View Full Version : Why do you suppose we get numb after panic attacks?

12-25-2013, 10:02 PM
For the last month, I've been hit with some bad panic attacks again, and now, I just feel numb really.. Like for example, it being Christmas, I got a lot of great gifts today, things I really have wanted, but I just don't feel any real joy or connection enough to enjoy them. I've had great food too.. No matter what, I can't seem to shake that "numb" feeling. I honestly have felt like I don't even feel tired, or hungry even. I don't know what I feel, or what to do.. I hate this. and it's kind of scary.

Suggestions on ways to feel better?

12-25-2013, 10:14 PM
Me too. Christmas was great with the family, but I've felt disconnected as well. I've also had anxiety flare-ups the past few weeks due to a long-term sinus infection, doctor bills and visits, money shortage at the holidays, yada yada yada. I think it's pretty normal to have that disconnect. I honestly think it might just be our mind and body's way of taking a break after being put through the wringer. I'm starting to make a real effort to pull myself out of it, because I really don't want to fall into a state of depression. I've been making a list of nothing but positive things, things I plan to achieve next year. I find myself getting excited about some of it. Plus, I've been doing a lot of reading and trying to write humorous stories to entertain my friends on Facebook. Getting them to laugh makes me laugh, too...and helps me "reconnect" when I start disconnecting. Hope you get your joy and connection back soon.

12-26-2013, 04:29 AM
Me too. Christmas was great with the family, but I've felt disconnected as well. I've also had anxiety flare-ups the past few weeks due to a long-term sinus infection, doctor bills and visits, money shortage at the holidays, yada yada yada. I think it's pretty normal to have that disconnect. I honestly think it might just be our mind and body's way of taking a break after being put through the wringer. I'm starting to make a real effort to pull myself out of it, because I really don't want to fall into a state of depression. I've been making a list of nothing but positive things, things I plan to achieve next year. I find myself getting excited about some of it. Plus, I've been doing a lot of reading and trying to write humorous stories to entertain my friends on Facebook. Getting them to laugh makes me laugh, too...and helps me "reconnect" when I start disconnecting. Hope you get your joy and connection back soon.

Thanks for the response, I'm sorry you're feeling in a similar way. It's just lousy.. I haven't had anxiety this bad since the summer. It seems to go in cycles for me, I get better then start getting hit with attacks again, it just sucks so much. I wish I could make this horrible cycle stop to where I don't get THIS anxious anymore, it just won't go away, I've been dealing with this crap since about 2010, and it just sticks with me. :mad:

12-26-2013, 05:03 AM
For the last month, I've been hit with some bad panic attacks again, and now, I just feel numb really.. Like for example, it being Christmas, I got a lot of great gifts today, things I really have wanted, but I just don't feel any real joy or connection enough to enjoy them. I've had great food too.. No matter what, I can't seem to shake that "numb" feeling. I honestly have felt like I don't even feel tired, or hungry even. I don't know what I feel, or what to do.. I hate this. and it's kind of scary.

Suggestions on ways to feel better?

I still have this feeling even tho i've been pretty much back to my old self the last 3 years i still dont get excited about things anymore and i didnt love xmas before but ever since i got anxiety i couldn't be bothered at all with it, i would get presents and just thing ok i didnt really need that and felt like i was just analysing every gift and not getting excited so i started to feel like i was being selfish and that made me worse coz i knew i wasnt being its just i didnt feel any joy from it...

Yesterday was actually the first xmas since my anxiety started that i just wasnt any different and thats pretty much down to the fact i moved to turkey and they dont celebrate xmas here so it suits me fine lol :D not that im suggesting you all move to Turkey haha

Same with food i lost so much weight with anxiety i just couldnt eat like what i used too and i would stay up til like 2am even tho i needed to get up at 6am for work, i just seemed to be on autopilot now that i think back now.

I dont really know exactly what happened but one day i just didnt think about how i was feeling and since then for the last 3 years ive felt ok until it comes to taking tablets i still worry about that BUT it does get a lot better.

The only things i done was i took the propanalol the doc gave me, made sure i kept active, zumba, horse riding and running, i avoided staying alone as much as possible so it didnt give me time to think about things so much and i started to rationalise every thought, if i felt pain in my chest i would tell myself its acid take an antacid or maybe i was sitting wrong and pulled a muscle and i think that was my turning point when i took control of my thoughts, so keep busy try not to focus so much on how or what you feel and just carry on with your day.

Make sure you get enough sleep and if you are not up to eating big meals eat little but often so small snacks but like every few hours as hunger and tiredness can cloud your head/emotions, as even tho you may not feel hungry or tired you body more than likely is craving sleep and food as your mind is on high alert all the time its exhausted which prob explains the numb feelings.

12-27-2013, 06:11 AM
Thanks, I am slightly better today, but, definitely not where I want to be.. :( It's just hard to be happy when I feel so uncertain about the future all the time. *sigh*

Yes, I realized cognitive behavioral therapy helps me too, but even with all my anxiety knowledge and coping methods, it can still get the best of me some days when life stressors seem too overwhelming, it's always a fight. :(