View Full Version : Disturbing Content, Seriously.

12-26-2013, 07:24 PM
I'm not even joking here. I have this thing where my mind likes to disturb itself, right? Well, sometimes I think about death of others or even me. That's natural. When you die, typically your body is moved about from hospital to funeral home. Here the mortician is alone with you.

I don't want my corpse to be molested. It happens. Really, it does. I'm scared if I died right now that I could be molested by the mortician. Or my family could be molested. I'll be dead and I won't be able to stop it from happening to me. My family will see me in the casket, not even thinking that I was abused. I'll be put into the ground as a victim of a sick fuck, and spend eternity with that as my last encounter with a person in such a way.

12-26-2013, 07:32 PM
You are in much need of anti-wtf-meds Janey....too much time at night to think...twerp. yay. (phew)......:/

12-26-2013, 07:36 PM
Your serotonin levels are so high. Like seriously, my god are they high!!

You should be forcefully detained, so some can be drained and given to depressed people

Btw, after death, your body no longer belongs to you. It's only borrowed. Goes back to nature and it can do whatever it wants with it.

12-26-2013, 07:37 PM
And I agree with EMAN. I don't think sitting alone in an office for hours everyday is all that helpful for your very fragile mind xD

12-26-2013, 07:39 PM
whoa...fragile?...oh shit man.. :|

12-26-2013, 07:44 PM
Well, not 'fragile' as in flip out and commit suicide cos of a comment, but she had/has (?) OCD, and her mind can take to some places you wouldn't even consider imagining.

*Looks at Janey huddled up in the corner rocking back and forth* Isn't that right dear?

12-26-2013, 07:55 PM
Paragraph #3....Janey, when I had first "seen" her here....She'll snap outta this bruh.


12-26-2013, 08:01 PM
Yeah she's doing great man. She was a total mess 10 months ago when I first met her. Like literally, I had to watch every little thing I said as her OCD was real bad.

Now she's working, she's much happier, she's upto her schemes... She'll be fine, I'm real proud of her.

We're real close so I tease her a little more than I should ;).. But I try and give her credit.

12-26-2013, 08:02 PM
Thank God brah.....Keep us updated man.


12-26-2013, 08:06 PM
I'll let you know when they finish her lobotomy bruh. No problem. Thanks for being so supportive.

12-26-2013, 09:55 PM
OMG LIKE I'M SERIOUS!! I REALLY DO FEAR THAT!! Like I'm all fun and games and shit and then when I wanna be serious, no one takes it seriously. :P Geez Louise.

But yah, I'm doing so well with my OCD and shit. I'm basically normal now. Normal as I can be.

I do get weird thoughts though, like this. But it doesn't bother me for days like before.

I really do find it so disturbing that someone could have their way with my body and violate me and I can't do anything about it.

I don't trust morticians.

12-26-2013, 10:18 PM
Just another flavor of anxiety. Still not likely but yeah you'd be in another world so it wouldn't matter. Alankay

12-26-2013, 10:38 PM
Think of it like it's the bit of action you'll get, thays how I deal with it haha weird I know.. But I actually fear the same

12-27-2013, 02:10 AM
This might not be helpful to you, but, like you said "it happens" and "I'll be dead and I won't be able to stop it from happening to me"; if it did happen, which it really isn't likely to but I suppose there is definitely a chance of it happening, you wouldn't feel it. You wouldn't know about it, and thus you wouldn't care about it. So, it's not something rational that you need to worry about. Thinking of death is normal, as you said, but if you're thinking of it in a frightening way then you need to remember that once it comes, you won't care about it anymore. It'll be like a peaceful sleep which you cannot wake from; it's not something to be afraid of.
The only thing to be afraid of is wasting your life concerning yourself with things that do you no good, like death, or what happens after death. And it's never too late to do something to stop wasting your life.

And "sick f*cks" get their comeuppances in some form, eventually, so even though you'd be beyond appreciating it, there would be justice one day.

12-27-2013, 05:10 AM
I don't want my corpse to be molested.

Infinitely more likely you or others that you know would be molested while alive. If you don't worry about that, don't waste your time on the darker obsessive/intrusive thoughts.

But we all know that obsessive/intrusive thoughts are not rational. So you need to gently pull the rug out from under them, likely you won't be able to will them away.

After a loss in the family, I had some weird intrusive thoughts, not of harming anyone or myself, but weird nevertheless. I went to the Employee Assistance Program at work, they provide a therapist independent of my place of employment for work or home issues.

Telling the therapist about my current physical and emotional issues, I eventually discussed the intrusive thoughts. As a good therapist would do, he did not react, supplied anecdotes from his career and personal life of similar intrusive thoughts, and the intrusive thoughts, or obsessing about them, are a thing if the past.

He simply told me that we all have intrusive thoughts, each and everyone of us, but anxiety prone people obsess about them, people not suffering with stress and anxiety simply let them go.

I have been in informal conversations where the other person is talking and I have something related to say, but being courteous, I wait my turn to speak. Trying to hold onto my thought, I still need to focus on what's being said. Many times, I can feel my thought slip away, a sinking feeling, like a flushing of a toilet, with the thought never to return. If I had something earth shattering to say, I would not have forgotten it. You need to move your intrusive thought, gradually, to the non-earth shattering pile and not give it special significance. Eventually it will flush.

