View Full Version : im in so much pain wirh my back and ribs and now my anxiety is going mad

12-26-2013, 07:04 AM
Im in so much pain already and now my anxiety is playing up I have pain in my chest :-(

12-26-2013, 07:09 AM
Did you take your GERD medications?

12-26-2013, 09:11 AM
Im no longer on it as im pregnant my doc took me off them

12-26-2013, 10:14 AM
Really, you cant take gerd medication when pregnant? well the chest, back and rib pain most likely will be acid then but could it also be with the pregnancy? depending on how far along you are back and rib pain is quite common too.

I never knew that about antacids and pregnancy tho, there is another reason to put me off having kids lol ... i think if i went 2 or more days without my lansoprazole i wouldn't be able to move for pains in my chest n stomach never mind doing it for 9 months!!! :@ geez!

What about gaviscon tho think that should be safe, did you check if are you allowed that, if you are maybe try that see if it helps any ....

Hope you feel better soon, sam :)

12-26-2013, 11:27 AM
Coudl just as easily be anxiety. I had very severe rib pain yesterday. Now I have none. I don't get acid reflux at all these days so I know it can't be that.


12-26-2013, 12:32 PM

12-26-2013, 12:49 PM
Really, you cant take gerd medication when pregnant? well the chest, back and rib pain most likely will be acid then but could it also be with the pregnancy? depending on how far along you are back and rib pain is quite common too.

I never knew that about antacids and pregnancy tho, there is another reason to put me off having kids lol ... i think if i went 2 or more days without my lansoprazole i wouldn't be able to move for pains in my chest n stomach never mind doing it for 9 months!!! :@ geez!

What about gaviscon tho think that should be safe, did you check if are you allowed that, if you are maybe try that see if it helps any ....

Hope you feel better soon, sam :)

You can still take sum meds my doc said mine wasnt right for me to take while pregnant and im near the end ov my first trimester so not that far gone

12-26-2013, 01:00 PM
Hmm i would ask him for diff ones then BUT if you are going into your 2nd trimester your ribs most likely will be starting to move to allow room for the baby so this is prob where the pain is coming from, just another one of the joys of being a woman eh!! lol ...

12-26-2013, 02:46 PM
Im in so much pain already and now my anxiety is playing up I have pain in my chest :-(

think of your baby, think great thoughts and be amazed at that gift! Don't let anxiety ruin it, focus on that child! :) I'm jealous :)

12-27-2013, 09:05 PM
Why not follow some good suggestions from the people who have put a lot of effort in responding to you? Hm?