your health?

12-29-2013, 02:11 PM
No unfortunately I have struggled with OCD tendencies since childhood . At times it's debilitating . If I mess up on my checkbook I use white out and if I was thinking a bad thought I keep covering the white out until I have a good thought. That's just the tip of the ice berg . When I was a kid I would have to Tell my parents I was sorry for anything I had done that day and that I loved them or I felt something bad would happen. I wouldn't let kids sign my yearbook I signed it for them cause it had to be perfect. Nuts, yes. Wish I could stop, of course. Do I know how , I have no idea

12-29-2013, 02:20 PM
That makes sense actually Blessed. I've had a lot of OCD stuff going in throughout my life too. Took a lot of whacky turns. I became big on insanity for a few years. Used to ruminate about it lots, check my mental state through online tests a lot, read symptom checkers and got people to evaluate me. Used to see lots of different mental health specialists too. Kind of a similar compulsion to heart fears, but with a bit of a different fear.

In a way, you kind of break compulsions like you do an addiction. They have a similar type of working to addiction.

Have you ever taken an antidepressant? How was it? It helped my OCD a fair bit

12-29-2013, 02:32 PM
[QUOTE="jessed03;138092"]Anxiety is the worlds greatest salesman!! I work I'm sales. I have yet to see anything better. Anxiety has an intimate list about you. This list has all of the things that make you tick written on it. When it wants you to buy what into it's games, it uses it's knowledge of you, it uses all it's tricks to suck you in... And every time you buy Blessed. Everytime you buy from it. So anxiety never leaves. You are making it rich with attention. It will never leave you like that. How do we stop you buying dear? How do we stop you buying? Anxiety knows that if a harmless palpitation, or symptom comes along, then it has another sale from you. It knows this, and it's greedy. Every single time you have a symptom, there it is, wanting more from you. How do we get you to resist the temptation to buy? That's all it is; a temptation. I'm sure if you sit very quietly and watch yourself in your moments of anxiety, you find that you can resist for a short while. You can feel fear, but resist getting involved... But then the pressure sales come along. The fearful thoughts, the moments of extra adrenaline, a bigger pump, dizziness... And you buy again. The thoughts 'What if this is serious' tempt you too much, and you become involved. Once again anxiety wins. It loves winning. During anxiety attacks... It's like an insurance salesman that won't leave you alone; it harasses you, lies to you, deceives you, makes things up and hounds you... But then he gets his sale. So he will always come back. We need to get you resisting the temptation to get involved when things get tense. Whatever that takes. Once you are involved, and talk to a salesman, the odds of you walking free are against you. They know too many too tricks. All of these habits like checking blood pressure, checking pulse, seeking reassurance... They are your involvement. They are you slowly buying into what anxiety is selling. They are indicators that you are open to negotiations with anxiety. How do you stop being conned by salesman and anxiety? Know and understand the tricks and the lies. A salesman will use many cons. They will get get fake testimonials. Fake paperwork. They will lie about price and then drop it to make it look a bargain. Anxiety uses similar cons. Your heart pounds, that makes it feel bad... It feels wrong, unnatural...It is harmless however, completely harmless. But it draws you in with fearful thoughts. It draws you in with extra adrenaline. It draws you in with more heart flutters, more aggression, and more symptoms. At this point you are confused, unsure, and decide to cave and give in to it and involve yourself. The hunger to get involved in this process gets too strong, and your will to stay out of the process declines, and you participate. We need to get you resisting these temptations to involve yourself with this anxiety and your symptoms. We need to get your will, to let these fears and symptoms pass, like iron. This is hard, but the more you practice non-involvement, the healthier you become. Anxiety is just another tough salesman. Dont treat it like God. Don't talk to it. It has one thing in mind. It is selfish. When you have temptations to google, or to check blood pressure, or to check heart rate, or debate with yourself, or pace around... When you have thoughts in your head, telling you bad stuff as though they were somehow God, or psychic... Remember this is just a sales technique. It will go. You can test this. You can do nothing in moments of high anxiety, and test this. Then you see. It becomes obvious to you. There was never anything there. You were just sold a 3.5 year LIE. And then you see what a con it all was. How much you were lied to. You see that despite all the tough and scary sales techniques it tried on you, that it was never real. It was ALL just a script being used on you to generate a repetitive psychological reaction. Anxiety comes from uncertainty. From not knowing what to do. From going back and forth between one possibility and another. It lies to you, in this moment of doubt, telling you that you need to listen to what it says. So you listen to voices of doubt and apprehension. Then you give it more of your attention and time (equivalent to your money) and it has its victory. One day, years ago, you had a harmless heart palpitation, and were confused. You were offered the chance to buy into the idea of it being dangerous. In your confusion you did. You have been buying ever since. There is nothing profound, enlightened, or meaningful about your anxiety. It is just a confusion. There are half a dozen forms of temptation trying to get you to buy into your anxiety every day. I'm sure you know what they are, I listed a few examples above. Once you KNOW these, you can little by little, slowly stop buying into them. It's a slow process, but it works. Once you know what you are most tempted by. For me; fear of insanity. I would constantly be fed a thought by my mind that my racing adrenaline, and bizarre thoughts meant my mind was unstable. For a long time I bought into that belief. Then, one day I realized I had a choice. That just because I had done so for a long time, it didn't mean I had to keep doing it. People do change newspapers, people do change stores. Buying habits do change. Mine did. I started to break everything down. - The bizarre thoughts were from tiredness. - The racing thoughts were from adrenaline. - The thoughts of freaking out were just a harmless symptom of panic attack. But, these simple things were being sold to me as insanity, and then I worried, and ruminated, and fretted, and developed compulsions. Your amygdala in your brain witnessed a panic attack one day, and freaked out. The symptoms of anxiety came about. The fight or flight was activated. It looked around and saw no danger. No Tiger. No army. No guy with a gun. It instantly from this moment, assumed the danger was within, and this mindset you have carried ever since. But it is so so wrong, and misguided. That one moment it jumped to conclusions has led to years of misery. You feel like this, simply because of a Chinese whisper in your mind. When you can resist the temptation of involvement, you are 100% free forever Blessed. Little by little, small victory by small victory, you make it. I know you are religious. Think of how hard Jesus had it, when he went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights. The devil tempted him no end. The devil knew what Jesus wanted, and needed and offered it to him. He lied, schemed..but Jesus did not buy. Despite everything, he did not buy. Once you stop buying dear blessed... Them quite simply, you return to normal :) Learn your temptations, learn the lies anxiety tells you, learn what things you most bite at. Practice going and holding out, a little longer each time. You will make it Blessed. Anxiety recovery isn't about learning something new, but realizing something you had forgotten.[/QUOTE

