View Full Version : Blood Pressure ! HELP

02-07-2008, 05:25 AM
When i went to the Dr yesterday my Bp was 132/102 and then they checked it again and it was 134/90 is that bad im scared! im only 19

02-08-2008, 05:28 AM
It is high yes. Not too dangerous to have a heartattack or stroke.

normal bllod pressure is 120/80

too high is 140/100 for long periods of time like months.

go get it checked again it will be better i promise.

let me know. :-)

02-09-2008, 04:36 PM
If you suffer from anxiety chances are that you may have WHITE COAT SYNDROME (I suffer from it myself.)

For more information on it look at this webpage:

davidgregory . org / white_coat_hypertension . htm

(close the spaces)

It basically means that when in the presence of health professionals you feel nervous/anxious and that causes your blood pressure to be high.

I wouldn't panic though, the best thing you can do is go to your local chemist and buy a blood pressure machine (it shouldn't cost too much) and do it at home yourself - this will show you what your true blood pressure is. Do your blood pressure 3 times over 10 minutes and then take an average of all 3.


02-11-2008, 04:38 AM
I thought it was 130/80 or 90

if so mine useally 132/90. but then again anxiety doesnt help. but, im always stressed.

02-15-2008, 02:26 AM
132/102 isn't anything to be worried about. BP fluctuates all over the place. When I went in to the dentist they took my BP and it was 165/110 and usually my resting BP is 120/75. BP tests have to be taken many times to find the actual resting BP, nobodies BP stays the same all day, if you're running a marathon it will certainly be higher than 120/80.

02-15-2008, 02:41 AM
This is true, its hard to find correct bp with people with anxiety.

I have noticed that when the top number is something like 130 and the bottom is like 100 and up it will quickly even out. Usually the bottom number is quite lower than the top.

02-15-2008, 09:29 AM
Ya, i took my blood pressure from me relaxing all day. and it was 120/80. So, i was like hmm i guess im good to go. This was when i wasnt on my meds lol.. so, in the end it helps either way lol.

02-18-2008, 01:51 AM
I got an ebook on detoxing and it said millions of people have parasites that can go to your brain and lungs and lives in your colon. I am freaking out!!! Please someone talk some reason into me head or tell me you have gone through this and survived.


02-18-2008, 02:43 AM
I am sure more people die in car accidents.
What about cancer?

Parasites are not something to worry about because with todays medicine more are easily eliminated.

You will get really sick and go to the doctor, the doctor will cure you. Its that simple.

02-18-2008, 02:56 AM
You the best. You agree that i am being irrational?

02-18-2008, 03:03 AM
Of course, thats what anxiety is about. The best way to go about this though is be confident that you WILL know if you have any parasites because your body will tell you. After you know you WILL go to your doctor, and they WILL fix you.

Parasites are easily curable. That and unless you life a filthy lifestyle the chances you getting them are slim. So basically do you life in filth? If not then I think you have a better chance of being attacked by a pack of man eating seals. :lol:

02-18-2008, 03:13 AM
Thanks a lot :lol: I feel so much beter. I am a clean freak. But I got two little cats and we live on a nature reserve so its pretty wild. And well I got mold in two rooms from a flood. I moved house recently and the owner never fixed it before I moved in. You think any of these would justify parasites? Lol, I am being silly i am healthy and clean!

02-25-2008, 04:44 PM
My BP has been different for the past two months.

its been
138/80, 130/80, 119/70, 120/80,105/80, 100/80, 110/70.

Ive head an 4 ekg, echo, stress test by the cardio, other than what I already knew (I have mitral valve prolapse) that it isn't a heart problem, but a mental problem IE: Anxiety.

my cardio suggested to be on an anti depressant, see a psychologist, pyschatrist, and keep me on my atenolol, but if it doesn't keep my heart rate down enough (sometimes it gets up to 120) he'll up the dose, for my anxiety.

God this is such a pain :(