12-27-2013, 07:48 AM
http://forum.goregrish.com/threads/necrophile-worker-molests-dead-body-in-the-morgue.73/ (THIS ONE IS VERY GRAPHIC. EVEN HAS PICTURES OF IT!!!! I think the comments of people approving are even more disturbing...)
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/talk.euthanasia/2HrI3Ms51ts/21-2scRVxYAJ (Very graphic)
I could post on forever. There's so many necrophiliacs...
I'd say it's more likely to be violated when you're dead. :\

I just don't want to lay there dead on the steel table while some creep molests MY body. I know I'm dead, but it's still me. I still walked the Earth with that body. It's sacred to my being. It's who I am. :(

I've even heard of people keeping bodies when they're supposed to be cremated and just giving the loved ones ashes of a dead animal. Then they can keep the corpse, molest it and sell its organs and bones. :( Ugh....

How do I make sure this doesn't happen to me? Someone can't guard my body 24/7. I shouldn't have to worry about being mistreated after death, but fucking freaks are out there ready to do it!

12-27-2013, 08:16 AM
You need to see someone. I researched before I posted, I realize your concern.

A cursory look has some 230,000 women a year molested in the United States. In no way is it possible that the rate for your concern matches the rate that occurs to living females.

And the bottom line, there isn't anything that anyone can do to absolutely assure that nothing happens. What about anesthetized females in the hospital, or those in comas, they have the same likelihood.

The only thing you can change is you. We have a thriving Amish community relatively near me, and I have taken interests in their customs. The deceased are laid out in the cemeteries according to their spiritual leader. They are not grouped in "Families", because the person, known and loved by the community, family, and friends, is no longer there, merely the vessel used by them during their time on earth. They are just burying the vessel.

What you did not provide was a list to all the people handled with respect, buried with dignity. That list would be incomprehensible in length. In the U.S., they were fond of maligning priests due to pedophilia allegations, but even if (and it's not been nearly this many) 500 we're guilty, there are over 33,000 priests here. So the media attention to an issue overststates the risk.

12-27-2013, 08:31 AM
:( I don't think very many necrophiliacs get caught and that's why you don't hear about it as much. It's easier to molest a dead person than a live one. I'm sure a lot of people realize that.

I was also thinking about people who are in comas or are vegetables...
Why do people have to do those things? Do any animals fornicate with the deceased of their kind?
It's just so disturbing.

I was watching a movie where there was a mortician sewing someone up and it just clicked in my head...Then I looked it up and it's all over the place.

Sorry, it's just so...awful.

12-27-2013, 09:36 AM
Sorry, it's just so...awful.

Irrational thoughts must be dealt with by the individual, working with others, or a therapist, they usually don't go away by reasoned arguments.

Google Lottery Winners, see how many links you can find to that topic. Many many links I'm sure. Stories about the winners, how they're going to use the money, their friends comments, etc. The media is rife with stories.

How many people do you personally know that have won several million pounds or dollars or euros. The presence of the story does not predict the odds, it just predicts a media that remain silent on some things they should discuss and obsess about some things that would best be reported without excess elaboration.

12-27-2013, 10:37 AM
I suppose it puts the FUN into FUNERAL

12-27-2013, 10:58 AM
I suppose it puts the FUN into FUNERAL

I'm sure you mean this in fun as well, but irrational fears are not something others can understand.

I used to keep Tarantulas, I'd handle them as well. One of the instructors at a tech school I attended was deathly afraid of spiders. So, I took one of mine to school ;-)

I took it in his office, it was crawling on my arm, only one way in or out of the office. He was a robust deep voice man, but he was crawling the wall trying to get away from me, yelling in a shrill voice, "get it away from me". You'd thought I had a Pit Bull, I never intended to scare him that bad. To this day I like spiders and can't understand other's fear of them.

12-27-2013, 11:21 AM
No, no Mr Artaud, I do mean it in a derogatory, I'm laughing at it kind of way :)

Simply because this isn't an irrational fear, it's an ego problem. All of OCD is more or less just an ego problem. It's development always seems to come during stages of powerlessness, and (I don't want to post info on Janey's life, she can do so if she chooses) but she is no different.

One does not win battles against the human ego. If I were to highlight in bold all the over active egoic activity evident in her posts in this thread, my mouse would break. An illogical fear is a fear of dogs, or water. Fear of being molested after death when one wouldnt even be present... That's the sign of an inflamed ego still trying to mastermind it's comeback to prominence.

There are fears programmed into a person, which can get misinterpreted or mixed up, which were ultimately put their through evolution to help with survival. This is not one of them. This comes from a different place entirely.

One can never be free of OCD, and that's what this is, whilst ego remains present and communicated with. Ego takes no prisoners, it's everything or nothing. It has the temperament and desire of a 2 year old child. It will not be reasoned with.

Sometimes it needs to be told in no uncertain terms... No. It needs to be told 'You are not special. You are of amusement to me, and not value'

I've always tried to encourage that behaviour in Janey and she has been very successful with her progress thus far :)

12-27-2013, 04:28 PM
Ugh....I never thought about this.....its gross!!!!! My only thought is that your soul is no longer in your body so you wouldn't know what is happening.

12-27-2013, 08:58 PM
Leggo my eggo. I mean ego.

12-27-2013, 09:56 PM
Leggo my eggo. I mean ego.

LOL, that was quite good, I'll holla! :D