View Full Version : Anxiety like Clockwork

12-25-2013, 11:47 PM

I'm new here. I've been lurking for some time but I decided that it would be best for me to finally join in the discussion. :)

Basically I am wondering if anyone else feels their anxiety worsen at different times. For me, every night at around 8:00 I just get these overwhelming feelings of anxiety and depression. It feels like the only way to shake the feeling is to take my medicine then go to sleep. Anyone else experience this?

12-26-2013, 05:46 AM
Welcome friend!!

And yes, that's common. It is "generally" when the mind has time to focus on things, think, wonder, plan, and it can cause anxiety just like clockwork as you stated. I get the same issues, it also has something to do with another day gone by, we're a day older, did I accomplish enough, am I happy with myself, and even..how everyone else fared in this day too. Much of it may even be sub-conciously thought out or thought of too...

I feel the same, and I then must find something to occupy my mind until I'm ready to zzzzzzzz.....

Great to have new members!


12-26-2013, 06:25 AM
I definitely do! Between 3-5pm usually. Not sure why...been trying to figure that out.

12-26-2013, 06:35 AM
I definitely do! Between 3-5pm usually. Not sure why...been trying to figure that out. Usually 3-5 for me as well. It's so frustrating.

12-26-2013, 07:35 AM
Hey, thanks for all your help :)

Its really nice to know that I'm not the only one going through this. I think forums like this can be so helpful.

A dear friend of mine recommended trying to do something I like every day around that time to quell the feelings. How do you all cope with those waves when they come?

12-26-2013, 08:09 AM
"How do you all cope with those waves when they come?"

Personally speaking (typing), I sit down, grab some paper and an ink pen, and write the thoughts down...viewing the thoughts, is different than thinking the thoughts.

I then, minimize them,..and then throw them into the fire and move on....:)


12-26-2013, 01:08 PM
Great you joined :)

Anxiety can be incredibly habitual. Really, really habitual. It follows a lot of patterns. Perhaps after having a few bad spells at that time, a subconscious fear exists about approaching those times of day.

I mean if you got a beating everyday at 8pm, you'd be pretty tense whenever that time starts to roll around.

Perhaps there's something about those times of day that un nerve you. Less light perhaps, less distraction maybe. Everybody gets their time when their guard is down, and the anxiety and depression creep through.

5pm used to be my time. I asked my therapist about it a lot, he never seemed to care, eventually it just kinda... Stopped.

12-26-2013, 04:32 PM
Mine is in the morning. Pretty much every day I wake up with anxiety. Although lately it has subsided, the mornings are usually the worst for me. It is such a pain to wake up with anxiety and then try and motivate yourself. But welcome to the forum, it is truly a great place to find answers and get support. Good luck.