View Full Version : Ms fears!

12-26-2013, 02:27 PM
Hi all yesterday I felt like I couldn't breath all day ... Well I know that is a sign of ms... Also I will have random tingles in the tip of my nose I my knee face back and big toe not all at the same time but at different times.... My bottom lip also went numb for about 5 seconds also I er dizzy and feel of balance feel foggy and spacy !!!!! Please help

12-26-2013, 02:43 PM
1st question how do you know this is a sign of MS?? have you been googling? .... first rule - reading symptoms, gives you symptoms = very very bad idea

2nd - dizziness, numbness, balance of, de realisation, de personalisation (as u put it feeling spacy and foggy lol) all very very common symptoms of anxiety.

Please dont worry and please stop googling if you are coz it really does not help at all, the more you read the worse you will feel so focus on trying to convince yourself it is anxiety instead of looking for worse case scenarios as with anxiety sufferers prob 90% its not the worse case scenario and just the anxiety believe me i know ive been there and had myself pretty much diagnosed with every life threatning illness at some points during my worst anxiety period, however none of them were fact and im here and pretty much fine as are thousands of other anxiety sufferers who have had the same symptoms.

You have anxiety you needs meds and to learn to take an irrational thought and change it into a logical/rational thought ... you will feel weird aches, pains, numbness, breathing shortness, dizziness etc etc you just have to read on here pretty much all of us have had all this due to anxiety, i know its hard but you really need to keep telling yourself that and you will be able to relax more and the more you relax the less you will feel symptoms. :)

12-26-2013, 02:59 PM
*****You have anxiety you needs meds and to learn to take an irrational thought and change it into a logical/rational thought*****



12-28-2013, 03:05 PM
... My bottom lip also went numb for about 5 seconds also I er dizzy and feel of balance feel foggy and spacy !!!!! Please help

MS effects the Myelin Sheath on nerves. The body is split in half, so the the nerves on one half of your body go to one brain half, the other nerves go to the other brain half.

Your entire lip cannot be rendered numb, simultaneously, by MS. If it went numb due to MS, it would not return to normal unless the deterioration in the Myelin Sheath healed. We have efferent and afferent nerves, one is responsible for muscle movements, the other sensation. Both are effected by MS.

Everything you describe is characteristic of anxiety and hyperventilation, including the feeling that you can't breathe correctly. I've been going through the breathing problem for over a month, but it's anxiety and shallow breathing.

Occam's Razor fits your circumstances.

"Occam's razor is more commonly described as 'the simplest answer is most often correct,' although this is an oversimplification. The 'correct' interpretation is that entities should not be multiplied needlessly.

Researchers should avoid 'stacking' information to prove a theory if a simpler explanation fits the observations. Occam's razor is the process of paring down information to make finding the truth easier."

Lee Grant Irons
12-28-2013, 08:47 PM
MS effects the Myelin Sheath on nerves. The body is split in half, so the the nerves on one half of your body go to one brain half, the other nerves go to the other brain half.

Your entire lip cannot be rendered numb, simultaneously, by MS. If it went numb due to MS, it would not return to normal unless the deterioration in the Myelin Sheath healed. We have efferent and afferent nerves, one is responsible for muscle movements, the other sensation. Both are effected by MS.

Everything you describe is characteristic of anxiety and hyperventilation, including the feeling that you can't breathe correctly. I've been going through the breathing problem for over a month, but it's anxiety and shallow breathing.

Occam's Razor fits your circumstances.

"Occam's razor is more commonly described as 'the simplest answer is most often correct,' although this is an oversimplification. The 'correct' interpretation is that entities should not be multiplied needlessly.

Researchers should avoid 'stacking' information to prove a theory if a simpler explanation fits the observations. Occam's razor is the process of paring down information to make finding the truth easier."


We are all saying these things because we care about what is happening to you and hate to see you go through this.

I don't think SamC is recommending that you be ignorant. However, the kind of knowledge you need is what Artaud is telling you about. I'm guessing that Artaud has been able to learn about things such as this because he first got control of his anxiety before continuing to learn about how his body works and how that might be related to his symptoms.

So you really need to put in an effort to get control of your anxiety. You are freefalling right now, and all that does is increase your anxiety. High levels of anxiety for extended periods of time WILL have a GUARANTEED negative impact on your health. Please, talk to your doctor about maybe adjusting your meds. And seek out knowledge and information about how to work on getting your anxiety under control. As SamC said, learning how to take irrational thoughts and change them into logical/rational thoughts.

12-29-2013, 10:42 AM
I've had ms fears also ur fears will pass and ill find something else to worry about. Trust me been there done that

12-29-2013, 11:01 PM
MS effects the Myelin Sheath on nerves. The body is split in half, so the the nerves on one half of your body go to one brain half, the other nerves go to the other brain half. Your entire lip cannot be rendered numb, simultaneously, by MS. If it went numb due to MS, it would not return to normal unless the deterioration in the Myelin Sheath healed. We have efferent and afferent nerves, one is responsible for muscle movements, the other sensation. Both are effected by MS. Everything you describe is characteristic of anxiety and hyperventilation, including the feeling that you can't breathe correctly. I've been going through the breathing problem for over a month, but it's anxiety and shallow breathing. Occam's Razor fits your circumstances. "Occam's razor is more commonly described as 'the simplest answer is most often correct,' although this is an oversimplification. The 'correct' interpretation is that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. Researchers should avoid 'stacking' information to prove a theory if a simpler explanation fits the observations. Occam's razor is the process of paring down information to make finding the truth easier."

Can I make an appointment with you haha :). I have no insurance though!

Lee Grant Irons
12-29-2013, 11:08 PM
mykids and everyone else,

If you really think something is going on that is not just anxiety, there are only two ways you are truly going to get it out of your head: 1) wait it out and see if things start happening that are absolute indicators that you do or don't have the disease, or 2) go to the right doctor and get screened for the disease. But until you do either one of these, your anxiety over it will not help you and it will damage your health over the long term.

Health anxiety eventually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People with high levels of stress and poor stress coping skills have shorter lives on average. As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." In this case it is not the only thing, because some people do really get some diseases no matter how healthy their lifestyle. But constant fear and anxiety is a guaranteed killer.

12-29-2013, 11:24 PM
Already in the process of doing this. For the past month and tomorrow too. I'll get somewhere with what's happening eventually.

Lee Grant Irons
12-29-2013, 11:26 PM
Already in the process of doing this. For the past month and tomorrow too. I'll get somewhere with what's happening eventually.

Fantastic! :) That is what I had to do. Turned out I was right. I did have a medical problem other than anxiety. :) This is not everyone's experience, but it was mine.

12-29-2013, 11:33 PM
I think for some of us we just know that something's not right, whether it be what we think or maybe something else, as you and I have talked about before, but all in all I think we know our bodies pretty well. I'm pretty pro active about my health and my kids in that if I feel different I will continue to go o the dr until it gets sorted out. On anther forum someone asked the posters, concerning hypochondria, if they considered themselves an over user or an avoider of doctors? Many said an avoider and I wouldn't necessarily say I'm an over user but i will definitely continue to go if something just isn't right at all. That's where I am now. Been on meds all year long for anxiety when all this stuff started and nothing is getting better and more symptoms that aren't even closely related to anxiety pop up. I WISH I could say bit was all anxiety because I would rather deal with that but unfortunately it's not. I will get there though and deal with what I have to when I know. If it's not something that I can change it will be something I have to learn to accept and try to deal with it positively :).....hopefully haha.