Fantastic post xx

12-29-2013, 02:46 PM
I woke up feeling fine this morning, no breakfast, had leftover biscuit, rice and gravy ...30 mins later my heart felt like it was rumbling in my chest and heart rate stayed around 110-115 for almost an hour.

Blessed, you may as well throw away the sentence "I woke up feeling fine this morning" in the context of benign arrhythmias. It doesn't matter, it's caused by irritated cells on your heart, probably from the adrenaline as explained, it doesn't care how you feel. There is no correlation, trust me. I have bookcases of medical records in various places from going through the same fears you're going through, there is no rhyme or reason to it.

The one thing that may contribute to it, non-heart related, is the Vagal Nerve. It's the longest Cranial Nerve, and it travels down your esophagus and onto your stomach (and apparently even further than that). Eating too much, eating certain foods, GERD (heartburn related disorder) can cause benign alterations to your heart rhythm, the Vagal Nerve is also connected to the heart and is responsible for slowing it down.

From the Heart Rhythm Forum, some select posts, separated by ******:

Wish you the best and a more restful New Year.


"Vagal tone refers the effects of the autonomic nervous systems effect on the resting heart rate.*

Specifically the vagus nerve inervates the heart and is responsible for controlling the resting heart rate. Increases in vagal tone cause a slowing of the heart rate.*

It's all too easy to obsess about palps and keep wondering where they are coming from and keep thinking that there's something the Dr. missed or didn't explain...

The reality is that everybody has skipped beats.**The reality is that they come from islands of electrically-active cardiac tissue imbedded in normal cardiac muscle (again, everybody has these).**And, the reality is that their signals cause the skips.**The degree to which their signalling reaches the normal pacemaker circuitry is governed in large part by the state of one's nervous system (a separate electrical system), in particular, the nervous system near and surrounding the heart.**Ergo, anxiety can lead to increased skips...not because your nerves are acting up, but because your autonomic nervous system is fired up, and provides an easier pathway for those cardiac islands to send off their signals.

The vagal (nervous system directly behind the heart) connection is simple enough.**A high vagal tone is one mechanism that the body uses to slow the beat of the heart.**Current thinking is that the slower the beat, the more likely an abberant electrical signal (like from a focus) will interfere with the next beat.

If you have the occassional skip, or like me, can have hundreds/thousands a day, just thinking about them will turn up that ole autonomic nervous system, giving the electrical noise generated by those cardiac islands (foci) a much easier path out and into your pacemaker system.**

Bottom line, if you've been diagnosed with a structurally normal heart, Ye gods! Stop Fretting, you're only making things worse.**Having said that..it did take me a solid year of calming myself down to stop thinking about them (excepting right now, of course).**The result was dramatic...from feeling every beat and every skip, I can now claim to be (almost) entirely ignorant of my heart beat. Of course, if you've raised your anxiety level enough, you'll be too paranoic to embrace such ignorance.**In my case, it has given me my life back.

I have had experience with arrhythmia for twenty years.**Yes, sudden movements, especially turning and putting pressure on the area of your abdomen which your vagal nerve runs through can definately cause PVCs.**Also acid reflux can cause PVCs."

12-29-2013, 06:12 PM
Ok here's the question of the day. Could breast augmentation be putting pressure on this vagal thing causing PVCs , I never noticed these before my breast augmentation ? Should I consider taking them out? Or accept it and quit worrying!?

12-29-2013, 06:27 PM
Or accept it and quit worrying!?

No, the nerve is buried, I'm sure there's no correlation. The implants are in front of the ribs, the vagal nerve along your esophagus. I feel deeply for your concerns, I've been through it, with just as much fear as you. I'm not being critical. We all want to see a cause and effect, it makes them seem to make more sense, but mine started out of nowhere when I was in my mid teens and have hounded me ever since.

I don't know if you can accept them, I don't know if I ever have, but I came to terms with them, to understand them in a different way. I feel reassured by testing, by the various doctors that say the same thing about them being harmless.

Come to terms with them and start to worry about them less and less.

12-29-2013, 06:29 PM
Thank you for all your reassuring words, it truly does help more than you know !!! You seem like you know a lot about what I'm going thru, it's no fun at all, but nice to know I'm not alone :)