View Full Version : A feel GREAT story.......

12-26-2013, 03:29 PM
I wasn't going to share this with anyone....but it has stuck with me for a couple days and I think its cool.

On Christmas Eve we went out to dinner. When I walked in it was packed with people, full tables....all but one. One table had one man sitting there, alone.

My kids were not enjoying themselves and I was frustrated, trying so hard to enjoy the moment but I was alone in trying and feeling blech.

As dinner went on I watched this man, enjoy his dinner, his time and his being. I was impressed with the self confidence it showed to go out on such a night, alone, to dinner. And saddened at the same time, however, I did not feel empathy for him as much as I felt admiration.

When we were checking out I asked the waitress for his tab and requested that we stay anonymous
I watched as he requested his tab, toothpick in hand, smiling and shaking his head.

Then, the true reward came, as he stood he grabbed for his cane and wore a camo coat with an American flag on the arm and veteran hat. He walked by our table .... searching, looking for someone he knew that had paid his bill. I laughed to myself thinking "its not anyone you know"........I wanted to hug him.

He walked up to the hostess stand and I couldn't hear what they said but he was talking, smiling and she was shaking her head no. I guessed at what the conversation was about.

He left. His waitress came up to me and THANKED ME.... huh???? Not amazing at all that he had left his tab total as his tip.......... I had tipped but he paid for his meal..... go figure.

Moral of the story, when God pulls at out heart strings....follow it. Today I felt really good when I almost felt bad about the fact that this man has a fun story to tell, and will NEVER figure out where his small token came from.

Enjoy life friends, if you can't love yourself, love others......its the BEST medicine!!!!!

12-26-2013, 03:45 PM
Aw what a lovely story and a good deed done at xmas time, that was really nice of you :D

And you are sooo right helping others and making others happy is def a great medicine :D

12-26-2013, 03:56 PM
Aw what a lovely story and a good deed done at xmas time, that was really nice of you :D

And you are sooo right helping others and making others happy is def a great medicine :D

It took the negative out of the night with my family not even wanting to enjoy it and I made two great people happy. I focus on that now instead of the fact that with helping others my dinner would have been a flop :)

12-26-2013, 04:40 PM

The power of kindness, compassion, admiration, and helping out where we feel that help is needed. So proud of you BlessedMOM!!

Yes, loving others is the best and most effective medicine in learning how to love oneself..so very true, and proven here time and time again.

Thank you for sharing!...:)

EMan....TAH :D

12-26-2013, 04:44 PM
Boy have you gotten strong over this 8 day period...Congratulations on your successes Blessed MOM!! I admire you.. :D

12-26-2013, 04:54 PM

The power of kindness, compassion, admiration, and helping out where we feel that help is needed. So proud of you BlessedMOM!!

Yes, loving others is the best and most effective medicine in learning how to love oneself..so very true, and proven here time and time again.

Thank you for sharing!...:)

EMan....TAH :D

my strength comes from talking amongst those that understand

12-26-2013, 06:33 PM
Beautiful story!!!!!! I feel inspired to do the same next time I go out.